>Nintendo still thinking they're relevant
Most studios had "mastered" Unreal 20 years ago.
>Nintendo still thinking they're relevant
Most studios had "mastered" Unreal 20 years ago.
Will they be able to use that knowledge on their 3DS Successor?
Nice bait
It's not fucking bait, mate.
15 years ago other studios had already moved past simply mastering what Unreal had to offer and were busily modifying and building their own custom versions of Unreal engine to their exact needs.
Nintendo are a fucking joke when it comes to technology and hardware.
Why you post a pic from a PS4 game and made by Square-Enix?
It's not a big feat, but it's sad that they had to officially make the statement otherwise nodev journos will write they still use punch cards.
So, every game is going to be an ugly, unoptimized mess?
Can't wait!
Seriously. Why are there no good UE4 games? Even Epic's own games are fucking mediocre at best.
>thats neat, but what about unreal 4?
not even worth a you
>Nintendo are a fucking joke when it comes to technology and hardware
How so?
The pic is from the cinematic opening which will probably look the same on both PS4 and Switch.
This is excellent news
They'll be making games for Playstation, Xbox and PC within the next decade
Announcements like these make me question whether Nintendo will ever be able to turn itself around. I'd rather see evidence of their mastery.
Whos the babe on the right
>unreal existed 15 years ago
Are you from the future?
>Using technologies everyone else has been using for years
Thats not winning it called competing.
>mastered the Unreal engine
Holy shit, next thing you know they'll be putting Havok physics in their games! The future is looking bright Nintenbros!
if we go buy tech mastery, Nintendo has always prove to have better code monkeys than most other devs.
so if they said they "mastered" UE4, likely they will produce better stuff on it that most developers
Because he is assblasted about Nintendo thats why
they never said that
I think you're acting a bit pedantic, user.
Nintendo are great at making weird, completely out of touch, self-aggrandizing "announcements" like this
It keeps their weird, completely out of touch, self-aggrandizing fanboys' morale up
Thanks doc
UE4 is Unreal Engine 4.
How could they not be talking about UE4, especially since Epic has confirmed that UE4 will have Switch support?
How fucking stupid are you?
>Nintendo are great at making weird, completely out of touch, self-aggrandizing "announcements" like this
Is there any crossover between Nintendo fans and Trump fans by any chance?
This is like a 30 year old bragging about learning to ride a bike.
Have you looked at a BOTW screenshot lately?
Nintendo can't even wrap their heads around how to do open world games without them looking like total garbage and suffering from terrible pop in, mippmapping and laughable LOD issues.
Meanwhile Just Cause 2 nailed it 7 years ago on last gen hardware with an insanely robust physics engine to boot.
>Literally bragging about being THIS behind the curve and mastering something everybody but them had mastered almost a decade ago
Where does he get off being so arrogant?
Yes both are winning over the shit-brown masses and causing immense butthurt.
>UE4 isn't even a decade old
>"mastered almost a decade ago"
Ok user.
Can Unreal even run in 240p?
Fuck off, BotW looks mighty fine. Fucking sonyggers.
>Meanwhile Just Cause 2 nailed it 7 years ago on last gen hardware with an insanely robust physics engine to boot.
this is bait
Initial release July 1, 1998
>Meanwhile Just Cause 2 nailed it 7 years ago
Are you a fucking retard?
Splinter Cell came out 15 years ago, it used Unreal.
Deus Ex came out 17 years ago, it used Unreal.
X-Com Enforcer came out 16 years ago, it used Unreal.
Rune came out 17 years ago, it used Unreal.
Clive Barkers Undying came out 16 years ago, it used Unreal.
And no prizes for guessing what engine Unreal and Unreal Tournament used.
That's why I said ALMOST a decade ago, you fucking drone.
>looks mighty number 9
Fixed that for you.
There is a lizard in this picture that some people miss. I point it out every time I see it.
>no pastebin
fuck your site
So what you're saying is that 4 years is almost a decade?
Wow. Next, you're going to tell me that 15 years is almost a century.
Just Cause 2 does a better job of rendering distant terrain, atmospherics and foliage than BOTW.
Nintendo tech is a joke.
Ey guys
Ey guys
UnrealEngine has been available FOR FREE for quite some time. Do you know how many thousand of amateurs know how to use it better than Nintendo? For fucks sake, I have like 8 shitty mobile apps running on UE4.
You are a joke, sonygger.
nintentoddlers can never explain how nintendo is good, instead they just ask others to explain how they are bad, kek
>Just Cause 2 does a better job of rendering distant terrain, atmospherics and foliage than BOTW.
sure it does user
Did you even bother to read the article?
Nintendo are talking about using the Unreal Engine in general, not necessarily just 4.
>Do you know how many thousand of amateurs know how to use it better than Nintendo?
non?, people been pirating Photoshop for years, dont means that any joke out there know how to use it to its full potential
>I can't support my assinine claim and when people ask for some proof I backpedal like the nigger I am
>Do you know how many thousand of amateurs know how to use it better than Nintendo
From the severe lack of games using it, and the games that do being utterly mediocre and unoptimized, I'm guessing not even 10 developers.
UE4 is even worse than Unity nowadays. At least there are some good Unity games out there.
Considering UE4 is the only version of Unreal that supports the Switch, we can assume they're talking about UE4.
But, you can continue being stupid. That's fine.
>which will probably look the same on both PS4 and Switch.
good joke
user. UE4 is the only version of the engine that is still being developed. Support for earlier versions was dropped years ago.
They're using UE4. Just because they said "Unreal Engine" instead of "UE4" does not mean they're using older versions.
If that was the case, then I guess a lot of games that are using "Unreal Engine" that have been confirmed to be using UE4 actually aren't.
>Nintendoʼs software developers have mastered state-of-the-art technologies such as Unreal engine, and their skills can now be compared with those of Western developers. Our developers are more excited than ever to create software.
This is really sad to read.
I remember when Japanese devs used to have the most graphically impressive games. What went wrong?
>Literally nothing, the posts.
Thanks for contributing.
>Pic related
>In 2017
a youtube screen cap ups called with artifacts dont helps you nigglet
Kimishima can actually smile?
All Japs care about these days are mobile games.
How is that shitty bait picture proof of anything you just claimed?
Odyssey looks like it's running on UE4.
There are still games being developed and released on in house versions of Unreal that aren't Unreal 4, hell there were even Unreal powered games on the Wii and GCN and WiiU and I guarantee there are Unreal engine games being developed for the Switch that aren't running Unreal 4.
Fuck off, you don't know anything.
>lack of games using it
Not OP, but I feel the opposite way. Almost every game I've played from the last few years is on UE4. Even companies who used to make their own amazing engines are using it. I hope Capcom's still working on the Phanta Ray engine. I doubt Deep Down is even a thing anymore, but it'd be nice to see the engine survive
Do you really think Unreal Engine 4 has only been on the hands of devs for 4 years now? Come now, I know you drones are delusional retards living in your own fantasy land detatched from the outside world ,but this is just pathetic and sad
I think the more important takeaway is that the Switch supports both Unreal and Unity, meaning you can provide way more games for the Switch without having to deal with Nintendo's proprietary dev tools.
You guys do realize that UE4 is the easiest engine to master on the market right now, right?
Unity is far easier to master because of the sheer amount of tutorials. Without them though you're right.
UE4 is even easier than Game Maker or Construct?
Bruv, are you kidding? Paragon is touted as Epic's own tour de force of UE4, and that game looks fucking beautiful.
Unreal 4 is the most retard proof shit that has ever been released.
>Do you really think Unreal Engine 4 has only been on the hands of devs for 4 years now?
>Initial release Unreal Engine 4 build 8967 / May 2012; 4 years ago
>Stable release
>Unreal Engine 4.14 / November 15, 2016; 2 months ago
And surprise! It's a mediocre as hell MOBA.
I'm talking about professionals. Not amateur game devs.
There's also the fact that Unreal has an actual office in Japan where Japanese devs can easily reach out too.
>just now "mastered" unreal engine
That was the public release of the toolset. devs had been playing with it well before that.
Not that it's anywhere near a decade, but again, Unreal 3 projects port over to Unreal 4 easily.
The fact is devs have been utilising Unreal since the 90's, Nintendo is only just following suit now that they've fallen so hilariously behind the curve.
Holy shit Nintendo learned to use a decade old engine that has been an industry standard for years!
And the full engine is completely free to everyone. Epic only requests a small royalty if your game gets big enough (per quarter, after making $3000, Epic takes a 5% cut).
>Unity is for amateurs xD
yes user, devs PAID to use an incomplete engine. genius !!!
>Unreal 3 projects port over to Unreal 4 easy
Uh, no they don't.
Vastly different development environments and languages.
The toolset is somewhat similar enough, but everything else takes a lot of work.
We're not talking Unity, which converts every over for you and who's core features barely even changed from Unity 4 to Unity 5.
UE4 on switch? Nice, can't wait to play ark with a bunch of children and no way to communicate.
She's from Dragon Quest XI. There's like 3 pics of her.
ARK barely runs at 20 FPS on PC regardless of hardware and settings. Even worse on Xbone.
Do you really think those incompetent developers could bring it over to the Switch?
Same languages, same development environments, updated toolset, that's it.
We literally had our Unreal 3 engine game ported over to Unreal 4 within the week of it's release.
There were a few little things that took longer as Unreal 4 didn't support everything that 3 did right off the bat, but it was the smoothest transition i've ever seen.
Unreal 4 boasts some huge improvements over 3, but it's still essentially the same beast, just far more powerful on the user interface side of things.
Honestly I'm hoping their greed will encourage them to try and they'll finally release an optimization patch instead of a 4 dino patch that's 3gb with 7 500mb hotfixes.
Literally made by interns, a small step above amateurs.
>Same languages
>Implying UnrealScript is exactly the same as C++
>Implying Kismet is exactly the same as Blueprint
Fucking newfag end your pathetic life
holy shit
Unrealscript is INCREDIBLY similar to C++ man, it really isn't a huge job to port across.
And granted Kismet is nothing like Blue Prints, but we honestly didn't use Kismet a whole lot, but Blue Prints have been wild for artists and designers to play around with stuff.
Yeah I doubt the Switch version will come close to the PS4 version regarding performance but I don't see how a pre-rendered opening would suffer visibly from the Switch's limitations.