This is Fuuka Yamagishi, a Japanese tech expert

This is Fuuka Yamagishi, a Japanese tech expert.


Too bad being tech savvy didn't protect her from being relentlessly raped by shadows when she was trapped in Tartarus.

Why was her English VA so fucking bad? I wanted to like her but every time she opened her mouth it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

I don't think it was her VA, I believe the lack of direction from the voice director is the main problem.

I'll have to burst your perverted bubble and remind you that Fuuka never saw any of the shadows while she was there.

How does she feel about being in the worst Persona game?

Careful with those opinions, user.

It's not an opinion it's a statement of fact
2 EP > 2 IS > 4 > 1 > 3

>EP above IS
Opinion discarded.


I mean, they have good writing, but as games they fail in a lot of ways


I can't wait for ATLUS to milk P5 to the ground and make Futaba and Fuuka have cringeworthy and badly written interactions.

Is this one f those yuri games? She looks like a lesbian.

Ebin, I can't wait to see you post this another 500 times

Right back at you, op.

>have a friend that loves Fuuka
>claims she's bestgirl
>Mitsuru, Chiri(?), Yukari, Aegis and Mitsuru all objectively better girls
>Ask him why he thinks Fuuka is best
>"her social link is really good and she's cute, I think girls that look like cute boys are hot"

So is he gay or just autistic?

Blind, Fuuka does not look like a boy.

He really likes her short hair. he hates Yukari though

She doesn't look like a boy though. She's just ugly.

True, Fuuka's short hair is cute, but short hair doesn't mean you automatically look like a boy.

>he hates Yukari

I can sorta see why, since Fuuka and Yukari are kind of opposites.


All of these games have shit gameplay, why would you play them if not for the writing?
1 is the only game that stands up as a dungeon crawler.

I'm not arguing against that, but not every game is as frustrating to go through as P2 IS and P2 EP.
P3 is fun thanks to how much you can customize your playstyle, it's a shame it's the only game that lets you do that tho.

I found P3 to be the most boring of the series.

Tartarsauce is too long and repetitive or it to be the only dungeon in the game.

Then again I used frameskip while playing P2.

>tfw when I first played P3 I maxed Courage ASAP
Yukari is my second favorite though. Wouldn't waifu but would hang out with.

Been curious about playing P1/P2 for the longest time though, how is the no social link more SMT-like ride and how crazy is it gonna get?

P2 isn't as great as people want you to believe. Things do get a bit crazy, but not Raidou crazy.
The gameplay is ass.



I found P2's dungeons more frustrating since random encounters happened too often and estoma was a pain to get.
P3's dungeon was much more tolerable thanks to being able to go at your own pace and having the chance to avoid encounters when you feel you fought enough.

P1 is your standard RPG dungeon crawler, it's got a decent plot and pretty good characters, the gameplay is varied enough to keep you entertained and it shows you a lot of features you don't find in any other persona game

>how crazy is it gonna get?

Think of exploring dream words while talking to your shadow who is not a dick and likes you.
While also fighting demons, butterflies and mutated humans.

as for the P2 duology, you'll meet not-hitler and his robot army and also fight chaos itself who has taken form of you and your friend's parents.

But like I said before, gameplay is not enjoyable, you'll press triangle for every encounter

I need help lads. I just can't get into p3. I'm close to the end of the first block but I'm already burnt out clearing every floor. Am I doing something wrong?

No this is Fuuka

Best couple.

What do you look for in an rpg? Persona 3 just may not be your cup of tea.

No she's not, her school emblem and S.E.E.S. band are on the wrong side.
And her turtleneck is missing the flower pattern.

No Fuuka cosplayer ever gets her color or uniform right.

I don't mind the grind, but I enjoyed persona 4 dungeons because at least the enemies and dungeon changed.

I thought it was Toriumi cosplaying as Yukari.
i'm disappointed.

Well, the dungeon does change appearance every block, and the enemies change too, but they're still a handful of the same ones recolored, which P4 suffers from too.

Are your problems all style related?

Not him, but P4 dungeons had different themes and showed the party reacting to them. There were funny bits of dialogue and story related events here and there, and didn't feel like they were something to do while you were waiting for the next boss of the year.

Well, that seems more of a style related complaint if you ask me.
P3 also has some interactions but they're not as ''out there'' as P4's
> There were funny bits of dialogue and story related events here and there

So did P3.

> and didn't feel like they were something to do while you were waiting for the next boss of the year.

I'd argue that you do that too the moment you rescue anyone from the dungeon.

You also spend considerably less inside the P4 dungeons, since they're easy to beat in a day or two.

Tartar sauce


P3 fans have this weird complex, they try to shit on P4 fans so they can tag along when mainline SMT fans criticise Persona for being anime.
They're completely incapable of realizing that P3 is more anime than P4 and has equally dumbed down gameplay.

They're like the kid with glasses on the playground desperately trying but failing to join in with the schoolyard bullies so they don't become a target themselves.



Not really.
P4: kanji's dungeon is pretty gay, etc...
P3: how was your day Junpei coon/the floor has changed
P4: x's shadow teasing you
P3: strong shadow that doesn't play an important role mid way
P4: Related to the person you are trying to save
P3: something to do while waiting for the next full moon boss(until the last couple of months)

Tartarus feels mire like a side dungeon than a main one.

I think I know what my problem was. I tired to clear the first block in a few days just like persona 4 when I need to take it a lot slower. I'm gonna give it another try.

Nevermind I'm stupd

Like I said, P3's interactions aren't as ''out there'' as P4's

There's stuff like teammates finding money and keeping it, and then buying their own equipment.
You also have them asking if they can leave battle when they're in bad shape.
Also they react to the equipment you put on them, which I believe P4 doesn't do.

Yeah, the fatigue mechanic is something you gotta keep an eye out the first months.

My advice is visit every 3 days and rest a day before so you are in ''great'' status.

This is Chie Satonaka. And as you can see she is clearly the best girl in the Persona franchise.

Those are all gameplay mechanics and have nothing to do with the dungeon.

Fuuka is the best :3

They count as interactions, but if you mean that they speak specifically about the dungeon while they're there then you're right, P3 doesn't do that as much.
The ones I can think of that do that are the love hotel and underground facilities, they get a lot of dialogue about them.


>p3 is more anime than p4

nice m8

Fuuka is definitely the best to me.

Aigis is anime as fuck.

Teddie is 200% more than her

>teenagers working for a super secret organisation
>teenage robot chick
>fucking revenge request shit

you are in denial

And so are
>Nationwide famous idol who isn't harassed by her fans and lives a normal life
>16 year old veteran detective with a gun
>shadow bear

>fucking revenge request shit
This was literally just a 2 second thing that disappeared instantly
And how the fuck is that anime? you think hitmen are just fictional?

P5 was GOAT but P3 will always have a special place in my heart.

I miss it

shut the FUCK UP Onsokomaru.

No way fag. Teddy is jus a confused shadow and fits persona's setting.
Aigis is a super advanced toaster made 10 years ago and clashes with P3's setting. She also falls inlove with MC for the easy otaku bucks.

Idols are pretty common though.
But I agree that Naoto is anime as fuck. Not as bad as Aigis but close enough.

You're right there's nothing anime about kids being turned into persona users by an out of control corporation and then becoming hitmen and also one of them dresses like jesus and they have to take drugs or their twisted dark side will come out and also they run a website where they perform assassinations for school kids.

All Persona games are super anime. Arguing about which is the most anime is like arguing about which ocean is the wettest.

>Idols are pretty common though.
Yeah, you see them all the time in highschool

Moron and not stalked by numerous horny fans

It's the pacific


I still go back every year to do a playtrough, and I still find new stuff with each one.

P3's a gem.

There are 15 year old idols, you know?

And only sickos care about idols so stalking is an every day occurrence.

idols are common in JAPAN which is what makes a WEEABOO. jesus p4 fans stay fucking tilted. your game has better mechanics but holy hell the story are characters are more weeaboo

>game set in Japan has Japanese things

>p3 is also set in japan and doesnt have idols

what was your point?


Because they are not relevant to the game? Are you retarded, mister?

rise being an idol and being stalked was plot relevant to her

Guys pls stop

Congratulations! You just realized why P4 having an idol makes sense.
There's the whole TV thing too.

Made it better

i never said it didnt make sense or that it didnt fit... i said it was more weeaboo which can be good or bad depending on your stance

Idols are shit

A Japanese game set in Japan having an idol isn't weeb, you retard.
A Japanese game set in Japan having a super advanced robot that talks to dogs and completely clashes with the setting is though. Giving her a slink in FES mad things even worse.

I like how you conveniently forget about Teddy.


He's just in denial that he laps up anime trash just as much as you P4 shitters. It's probably a tough realization for someone who thinks he's not a casual.

Not when Fuuka can scan.

Maybe it was done for PQ, where Fuuka can only do shitty low healing spells while Rise has skills that let you strike first, and or even let the party use skills for 0 SP.

>let you strike first

Which you already do all the time
>skills for 0 SP

You never run out of SP in PQ because you're always using phys skills.
Also, Fuuka's healing allows you to sustain your party without needing spell healing, meaning an all offensive party is viable.

And Fuuka does stuff like
>give you +50% EXP
>give you a full HP restore and remove your ailments
> buff Attack+Defense

I didn't forget about him though.



>fuuka's voice

And even then, the dialogue refers to Mamiko Noto, Fuuka's ACTUAL VA, who's got a voice sweeter than honey and softer than cotton.

No matter what caused it, it was still bad

She's so boring

>Playing with Jap VAs

To you maybe.

To me, there's nothing more entertaining and fun than watching a science fiction flick or taking care of some plants together or even help Fuuka improve her culinary skills.

>Christmas date
>Yukari gives you a homemade cake
>Mitsuru gives you a bottle of the finest wine
>Fuuka gives you a single cookie

Why do we like Fuuka again?

I don't know about ''we'' but I love her because she's a kind, cute and hardworking girl.

Basing how much you like someone only on how much they cook for you is silly.

She's ugly, she's boring and her voice sucks.


Literally everyone hates Fuuka.