ITT: God tier devs

ITT: God tier devs
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Donkey Kong Country returns
>Mario Kart 7 added underwater and gliding
>Tropical Freeze is the best side scrolling platformer this generation

Can they do wrong?

obligatory what are they working on???


I heard there has been large employee turnover since their partnership with Nintendo began. So I wouldn't be surprised if a flop comes. Since the team is very different.

Retro disagrees

The DK games are the only good thing they have worked on. They killed Metroid.

Nah, I loved the Prime games. Look what happened when the original creator farted one out.

That being said, the DK games are godly and they deserve to make a trilogy out of it. If they announced another Retro DK, I would buy the Switch.

So you're confirming what I said. The fact that they're making the distinction between Metroid devs, DK devs, and "industry veterans", only serves as evidence to show how diluted their team has become since Metroid 1. Because if the team was unchanged, then such a distinction isn't necessary.

They've been working on a game since Tropical Freeze was finished, I think it's been too long for it to be another DK game. I really hope we get a third one eventually though.

>Look what happened when the original creator farted one out.
Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission were great.

Yeah, but Prime worked in 3D unlike Other M.

So why does a Texas studio make these Japanese franchises better than Japs can? I know DK as we know it today was never really Japanese, but I feel like Retro could develop any of their games better than they can. They're the premium Nintendo developer while Nintendo EAD is just that obligatory make another alright Nintendo game company. Imagine if Retro did the next Zelda instead.

People love Metroid Prime.

I'm not the user saying Retro killed Metroid. I was just pointing out that the guy who did kill Metroid also made two amazing games at the Time time Prime 1 and 2 came out. But no one gives him that consideration. He makes one flop, and people erase his entire credit.

And lets not pretend like Prime was going down a good road. The series was becoming progressively more linear, it was becoming too federation heavy, and it was setting up for more hunter OCs to get introduced. Even though, let's face it, the hunter designs are pretty shit. Also with the increased amount of voice acting they were including, you could bet Prime 4 would have a punch of yammering OCs, and perhaps even their own shitty voice for Samus.

I liked Prime and Retro. But I'm no sycophant. They were showing signs of degradation.

Tropical freeze was pretty bad though, too many trial and error levels.

At least Prime tried to be something different instead of copying super metroid.

Retro did not work on Metroid 1. Prime was the first game they did with Nintendo. Prior to prime, Retro wasn't really on the map.

Prime was Zelda in space.

I meant Prime 1, not Metroid 1. My mistake, but you could have figured that out using context clues.

>first person
>can jump
>based around shooting
>exploration based

>Zelda in space

Zelda doesn't have backtracking and isn't first person. Try again.

You are able to jump in Zelda as well. Even in some of the 2D games. In Zelda, jumping is more of a tool really. Not so much about platforming. The same goes for Prime. The game doesn't demand any proficient platforming. Jumping is merely a tool. Prime changed the formula from an action platforming game, to a puzzle adventure game.

You enter a room, discover the puzzle, find a solution, execute the solution using the specific tool you need, get the "puzzle solved" sound effect, and then move on. This is the same structure as Zelda.

People keep saying this every time and every time they release another amazing game.

>Zelda doesn't have backtracking
I see you have never played a Zelda before.

>studio gets gutted after under-performing for their last game(arguably the last 3)
>people still think they will have the same quality in their releases

>original creator
Gunpei Yokoi died in the 90's

It's been nice that they've managed to put out quality games despite the employee turnover. However, it's foolish to think that everything will stay the same just because the company has the same name. When you subtract and add talent, the formula changes. Don't be so naive to assume their next game will be just as great as their last.

This kind of shit happened at rare too.

Remember when free radical split?

Rare hasn't made anything decent since. And free radical shit the bed as soon as they stopped making time splitters.