10. Fallout 4 - 43 square miles
9. Dragon Age: Inquisition - 45 square miles
8. Grand Theft Auto 5 - 49 square miles
7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 84 square miles
6. Arma 3 - 104 Square Miles
5. Just Cause 3 - 400 square miles
4. Test Drive Unlimited 2 - 618 square miles
3. Fuel - 5,560 square miles
2. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - 62,000 square miles
1. No Man's Sky - 264 planets

Are you ready to apologize yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Hey girl, let me SONY DUALSHOCK3(tm) you."

"Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle"

I really need to play Fuel someday

That image just makes me want to say "Hi" to girls more, which I already did a lot of 'cause they rarely have anything interesting in their profile.

"So you like to travel and live to laugh, huh? Wow, that's uh... Those are certainly good things, yep. I thought your '6'2" OR ABOVE ONLY' line was really clever too."

What about Runescape?

>"So I'm really into music"
>What kind of music do you like?
>"Oh haha a little bit of everything!"

>two to the power of 64

And none of them have a real location, that's just the number of possible planets that their procedural generation algorithm can churn out.

Also the planets aren't actual spherical bodies on the surface. When you land, the explorable surface is rectangular and not true to scale.

"Hey girl, wanna see me speedrun Super Mario 3?"

62,000 square miles of open forest.

Wait, if we're counting proc gen then what about shit like Minecraft?

Burnout Rivals is 159 square miles
This list is dumb.

user let me tell you a secret

If someone tells you that for fun, they:
>listen to music
>watch movies/tv

They have ZERO personality and are not interesting in the least.

In that case, it would be a one night stand or just look for someone else

So even harsh noise drone, christian black metal, goregrind and turbo folk?

But i thought there were unlimited planets?


>No Xenoblade X

>"Yea, I really love Burzum and Merzbow"

Burzum ain't christian, it's pagan as fuck.

you all dont know the bullshit of talking to women until you come to japan

girls here are fucking impossible dense fucks

even my gf took like 3 weeks before she ever messaged me

>tinder match
>in english or japanese based on her ability
>introduce self and pose questions in fun manner
>any other country immediate response by normal ass human
>in japan get a single word reply 8 hours later
>follow up with equally enthusiastic message
>1 word reponse following night
inb4 le ur being rejected. thats not how it works here.

Damn daggerfall's map is bigger than skyrim

This isn't necessarily true.

Well, for TV and movies it is.

But music and cuisine can be approached from a hobbyist level and demonstrate just as much personality as vidya or literature.

I spent a couple years when I was younger bumming around southeast Asia and fell in love with a lot of the cuisine there. There's a lot of weird shit around the world that you'll never find outside of its country of origin, or if you know an extremely rare and oddly specific restaurant in your area that nobody has ever heard of. I love taking my friends to these places and showing them good new stuff, and appreciate it when they do that for me.

But you are right that in most cases the people who say this are empty shells of people. That doesn't mean those aren't legitimately interesting interests, though.

Maybe ur just ugly



>2^64 planets
>output by a BASIC program spewing worlds

Shame Varg didn't develop at all in prison, kept the mind of a teenager.

>3. Fuel - 5,560 square miles

Holy shit dude this game was AWFUL.

>Holy down gas until you hit the barrel, then plot a waypoint to the next barrel.


Based Varg

I agree.

Size alone is meaningless without taking how fast the player moves around it into account.
That stat is just empty marketing speak

>any other country

Dude I spent a year living in China and it was the same bullshit on WeChat. It helps that I'm a tall white guy so chicks did message me, but it was agonizing drawing out what should be a short conversation over 3 days until she finally agrees to go on a date.

Thank fucking god I met a girl there who was the coolest chick in the world and just wanted to be fuck buddies until my visa was up and I had to go home. It was literally the most stress free, fun relationship I had ever had, zero pressure.

And get this - she had a great sense of humor. Do you have any fucking idea how rare it is for women to be genuinely funny? It NEVER happens and it's the biggest turn on.

Daggerfall's map is bigger than the rest of 3D RPG games combined

what the fuck is that comment even supposed to mean?

you don't. it pretty bad.

>1. No Man's Sky - 264 planets
Wasn't it like 300k or 300kk planets or something?

>people ask me what my hobbies are
>too embarrassed to say video games, watching every single horror movie ever made no matter how shitty it is, looking for the most insane random ass music I can on the internet, MS paint art and cycling. Ok maybe I'm not embarrassed about the last thing.

if were count daggerfall and no man's sky, you should be counting minecraft too

they were throwing around numbers that make billions look like little girls

18 bazillions

>tfw the only hobbies I have are videogames and mango
>Vidya is the only one of the two I'm at least knowledgable about
Just fuck my life up senpaichi.

600 gorrillions

When you think about it, NMS is the only game filled with billions of UGLY AS FUCK creatures.

Why would you be embarrassed about doing things you like?

Am I autistic when I absolutely don't get this kind of behavior?

Yeah sure, they can be very interesting. But 9/10 times, someone that has it on their dating profile doesn't have that level of depth with it. Sure, when I say I like music, I mean I'm a musician and ive played gigs before and I know some music theory and all that good stuff, but most people just mean they listen to it in the car occasionally or they keep up with the latest hip hop track or they listen to acoustic songs when they're sad.

As for eating, unless you mean you're a cook or you legit have a hobby of exploring areas for great and new foods, it almost always means that they're lazy and only want someone to take them out to restaurants all the time so they don't have to pay for food.

NMS release week was a fun ride.

most of the 62k map is randomly generated terrain and highly undetailed

>after 3 days
Try beating your head against the proverbial wall that is japanese women for multiple weeks before meeting once for like an hour of eating if youre damn lucky. They are so vehemently against being pushy that even asking a second time for a date is considered too persistent. Fucking even calling it a date is met with immediate refusal. You have to do something as friends, but nothing more than eating so they dont have to commit to something if it doesnt go well (they know damn well its a date but they cant give up the facade bullshit)

Only country in the fucking world you can't just be like "hey lets go out this weekend" "ok." You have to set up a fucking appointment weeks if not months in advance because they are so busy or at least convince themselves they are busier than they actually are
>le take a le hint ugly Sup Forumsirgin
Again, even ugly girls do this. Even had to go through this shit with my CURRENT GF

And then they bitch about guys who just ask them to fuck on tinder.

Are you implying that 99% of 21st century western world population have no personality?

>christian black metal
Could you give me any recommendations?

They better turn it into horror game for NMS2.

That's all me, and I can confirm

Because I will be and have been judged as a sicko and a weirdo too many times. Doesn't really handicap me now that much, but it leaves a pretty bad first impression in most people, and when I was younger I got excluded in a lot of group activity because of my tastes as a child. Parents would tell their children not to play with me.

no, the subgenre sucks ass. If it ain't blasphemous it ain't cool.

is this true autism or just dedication?

>But 9/10 times, someone that has it on their dating profile doesn't have that level of depth with it.

Yes of course, I said that, but if somebody starts talking about food and they actually know their shit that's a good friend to have.

Especially if their area of expertise is different from yours. I'm an Asian food guy, so I'm all about Vietnam, Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and so on. Those are the countries I've visited, and then I've had some pretty fantastic food from others (not sure about the authenticity) from the region.

My best friend is a Muslim guy who has a preposterously good eye for decent Halal places of all sorts and from all countries.

So basically we go back and forth with restaurant recommendations. It's awesome because he shows me good stuff and I get to show him good stuff.

>one of my hobbies is to soak up knowledge about every subject I come across, genuinely enjoy to learn about new things
>always have something to add to conversations, people see me as knowledgeable, intelligent and charming
>severe social anxiety and depression makes any social interaction draining
>this has led me to break up with a girl I still love because I couldn't handle it

Things can always be worse, user.

I don't appreciate you calling Daggersfall map "highly undetailed".

>Xenoblade is 156 square miles
Not in the list
Fallout 4 shouldn't be in there.

forgot to add that I was that kid that wore Iron Maiden and Slayer kiddie T-shirts and I come from a small town.

I've been to china and the girls there will cling to any foreigner guy ( without asian eyes).
The problem is they literally know 0 english

If we're going to play that game, Elite Dangerous' world is 1,000,000,000,000ly3.

I only spent a couple weeks in Tokyo but I was able to get laid three times relatively easily.

If you're a decent looking white guy just go to bars where foreigners hang out. Japan is full of women waiting to jump on white dicks.

Maybe the Tinder culture there is just really weird? I dunno dude, but you can definitely get laid more easily than that. That sounds like a lot of bullshit to go through for chicks that are probably too modest to want to fuck.

>"Ah, it's refreshing to realise that I'm in that 1%!"
>t. 99% of the 21st century western world population

newsflash. Japanese women hate white people

>always have something to add to conversations, people see me as knowledgeable, intelligent and charming

No they don't. They see you as a severe autist know-it-all who talks down to everyone and lorde's his "intellect" that could be easily supplemented by wikipedia access.

Of course they know you have crippling emotional issues so they treat you well out of pity rather than respect because they don't want the guilt of hearing that you killed yourself.

You're a slacker, an underachiever, who uses internet research to justify his fantasy that he's an intellectual even though all of the real world evidence suggests the opposite is true. But hey, as long as you can regurgitate factoids as a party trick you get to maintain your delusion of intellect.

>go to tokyo bars
at that point youre competing with buff as shit western nfl looking dudes so even if not all the girls are taken they are looking past you

Yes to be fair I had way more success down in Fukuoka where I lived closer in the city, maybe partially due to a lower percentage of westerners.

I live an hour outside tokyo which is what I blame the decrease in matches to (getting jackpot as soon as i step back into fukuoka, taipei, hong kong, etc), but across the board its not just girls on tinder but in any situation they are weird as fuck.

had girls who were the ones seemingly aggresively pursuing me and pushing to meet to suddenly cancel with the "i got into a car crash" lie as im walking to the station to meet her.

getting laid a few times in nonstop bar/club visits in tokyo is entirely different than dealing with them on a regular basis

Yeah I get that. One of my closest friends is japanese, but raised in rural georgia. So he makes these crazy half jap half southern dishes. It's great.

It's just finding that in the sex you're attracted to is extremely rare.

newsflash they hate everyone as theyre raised to think the whole world is nothing but demonic rapist murderers out to get their panties

Not really.

White men to Japanese women are like black guys to white women. They consider us to be dumber than men of their own race, but to be much sexier, better in bed, well endowed and cool.

Women in most Asian countries think this way.

Anyone who has trouble getting laid needs to go on an Asian vacation.

only women with high standards are on tinder. better luck getting laid in afganistan

I'm sorry man.
I'm also from small town but somehow I never had to deal with this shit.

Pretty much everyone from 15 to 35 here was into chinese cartoons and video games to some degree, hell the biggest Chad in the town was an avid Lineage player and wanted everyone to call him Goku when he got shitfaced.

Guess I was just lucky.

Do it. Fuel is nice.
Protip: Knightmare can climb up almost 90 degree slopes, use it for exploration.

Runescape is actually really small. You can jog across the world (including members) in a few hours.

No Man's Sky: None. Unlike all other games, where the landscape is made more or less by hand, NMS is random gen garbage.

>tfw you have a cinema pass and go watch all the latest movies as a hobby each week on your downtime.

It might be true for women. But I consume enough media for two or three people as is.

>Anyone who has trouble getting laid needs to go on an Asian vacation.
Not to fucking Japan.

The fucking "white guy getting laid by dick thirsty yellow bitches" meme is NOT Japan. If you want that shit go to China, Thailand, or the phillipines. Thai and filipinas are ugly and std hell, and china is communist spitting pigs, so go to Taipei.

Taipei is the place to feel go to feel like hugh heffner

user let me tell you a secret

If someone tells you anything ELSE, they're either an attention whore, or the kind of person who builds their persona around their hobby.

is ok, didn't wanna start any feels, my life right now is alright, got loads of friends, maybe too many as socializing with everyone can take up most of my free time.

I can't stand most open world games. They often are no more than a bunch of hills with most of the content lacking any purpose other than being there for quantity's sake. Made even worse is that a lot of the modern ones also insist on having quest markers, essentially removing any real sense of exploration. Overall, they feel very shallow and lifeless.

funny cause Japanese soldiers raped more women than any other country

do they english in Taipei

I'm talking from experience.

It's not as easy as it was in Thailand or Vietnam but it's not hard to get pussy in Japan.

Japan is not your pure waifu paradise with modest and innocent girls whose faces go red if you want to hold hands.

This desu. Elite games are some of the biggest games out there.

No, I never talk down to anyone, and people don't take it that way. My friends typically come to me to ask for advice, especially when it comes to emotional stuff since well, I have a lot of personal experience dealing with that kind of stuff and I like to help even if it stresses me out.

And yeah, they do know I have crippling emotional issues. Now. They didn't used to know, because I did my best to make sure no one ever knew, faking a "normal" life and just dealing with all the problems I faced whenever I was alone.

and men photo upskirts and generally are the most perverted faggots on earth so the women think its true of all men worldwide

some yes but girls will spit blendtec-blended english at you in order to fuck so just go along with it and try not to make them feel bad for their garbage language skills

I got a lot of this in high school. I specifically remember one of my friends at the time saying to my "I don't get you, you're a nerd but you're not smart".

Shitty people giving you shit about your interests makes you a bit hesitant to discuss them with others, especially new people.

Is Tinder even worth using?

I'm too busy for a GF and can't be bothered to fuck, I just want to go out and talk to cool girls over a nice dinner every once in a while

>Japan is not your pure waifu paradise with modest and innocent girls whose faces go red if you want to hold hands.
never said it was but that meme is more accurate than "dude japan bitches drop panties for white guys lol" meme

Then how the hell did Fallout 4 make it to the list when it's literally a 15 minutes trip from one edge to another?

That would be nice.
A random dinner date with a girl. Not anywhere expensive, but just like going to a diner or restaurant and hanging out for a bit no expectations or strings attatched.

It's not a meme though.

Again, talking from experience. Maybe I just got incredibly lucky in my two weeks there, but other than being really tall I'm not a particularly good looking guy.

If we're talking Asia in general Japan is probably the worst place to go, but that's only because Asia is the easiest continent to get laid in. Even the worst Asian country is a million times easier than anywhere else.

getting a gf and fucking a club whore are vastly different things

That projecting

But we're talking about getting laid. That's what this whole conversation has been about.

eh, where I live it's kinda luckluster. Most of my friends had no luck there, both male and female (granted only one female friend made an account), I think one male friend managed to have a one night stand. I tried it, went to a date once, chick seemed really nervous and tried to say anything that will please me, kissed me on the mouth by at the end of the date when I walked her home, but sent me messages tomorrow she doesn't really want a boyfriend nor sex. I never tried again, I might have better luck, but Tinder makes me feel like a complete loser.

Normies are amazing.

>I'm too busy for a GF and can't be bothered to fuck, I just want to go out and talk to cool girls over a nice dinner every once in a while

That's what guy friends are for you fucking dolt.

This. Getting a one-night stand at a club doesn't require much effort.

Simply getting laid is extremely overrated, though. I've never had that kind of drive. Without the emotional ties, sex is meaningless.

>Without the emotional ties, sex is meaningless.
Get outta here. Sex without emotional ties is the purest.

To each their own, I suppose. I never got anything out of that.