"game" can be completed in less than 100 hours

>"game" can be completed in less than 100 hours

nah fuck off

nobody wants to play a whole bunch of filler

>RPG is less than 35 hours long (not counting optional stuff)

>game takes one playthrough to see and do everything

>game can be completed

>hardest difficulty is unlocked by completing the game once
>Game is only good for 1 playthrough

But filler is what you get in 4 hour games with open worlds

Name a single game that makes good use out of 100 hours of playtime without a load of padding.

>$60 game
>can completed in less than 2 hrs

>game takes more than an hour to 'get good' and has 40 hours of grinding

you guys really are neets

dr mario

Is 20 hours the sweet spot for a full priced game? I think it is.

harvest moon

>Game isn't an infinitely replayable 200+ hour experience

Final Fantasy XII

literally all games ever can be completed under 100 hours

>13 year old thinks he knows what the word "filler" means

Sup Forums has a global 18 year old age requirement.

Try again tard.
Go to howlongtobeat.com to look up other series.

You must love star ocean.

Sandbox a best

League of legends

>League of Legends

Yes. But it depends on the game really. I borrowed Uncharted 4 from my brother and I think my final time was like 17 hrs. I'm not sure if it counted cut scenes but holy shit I wanted to kill myself after like 6 hours. There was so much climbing it felt like they were intentionally stretching out the game

>only underage or NEETs enjoy 600 hour long JRPG "games" because they have nothing better to do with their time.
Prove me wrong. I'm not saying all games should be 4 hour "cinematic experiences" but 20 hours is a nice solid, "I got my money's worth" time

>"game" can be completed

P5, considering it ends with the main story and there's no post-game even available.

Do they really need 100 hours to tell the story of Japanese high school students saving the world with the power of friendship?

It was pretty enjoyable, yeah.

>he doesn't have irl friends to play with

wait a minute...

As far as getting my money's worth out of games goes, I have a simple system.

1 dollar per 1 hour of gameplay.

If a game is $60 then I expect to get 60 hours of entertainment value out of it, otherwise it isnt worth it.

>Filler doesn't mean boring nothingness used to fill gaps
Ubiscrub detected, go collect 400 whatevers between your mediocre short ass missions

there's long periods of nothing but stat/coop grinding in between the main dungeons while you wait for the victims to recover. it's the major flaw of the calendar system.

...Is that a...?

Stat/coop grinding has always been the gameplay formula for the series though.

I've always liked the calendar because those empty days roleplaying feel more natural and they don't force in story moments or drama just to get the plot moving, you're just living your life and preparing for the big moments which is cool to me.


You can complete eu4 in less than 100 hours.

>"game" can't be completed after 2 1/2 hours.

Euro Truck Simulator 2

>game can be completed in 5 hours
>game is so good you'll never forget that 5 hour experience

Is there really a bunch of layers full of monsters below the lava? I never went that far

What is this?

>game can be anywhere from and it's not an open world trap

>Visual novel takes 50+ hours to read through

dwarf fortress mod for terraria when?

Yeah, there's hell if you dig deep enough. Monsters spawn there all the time.


Funny that you would post that pic.

Players usually find hell by digging down a pillar of adamantium.

Yeah I heard this book is quite popular, it must be a reference or something

This is the single worst thing about modern gaming

There was a book? Is is as good as the movies?


No. It's full of family trees of fictional characters and plenty of other pointless details that are completely irrelevant to the story.

Some parts of it feel like it was written by an autistic D&D dungeon master creating his own settings

>there's 300 hours of 'content'
>all consisting of boring fetch quests, follow the arrow quests and repetitive kill quests


Ah, but surely the brilliance that is Tom Bombadil redeems all flaws.

>"game" takes longer than 20-30 minutes to complete
I believe what you're going for is "interactive experience," OP.

Dwarf Fortress

Try again...
