>still the best healer in the game
>still a must pick along with Lucio
Will Blizzard ever fix their game?
>still the best healer in the game
>still a must pick along with Lucio
Will Blizzard ever fix their game?
As long as you still have tanks like Roadhog running around, shit is almost never going to be fixed.
>Mercy, the only healer that plays like a healer is useless
It's a shame she is also one of the cutest.
>the healer that requires the most skill is the most effective healer
Is this a bad thing? I want to be rewarded for being good. Too bad the rest of the game doesn't follow this design philosophy.
Ana needs a ROF and ammo clip nerf. She is basically Mccree + Mercy w/o resurrection in one package.
Ana was almost perfect with their depute. Blizzard decided to buff her to sway away Lucio (Speed boost nerf and later healing nerf) and Zenyetta (His Discord Orb got nerfed with Ana intro patch)). It worked too well.
Ana is pretty damn easy to play bro (IMO she is really a two-stars difficulty hero). Her learning curve is literately getting used to throwing grenades and aiming with the dart.
There will always be a meta to the game, but Blizzard needs to learn to take baby steps instead of a full strength nerf hammer strike.
>most skill
>stand 2m behind the biggest targets in the game and hold m1
>Your 3 most picked heroes
>Your 3 heroes that you love to have on the same team
>Your 3 most hated heroes
>Your waifu/husbando overall
Bastion Mei, I hate it too Mercy
Bastion Winston Phara
Mei Junkrat Hanzo
Why do they all have bigger butts than Widow in this pic?
Mercy is one of those characters who is either shit or game ruiningly OP.
Prior to her ult her she made the game extremely unfun because every teamfight revolved around making sure she died at a proper time as to not allow her to rez too many people.
Blizzard has literally never knew how to balance a game. If any of you OW shitters played their other shit it should be clear by now. Especially after fucking 10+ years of shit WoW balance patches.
>That pistol
>Near-constant res available
>Can stick to DPS like Soldier and make them walking apocalypses
She's useless relative to running shitslut and the jumping nigger.
Zenyatta, Soldier 76, Lucio
Reinhardt, Pharah, Ana
Symmetra, Reaper, Sombra (just because of her voice)
Junkrat, Roadhog, Zenyatta
Junkrat, Roadhog, Lucio
Tracer, Genji, Mei
so mercy
I enjoy shitposting.
Zarya, Phara, Zenyatta
Mercy, Reinhardt, Zenyatta
Widow, Hanzo, Genji
They're all pretty hot
Mercy is shit tier bro.
Pistol isn't really that great either. It is a copy + paste of D.va's pistol. She has a larger hitbox too. Mercy gets murdered fast if try to use her offensively.
Resurrection is massively overrated. It is too damn reactionary for its own good. Most of the time is just free kills for the enemy team. It rarely decides a match.
junkrat makes me want to blow my brains out
he needs to be removed from the game
Soldier 76, Ana, Reinhardt
Pharah, Mercy, D.va
Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker
Junkrat is just for people who like to annoy people. Not for people who actually want to win
>can one shot most of the entire cast, except for a few tanks
>can get a pick every 6 seconds
>self heal
The worst part is there is no way to fix him without making him unbalanced
Guys if you have a Mei and a Zarya on the same team, is it better for Zarya to use her ult first or Mei to use her ultimate first?
Lets assume a situation where we also have another hero in play that can scare the team's healers into triggering their ults so neither is trivialized.
Zarya should go first.
That is almost always the correct answer, as Zarya's is much harder to avoid, and much harder to leave once in. Once they are all together, you can freeze them with Mei's ult.
If Mei goes first everyone will scatter
Lucio, Ana, Symmetra
Zenyatta, Zarya, Ana
Mei, Symmetra, Roadhog/Dva and Spamzo
Widow, Tracer, Reinhardt.
Roadhog, Good Hanzo, Good Anna.
Tracer 2 fun, Mcreeee is a meme fiesta though with that damage.
Maybe tanks shouldn't be outdamaging DPSs.
Reaper's shotgun should be the de jure best in the game as an offense hero, and every other "shotgun" hero balanced around that.
Should Reaper be one-shotting everybody that isn't a tank? No, and neither should much more durable units.
>Mei, Junkrat, Mercy
>Reinhart, Zarya, Bastion
>Mei, Junkrat, Ana
Roadhog, Zarya, Zenyatta. Been playing them since the start and I'm not about to stop, they're all too much fun.Since she was released, Sombra too, but she's no where near the top of the board. Yet.
Junkrat, D.Va and Winston.
Pharah, Tracer and Mei
I like the cut of your jib, my friend
That is the exact problem with tanks, they can DPS even more than offense and Blizzard can't balance them without fuck them, also the fact that the old Zen discord used to be good countering tanks and it was nerfed shows how Blizzards doesn't know how to balance shit.
>playing Reinhardt
>team runs in front of my shield just to shoot the enemy and are often torn to shreds or even hooked away by a Roadhog halfway across the map
Y'all know you can shoot through the shield, right?
hold on is zaryas butt out of frame?
>Your 3 most picked heroes
QP- D. Va, Lucio, Zen
Comp- Zarya, Zen, Ana or Winston
>Your 3 heroes that you love to have on the same team
A good Rein, a good S:76, a good Lucio or Hog
>Your 3 most hated heroes
Mei, Mei-Ling Zhou, a good Widowmaker because I'm really fucking jealous and mad that I just can't use her for the life of me even though I can play just about anyone else
>Your waifu/husbando overall
Usually I'd say Mercy, but fucking everyone says her, so probably old Ana
>playing Reinhard
>friendly Soldier 76 runs away whenever enemies appear instead of shooting them through my shield
Some faggot cropped her out
>tali with tattoos.
And it's canon, too
Roadhigs not even that good. Only trash players complain about him
I just had to quit playing Overwatch. I reached Diamond, pressed my luck, and plummeted back into Platinum. Now I'm stuck with the wannabe DPS and the idiots who pick Mercy despite her not being good for half a year at this point. I just raged all the time; it's not worth it.
No she doesnt a sniper healer is a stupid idea. Snipers are already far away from the oppent making a healer sniper that doesnt even need to look at her oppenent is broken
Wait what? Really? Its been so long since I last touched a ME game I don't really remember anything about it.
Why do you need to be platnum? What's the goal?
Countersniping maybe?
Either way is too easy for Anas, just spamming grenades into the crowd messing with other healer's job and buffing his teammates.
Even hipfiring is a real strategy.
I had a long post going over all the numbers and shit on the characters but it got deleted.
Roadhog deals around the same amount of damage as Tracer and Reaper can in the span of one second, which makes sense seeing as all of their weapons require one to be very close to the enemy. The rest of the damage dealers can deal their full damage at much further and presumably safer, ranges. Zarya deals out damage comparable to the ranged attackers with her gun as well.
Both Zarya and Roadhog's main way of protecting the team is by killing the enemy faster than they can kill you, from this stand point it makes sense for them to deal out damage that you'd see on an attacker, as they do not have the sustained damage blockers of Winstons, Reinhardt or D.Va.
Not that user but I believe in the Citadel dlc, Tali says she got a tattoo. I don't remember if you needed to romance her for it to come up though, and/or if it was about Shepard. I didn't give Bioware money after ME3
>Both Zarya and Roadhog's main way of protecting the team is by killing the enemy faster than they can kill you
That's kind of a spurious argument. That's like arguing everybody should be a tank because you can stop bullets from hitting your teammates by getting hit instead.
Widow is shit though and unlikely to see her because ana hides to much. I just run up and hook her with roadhog
You mean break their game again?
This shit can't be "fixed or balanced", we all know that
There will always be top tier classes and shit fucking garbage actually damaging your team
I'm already Platinum. I want to get back to Diamond, but that won't happen.
I spent hundreds of hours playing this game. I got my money's worth.
He plays over watch he's autistic of course
Mercy gets played a lot more nowadays. Is annoying for a lot of characters but no enemy Lucio makes playing Tracer a lot more fun since the enemy can't just fall in on you and gangbang your position at any moments notice.
>with a single button press she does FOUR distinct and different actions
>30% healing boost means unless all six enemies are focusing on one target she can outheal any non-instant kill attack
>complete Healing Block means any enemy hit by it is utterly fucked and potentially the entire enemy team can be hit by it
>THE most powerful crowd-control ability in the game
>heals more per shot than any other healer and does more non-headshot damage than any other DPSer
She has enough in her kit for three separate characters, no other character in the game including Sombra (who came after Ana) has so much.
-remove healing boost and healing block from her grenade and give it to a character who specializes in enhancing and debuffing healing
-remove Sleep Dart and give it to a character who specializes in status conditions
-lower both the healing and damage from her M1 to 50
-give her a blind she can deploy to hide inside and fire from that takes damage for her until it collapses
There, now she's on par with everyone else.
>that one player who instalocks junkrat every game, regardless of map/team/attack
Why are people even fucking saltier in Arcade than they are in Quick Play? I mean, yeah, the Lootboxes, but fuck.
The whiny people in chat is once every few matches in QP, it's EVERY match in Arcade. Even literal joke modes like Mystery Heroes.
I fucking hate Lucio. He honestly reminds me exactly of Omni from dota-- A shitter crutch hero that doesn't require any skill and is the team's cuck
I'm saying that their kits aren't set up to block a lot of damage over long periods, rather to absorb small amounts and punish the people that attacked.
Zarya does it by literally getting stronger as you shoot at her and her team, Roadhog does it by being able to take the hit, pull in whoever came out of cover, and kill them, then heal. Neither are capable of surviving continuous fire like Reinhardt, Winston, or D.Va can with their shields.
By and large Blizzards concept of a tank in overwatch seems to be different from what people want it to mean. Tanks have two major purposes. To protect the team from damage, and to interrupt and displace the enemy. Roadhog has no ability to protect the team from damage, so instead he has a very powerful displacement tool, his hook.
>skill based healer is by far the best
who woulda thunk it
>That player is me.
>I don't actually care, because Junkrat is just too much fun.
Lucio, Reinhardt, D.Va
Reinhardt, Ana, Soldier 76
Mei, Genji, Phara (as an enemy character)
If that's all you do then you're not utilizing her right. A good Ana will keep those Pharahs and Genjis flying around on the other side of the map alive.
She renders Mercy obsolete but Mercy is so helpless and braindead anyway, literally who cares
i don't, but junkrat is pretty dumb fun so i can see why people would
Can you not read? I said Junkrat is my 2nd most hated.
In the citadel DLC she gets a tattoo, and comments on it after the party
>3 most picked
>Your 3 heroes that you love to have on the same team
Zarya (That's all I just love Zaryas on my team.)
>Your 3 most hated heroes
Junkrat, fuck I hope he never gets buffed that guy can 2 shot people nearly in an instant.
Roadhog, fuck they nerfed every single one of his counter or made it so he can one shot them.
Roadhog again, fuck that guy.
>Your Waifu/husbando Overall
Widow, she's shit but I want to tame that ass.
Why are Ana's epic skins so much better than her legendary ones?
I want Mercy to have a second ult that increases everyone's damage by 50% for a bit. So many games I'm just holding on to it because no one is dying or its one death. It also fits her heal/boost theme.
God bless. Bioware hasn't done anything good for awhile, but appealing to my tattoo'd up girls/girls getting bodymods is a good way to make me buy those games.
Ana has some of the best epics in general, it's pretty unfair
jesus thats more like gutting her completely. i agree she's pretty polarizing right now but come on dude
>allow people to mash out of sleep dart, literally why isn't this a thing when the dart lasts like 3-5 secs
>lower healing boost to 30% and healing block to 50 or 40%
>either lower her damage overall or make it where it does a lot less damage up close
i'd actually be cool with the blind replacing the sleep dart tho, due to the fact you cant mash out of sleep being utterly ridiculous
She isn't skillful at all. I have 80% average accuracy with her and I've never played an FPS (and stuck to it) before in my life.
>take everything away from her THERE SHE's FIXED
you're somehow worst at balancing then blizzard, how does that feel?
The whole scene is really cute, and she even describes it at one point, while she's drunk and locked in the bathroom. It only made me like her more
Hog is a crutch. I know im a bad Hog player but when I get him in random heros even I can average a kill every 30 seconds.
>Pharah, Junkrat, Tracer
>Reinhardt, Soldier, Ana
>Genji, Symmetra, Widowmaker
Please, that's nowhere near "gutting her". She still has the grenade that does 100 heals and 75 damage and her all-purpose sniper rifle.
Name another character who has as much as she does, then ask why she's allowed to do everything except be a tank herself. THAT is not balanced at all.
i guarantee you if your changes went into effect, ana would not be played ever
Roadhog, Lucio, Mei
Reinhardt, Symmetra, Widowmaker
McCree, Genji, Bastion
The shit taste is real.
This is now a young Ana thread.
It's a shame that the one character that is supposed to kill specific characters (healers and tanks) to help the team has such shitty weapon and not any upside or benefit for good accuracy or headshots.
She also has no abilities that help her, her hook is good but very necesary for her and the venom mine is useless if a tank or a dps is coming for you since they can kill you very easy.
Wallhacks are cool and all but is only usefull for flankers and such, she need a buff in her weapon and maybe a new ability.
Symmetra is the prettiest and most perfect Overwatcher.
All other girls are filthy by comparison.
Because people use her 100% of the time precisely because she has too much overpowered shit. She's the reason the multi-tank meta is so powerful, she can heal all three/four tanks to full in no time with a grenade and her gun, then sleep whatever enemy is the biggest threat/trying to get to her.
>No upside for good accuracy or head shots
being able to kill all but five characters in one shot while being largely out of harms way isn't an upside?
Pharah, D.va, Lucio, Junkrat, Bastion, Tracer, Mercy, Winston, Genji (even my least played heros have 4 hours in. my most played range between 20-30 hours each)
Rhein, Symm, Lucio
my gf
so you want to remove every single thing about her? You're absolutely retarded, enjoy shouting on the chan while everyone calls you what you are.
so your plan is remove every "overpowered" thing about her so that no one plays her
Symmetra looks like she shits in the spawn point.
>all fan art depicts her without the witch hook nose
she needs facial surgery, a lot of it
>Symmetra is the prettiest and most perfect Overwatcher.
If you're into man, sure.
If people stop playing her altogether because she's no longer overpowered, that goes to show just how overpowered she is, doesn't it. Have you ever played high-level OW? Ana is THE healer used 100% of the time because she's overpowered, the other healers are either absent or Lucio is there for his speed boost. When one character in a class is used 100% over all the other characters in that class that means they're overpowered. Why do you Ana humpers always fail to understand this simple concept?
The five characters that she can't one shot kill are the one that keep the other heroes alive and steam roll in fights.