
What your build says about you:

Axe - I'm a retard who wishes this were dark souls so I had poise and could knock every enemy down with one swing. I will never learn how to ki pulse and will literally pretend any mechanics that aren't in DaS don't exist

Spear - I'm a huge coward who is willing to sacrifice damage and style for (tedious) success. I don't know why I'm playing this game but it probably has something to do with people telling me it's hard

Kusari-Gama+Ninjitsu - I'm either the worst kind of Naruto-fellating weeb or else I've been watching other people play and want to just stealth my way through most encounters. I will hit a brick wall halfway through the game when enemies start sensing you when hidden and I find I'm massively underleveled

2Kat - I wish I were playing Ninja Gaiden but the closest I'll get is this overpowered monster of a weapon. I'll post highlights on twitch of me using one move to kill a stunned boss while massively overleveled and unironically think it makes me look good at the game

1Kat - Perfect patrician and honorabu samurai who knows how to balance damage, speed, and utility and will fly through the game on sheer skill and samurai spirit

Other urls found in this thread:

Buying Nioh makes you a ultra-weeb to begin with, so stop it.

*blocks your post with a perfectly timed counter and OHKOs you* Heh, witness the power of the katana, you lowly worm...

This isn't true at all to how I was using Axe in the demo and will be using in the actual game.


What your post says about OP:

He's a gigantic faggot

There are only the five weapon types listed (for now)

1Kat is clearly the best thanks to kick

Honorabu samurai
You do not have will of the warrior

The gamw doesn't even have 24 hours and there's already fucking morons who are memeing weapons.

I'll probably use 2kat just to piss off idiots like you.

Well, its a blunder that will be forgotten in a week so why not get it out of the way now?

You'll be thanking me when I smash the bosses ki in two seconds using my manly axe. Then you can come in with your toothpick and try to keep up in damage.

>reusing old memes

You realize there's been nearly a full week of time for people to play during the multiple beta tests, right?

>summoning help

You got it wrong, Papi, I'll be helping people not getting helped.
Because helping others is fun.

Off topic but doesn't this game feel like a ps2 tier game to anyone else? It;s so fucking that it feels like it was made in the wrong era.

very well then, we must duel

You do not have will of warrior, therefore duel is already over. I win.

You want rematch? I win again!

>doesn't this game feel like a ps2 tier game
huh that's probably why I actually like it

t. generic normie who uses the same weapon as 99% of the other players

Yeah, it kinda does. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying it so much.
Think again because I fight cheap.

you do know ninjutsu has x3+ second chance? it's broken

people shitting on spear when they don't know about how much more cheesy this is

>Ignore 4 out of the 5 melee weapon types because some faggot on Sup Forums says so

Only in that it's very similar to games like Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha which haven't had PS4/Xbone releases

so there is only 5 weapon types in the game eh.
do we at least get more skills than the demos?

I'm unironically not buying this game if there are no staves. I was so excited...

Is the chain and sickle some ninjutsu thing or is it a proper weapon category like 1kat, etc.?

Ehh, you're kinda a fag

its normal wep but scales most with dex so its considered in ninjutsu builds

doesn't matter that much everything soft caps so early so best builds are always spread out

Katana + ninja magic for me

Though i am also curious to using ninja tools.

>I had poise.
But you kind of can. it's called heavy armor.

>Niohfags like OP trying so desperately to distance their game from the Souls series

Calm down, it's alright. The devs themselves said that the Souls series was a huge source of inspiration for them when making Nioh. That doesn't mean they are the same game or that Nioh doesn't have its own merits.

I am having fun with Nioh, but I won't deny that there are similarities obviously.

Hold on a moment. Are there only 5 weapons in this game?

yes, magic and ninjitsu are drastically expanded from the betas and skill trees have far more options

Though I think it may make things a little too easy since they moved what used to be style properties into the skill tree (you can buy dodge pulse for any stance, for example)

Yes, but many different playstyles thanks to stances.
Ranged weapons help, too.

You forgot one thing OP

Sup Forums thread - I'm literally the biggest autist


No, there are 5 types of weapons.


5 weapon styles
3 stances per style
15 unique movesets

weapon drops are diablo-esque

No, that would be 3 per weapon.

Consensus? Worth 60 smackaroos?

In case you're unaware, Sup Forums started as the mecca of weebs.

Fucking newfags.


Pick one. Stealth ninjas are the worst.

That kinda depends but I'd say no. Wait untill it's cheaper in like a week or month.

OP started off by bashing weebs, I think the user you're replying to was telling him that if you buy this game you're already a weeb, so OP is a self loathing weeb.

magic or ninja tools?

>germany used to be mecca for nazis

Things change, usually for the better

Do you like Souls games? Have you ever liked an Onimusha or Ninja Gaiden? Then yes.

weeb - short for weeaboo
weeaboo - a specific type of japanophile who believes everything from japan is superior regardless of what it is. Often misuses the 3 japanese words he sort of knows in conversation. Says "kawaii" instead of cute, etc.

Lurk the fuck moar

No. You should buy For Honor for $99.99 + tip though.

So how many weapons could you max out in a playthrough if you spread stats?

My Amazon order is going to be very late, should I buy a copy at EB and return the sealed one when it arrives?

>1Kat - Perfect patrician and honorabu samurai who knows how to balance damage, speed, and utility and will fly through the game on sheer skill and samurai spirit- 51 posts and 7 image replies shown.
sasuga team ninja

You shouldn't buy from EB on general principle.

wont this not work with bosses that don't get stunlocked

>tfw going 1kat
It just feels right

Also do any of the requirements for the different armor types require more than 6-10 in a stat? Like I won't have to seriously commit to strength or anything to have some gear options, will I?

>Game is based on the first white samurai
>read up on him on wikipedia
>game gets it 100% completely wrong


All of them? It's like Souls, there's no limit to the amount of times you can level up if you've got the currency.

What's wrong with Kusarigama? It has decent range, high stance deals decent damage and you can grab and bring enemies towards you or jump close to bigger foes.

So is better to offer trash weapons at a shrine or break them down latter at the blacksmith?

There's apparently alot more to smithing so I'd say break them down. The little margarita you get from shrine offering isn't that great.

>tfw just beat the vampire boss solo

After I couldn't get her past a quarter of her health the previous attempts, it feels like a complete fluke.

>tfw Zipangu

If you're in desperate need of elixirs then give them to the shrine. Otherwise give them to the smith.

Nothing. If anything it's OP

Since when is 2kat good?

The betas were all about spears and sickle

>You don't get to keep the items from the tower of london
That's a big disappointing. I wanted to fuck people up with muh broadsword!

Not even post-game?

>6 weapons
Nioh is the blunder of the century.

PC version when?


>samurai spirit

Check your storage

>us oldfigs amirite guis?

Ohhh, thanks!

>mfw I only use the single sword and just have the dual blades on my secondary because I love the way having 3 swords looks

>this room

who /PEST/ here?


How do you earn Samurai skill points? I know you get some threw leveling, but occasionally I get some randomly while playing.


Gonna go full Body/Onmyo
Tank Faction

What are you gonna do about it?


You've clearly notnplayed the game. Kusarigama ar le ridiculously overpowered. Spear is great with magic builds.

You get them for increasing familiarity with weapons. You can essentially grind skill points by constantly switching to new weapons and raising familiarity.

Should I got 2kat+ninja or 2kat+omnyo

kusarigama + ninja

1kat/2kat is a great combo actually

any idea of the soft/hard caps yet?

is it worth if i dont want to online??

Why wouldn't you want to online?

So I'm getting the game tomorrow.

Is PS plus required? I wont do coop.

I have a normal PS4, does the game look really shitty on 60FPS mode? Is the unlocked framerate playable?

Is kusarigama + 2kat fun?

can someone give me a non meme analyses of each weapon, never got a chance to play the demos

Really shitty that they made the game even easier. It was suspicious of the high journalist ratings and my fears were true. They reduced the amount of enemies even more in the full game.

There used to be a guy behind this box in Alpha and Beta but he is gone now.

In this area here there were 2 enemies, now there is only 1. Is the same for many other areas in the level. Onis can now be staggered easier too. No wonder IGN loves it. Its casual as fuck now.


It's fine then. I think you'll still get access to revenants even without PS+



1kat is for parrying and decent damage.

2kat is less damage than 1, but faster and good for crowds and staggering enemies.

Axe is slow and powerful, pretty straight forward.

Spear is for keeping some distance and good for quickly draining enemy stamina. Decent for groups, shitty in tight spaces.

Kusarigama is overpowered as fuck. Great single and groupndamage, long range with high stance, incredibly quick in in mid/low stance for stunlocking.

Ninjutsu is good for status effects and various handy tools. Buffs and debuffs.

Magic is for elemental damage and summoning your guardian to attack.

That is redundant. Kusari and 2kat fill the same roll.

>have to decide between For Honor and Nioh
>buy Nioh
>Get For Honor instead

Son of a bitch.

60fps is better because it still looks like shit in "movie mode"

Dumbest thread we've had about Nioh yet?
Dumbest thread we've had about Nioh yet.
