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This makes me want one.

end of the thread

this thread gets posted every day.

Can't I just walk up to the counter that Friday and pick up the shit?

>tfw preordered on best buy

>This gets posted like a month ago
>Go to my account to see if it's cancelled
>It's not

>This gets posted yesterday
>Go to my account to see if it's cancelled
>It's not

Maybe it's because I already have it fully paid off? Early sources cited that it really only happened to customers that didn't have a full deposit on it.

Which honestly, why the fuck would you pre-order a console if you're not ready to pay for it?

Must be joking.

Nintendo are creating artificial scarcity.
2 million units in the first several months worldwide.
Scalpers are running rampant and the prices on ebay will be ridiculous.

Why would you give an interest free loan to Gamestop?

>Nintendo manufactures small quantity of Switch consoles so they don't end up with piles of unsold shit like with Wii-U
>for some reason people are hyped and there's a demand

If you camp out the night before you can.

>interest free loan
Because not everyone around here treats few hundred $ purchase like some life changing event or gigantic investment opportunity that could make you rich in matter of months.

>2 million units in the first several months worldwide.
2 march alone faggot

> artificial scarcity.
I swear this word should be bannable offense as non of you faggots know what it meas or how to apply

>Which honestly, why the fuck would you pre-order
That's a good question user

Get your tongue out of Nintendo's ass and face facts kid.

Wait people pre-order this shit online? Why the fuck would you do that?

The store near me got 53 of the damn things and the morning they opened pre-orders there were only like 5 people in line before they opened. I'm sure they sold out by the end of the day or the next day but why would retards use the website that is notorious for fucking up pre-orders?

what facts? all you said was something wrong and something wrong too

>nintendo literally ramping up production, doing all they can to produce as many as possible

no, people just want it. too many people.

>Ship out 10 units
>WOW look at this shortage! Everyone wants one!

Too many scalpers

The delusion of Sonyggers never ceases to amaze me.

The Nintendo Switch will match the PS4's lifetime sales in a matter of months.

>no source
Fuck off.

My nigga

good goyim

IT. Stupid faggots running fanblogs and pretending they are journalist on new websites will post anything you send them.

Why is everyone ignoring this post

Because it was put together by a Sonygger and that's blatantly obvious.

This honestly doesn't even deserve a (You) so I hope you appreciate it.

Because this is Sup Forums

prolly trying to even out the new & pre-owned sales proportions


They cancelled mine the day of release.

And they lied to my face about why.

But it could. You could drop that money on Limited Run Games, flip them, and double your money. Interest is the bare minimum you should expect when tying up your money.

Why doesn't Nintendo make more then?

My Grandma has property taxes every year. Because she's elderly I think they allow her to deffer the payment for like 5 years. Instead of paying the taxes she simply dumps the money into a term deposit, and pays the taxes late. It's free money basically.

Gamestop definitely has an investment department that's getting rich off NEET's spare change.