How many hours of youtube/twitch footage do you consider enough to judge a game good or bad, Sup Forums?
>inb4 everyone played every game they discuss ever
How many hours of youtube/twitch footage do you consider enough to judge a game good or bad, Sup Forums?
>inb4 everyone played every game they discuss ever
The problem with the hours it that doesn't matter if they are 100 or 100000, they are all footage from the tutorial area
>they are all footage from the tutorial area
what about 100% let's plays
possibly with no commentary and no webcam
I don't buy video games anymore because they are mostly a waste of money. I just watch Let's Plays on youtube and get the same amount of enjoyment out of them, perhaps more because I get to see the trained monkey behind the camera goo OOOO OOOO AHHH AHH SCREECH SCREECH in my stead.
I hope someone Lp's or Streams BOTW
You sound bitter.
>in my stead.
>I hope someone Lp's or Streams BOTW
I am thinking of uploading a 100% let's play of BOTW running at 4k on CEMU, just to spite nintentoddlers
of course without commenth nor webcam
>Bottomless pits in an open world
The only problem with this picture is how the tree seems to be paperweight. But the fact it falls is OK, the guy that cut it aimed at the wrong angle.
I don't buy video games because I can pirate them, but you're a faggot
>those leaves going POP
is that on the gamecube?
A lot of 'games' these days are heavily scripted walking simulators; since no one playthrough can't be any different from anyone else's by design, there's no reason to play these games yourself instead of watching an LP, commentated or not.
Of course, watching an LP of a game with more open gameplay like Dark Souls or MGSV instead of playing it your own way is sacrilege.
You'll be there soon enough, user. Day after day of waking up, working, paying bills will change you. Your friends will grow fat, tired, and old. Some will die. The ones that don't will wish they had. Your dreams mostly shoot themselves by the time you're 25, and by 30 you realize all you've been doing is all there really is. You buy games just to own them so you can possibly play them at some later date when the mortgage isn't behind and you're not on-call at two different jobs.
Bitterness is the true red pill.
I don't even have the time to pirate them anymore, youtube is about 15 steps shorter than pirating any game requires, which is not to suggest its hard - my teenage years were like being in a candy store of free games 24/7, movies, music... it was all mine.
>hurr all games are shit
>mentions Dark Souls and MGSV
go figure you giant underage sack of shit
I am 28 and make close to 2000 bucks a month which is above average in my country.
you are just a bitter fuck
You can't know how good or bad gameplay is from videos alone.
lets say you're watching someone play through something. Everything happening to that person is just that, something happening to someone else but when you're playing you're actually experiencing the game in first hand and things are reacting to your decisions and you are forced to react.
Would you get a feel for how difficult something is just from watching it? Anyone can look at a kung-fu movie or quake or starcraft and thing "oh he should have done this or that" because its not the same actually being the one holding the controller.
Letsplays are only for people who are interested in the stories/cutscenes and not the gameplay, at some point the commentary of people doing letsplays became more popular than the games themselves. Now people watch that shit just for E-celebs and at most play angry birds on their phones and think they're "gaymers"
But in reality you lost your interest in games and its time to look for a new hobby or just be content looking at netflix and contemplating your casual normie existence.
1 minute because I have enough experience with games to tell whether or not one is shit or not.
If you'd rather I could say Ultima 2 and FFV but older games generally are even worse offenders of allowing only one playstyle, whereas in DS and MGSV (especially MGSV) you can play with an enormous variety of styles.
>strategies do not exist in turn based rpgs
All of the footage from BotW is coming from the same damn small area
I don't think we'll get a good idea of the game until we see the rest of it
Depends on the game.