Dad actually works at nintendo(of canada)

>dad actually works at nintendo(of canada)
>has refused to leak anything to me or even talk about work
>"user, they trust me."
>when I show him rumors and leaks he flashes me a non-committal smirk and goes "huh, interesting."
>Jan 10th
>Getting so hyped for the switch
>email my dad a compilation of all the rumors
>he replies with "Huh, Interesting :)" as usual
>I can't take this anymore, it's been like this since the fucking gamecube era and I get so angry I throw something at my cat and bean him on the head
>write back a long email telling him I fucking hate him and how every single major disappointment of my entire life is due to him being unwilling to deconfirm wild rumors and letting my hype run wild
>also that he doesn't care that nintendo censors its games despite the fact that he could probably say something or anything
>he doesnt reply for two days
>sister tells me I really upset him
>finally replied to me
>"well, user, I guess I'm also responsible for most of your surprises. I saw how happy you were when they announced some games, heck your brother told me you were jumping up and down with joy when they announced some of those games, and if I had told you that was coming out six months prior, you wouldn't have cared."

Other urls found in this thread:

>realize he's right and I'm literally the worst son ever
>realize I have always been able to get my hands on launch consoles without having to stand in the freezing cold
>realize he was able to finagle me getting rare amiibos when they come out
>realize he got me the majora's mask and wind waker HD special editions without me having to wake up at 4 am and stand in the freezing cold outside of my ebgames
>got to meet reggie
>told me my dad is one of the best and most honest people they've ever had
>at the time got really pissy because I thought he was being fucking selfish and just trying to help himself
>got to meet miyamoto
>got to meet iwata
>got to meet bill trinen
>he's been pushing me to learn Japanese as a second language because he could probably get me a job in the treehouse easily due to his credibility as a good, trustworthy guy

Should I just fucking kill myself? Seriously, I'm thinking of doing it. Tomorrow.

Cool story bro

>Should I just fucking kill myself?
Absolutely, but not for the reasons you listed

>>write back a long email telling him I fucking hate him and how every single major disappointment of my entire life is due to him being unwilling to deconfirm wild rumors and letting my hype run wild
Stopped reading

How about doing it right now?

Look at it this way, with how much of a piece of trash you are now, you can only improve yourself. Immerse yourself in Japanese for a start. It's just a language, anyone can learn it.
Get out though.

Apologize you fucking faggot.
Also, underage b&, unless you're 18 and throwing a tantrum of that nature, which is inexcusable.

This isn't creative writing you autist.

You could just apologize, say that you realized you were in the wrong. He's your dad and he seems like a cool dude. He'll forgive you.

I should actually kill myself for reading that autistic blabbering

huh, interesting.

No, it's too late for that. You have dishonoured your family and must kill yourself in repentance

im 28

Good shitpost, keep it up

>can't fucking say "i'm sorry dad"
>can't think about fucking redeeming yourself and just do the stuff he wants.
>can't even kill yourself because its obvious you won't do it because you're posting in Sup Forums's Sup Forums
>is thinking about killing himself because maded daddy sad but killing yourself would make him sadder

Literally a bad son, also grow up you're not 18+


I got angry for wasting time reading it only to realize that's all I ever do on this site anyway. I should stop coming here.


>be an awful son
>dad respects his NDAs because, you know, you kind of have to and there's no ugly tranny to send him dick pics to convince him to leak
>you have an autistic sperg fit

Then you've got some fucking issues. Step back and realize how much of a sperg you are for acting like this.

Apologize to your father, and not by email, call him or meet with him for lunch and apologize. Learn Japanese if that's what your father thinks is best, especially if he can get you a job at Nintendo. Most importantly, start thinking about your fucking actions and the consequences they have.

why are you such a faggot

If you're able to write some greentext explaining how you feel to a bunch of strangers on the internet, you're able to write him a cohesive apology

Wait, you're telling me people actually believe this shit? How retarded are you?

This story isn't real but the fictional character who did this should an hero desu

>posting fanfic blogs

Protip: your dad doesn't give a fuck about preserving your sense of surprise. He's protecting his own ass because a company like Nintendo could source a leak in the time it takes to put on fingerless sleeve gloves.

Sup Forums=Sup Forums

How old are you and your dad? And why would you think killing yourself would make your dad happy?

Typical Nintendo fanboy

Implying any of this shit is true

you sound like most of Sup Forums. you fit in just fine bro

I would have killed myself if my dad actually worked for shitendo, microshit, somy, shitvidia, amd or shitel sucks to be you OP.

>Current year
>Getting hyped for a Nintendo console

You people never learn, do you?

You know its easy to just apologise right?

Reminder that we are still here just to suffer.

>Should I just fucking kill myself?
I haven't read your 10 page story but it's never not a good idea to kill yourself

He acted like an ingrate cunt despite receiving favoritism from a real dad that works at shitendo only because he doesn't get fired for spoiling his kid with the latest rumors.


You lucky faggot. Your dad is interested in vidya, Nintendo vidya at that and you throw a tantrum telling him you hate him.

My dad only likes fishing, cars, and guns. Hates anything resembling fiction and especially HATES vidya.

You have no idea how easy you have it.


Rich boy blogging...

Legit, can you ask him why there's a severe shortage of New 3DS XLs in Canada? I need one.

>jumping up and down with joy
>Over a Nintendo release
Do you want to know how I know you are lying? Because there is a delay half a year in advance, which pushes back the release date. By the actual time of release, everyone is so bitter/doubtful that they no longer have hope.

Ain't that the truth.

your dad sounds like a nice guy but yeah kill yourself you ungrateful fuckstain

Huh interesting

If this is actually true, you need to apologise and tell him you appreciate what he's done for you. You're a faggot for sending him that email to begin with.


>Nintendo of Canada knowing anything early
Don't you faggots just get the American version of everything like Mexico?


Usually i'd just tell you to take a bunch of sleeping pills and swim out into the ocean but your dad seems like a nice guy and that wouldn't be fair to him, so instead i think you should be a man and quit acting out like a spoiled little waste of space shitstain and just try to redeem yourself. Fucking cunt ass faggot nigger. Jesus christ.

Is this the new pasta to hate on nintendo fans even more?

That would make his father even more dissapointed.

On the off chance this isn't made up you shouldn't kill yourself, you should make your dad proud.

Why would somebody write something like this?

It's somewhat cleverly written, not exactly believable but not outlandish. It kind of comes off as user fantasizing about having a Nintendo employee as a family member, but a few key tells reveal that it's actually mocking someone (who doesn't exist) with a Nintendo employee as a family member.

But why? To what end? Why spend the time coming up with this stuff?

Because replies to threads are the 4chink equivalent of karma/upvotes to Redditors.

woah dude edgy

you need to. what i would give to even have had my dad around

>game is announced
>OP is so happy he's jumping around
>dad tells him 6 months prior to the announcement that the game is being made
>OP doesn't care
Yeah, no, that makes 0 sense. Your dad simply doesn't trust you.




Live stream it like my homie katelyn

why should he? 20 bux this guy would just blab on Sup Forums the moment his dad told him anything. his job depends on secrecy, i wouldnt tell my kid shit either. lose high paying steady job because my kid who has no self control (he threw shit at his cat, clearly cant control even his basic emotions) top secret information about the company. hmmm

>using email in 2017
It's fake, Jim

its too late for you


>LITERALLY my dad works at Nintendo the post
>people reply to this seriously
Stop, ok? Stop it.

OP is an obvious fake story, but I actually worked for Nintendo during the Cube times. maintenance in their offices. I have never seen something special, just cheap free merchandising

Sup Forums creates some of the worst fan fiction

Sonyggers get increasingly more creative with their shitposting

>And today, in another chapter of "Things that never happened..."

>write back a long email telling him I fucking hate him and how every single major disappointment of my entire life is due to him being unwilling to deconfirm wild rumors and letting my hype run wild

You were right though. Your autism has gone untreated. This is serious neglect in the first world

>I throw something at my cat and bean him on the head
yeah kys

HM interesting

Are you actually autistic?

You sound like a terrible person. Literally an awful fucking human being.

Don't kill yourself though. Your dad obviously still loves you despite how much of a selfish, self centred cunt you are. Don't kill yourself because it'd upset him, and he seems fairly based.

>your brother told me you were jumping up and down with joy when they announced some of those games
You're a fucking manchild, kill yourself.

Classic Nintendo fans, so fucking pathetic.

Its always a leaf

I present you a typical Nintendrone, ladies and gentlemen!

PS: OP is in that picture. Can you spot him?

This is so pathetic that I almost believe OP is really a Nintoddler manbaby.