Past generation

>past generation
>x360 winning
>brown shooters everywhere
>steam dont receive jap games
>this generation
>ps4 winning this gen
>a lot of jap games now
>steam is full weeb

We can say, sony save the vidya?

Other urls found in this thread:

things would have been so much better if sony stayed the fuck away from the video game industry

With nintendo censoring games and microsoft with only brown shooters? no thanks.

Who is this semem demon?


>b-b-b-but my Nintendo and rehash Sonic games!
>Censoring Final Fantasy 6 was a good thing!

Fucking nintendkiddies.

looks like anri okita a pornstar

Why do her boobs look so big? They're not that big usually.

Well, we are witnessing a new PS2 era


This is now an Anri Okita thread

sony censors games dumb fuk

This is now an Anri Okita threat

The only single woman that does beat this hitomi tiddy monster in every single aspect

>Kojima hiring hollywood actors
>Sega hiring respected Japanese actress
Is this a new age of kino?

I wonder whom we have to thank for that?

Which one?


I hate how the industry now is AAA or nothing. There's no inbetween like they had with PS1 and PS2 because of development costs.

I used to love just popping down to a store and picking a random game up, never even heard of it before and enjoying it.

post for the other console manufactures now, honestly curious

this one


I just don't have the time for 6/10 AA games anymore though

Anri is objective shit. Kaho a best.

I'd love to get into JAV but crying is a huge turn off.


>Anri Okita thread
>24 posts
>Only 5 Anri Okita images

>found jav actress who actually looks like she's enjoying it
>she's having sex with decent looking guys instead of the usual fat/old/ugly ones
>lose her name immediately and can't find her again

It's like Japan doesn't even want me to pirate their porn.

>x360 winning

but Wii won and Ps3 in the end surpassed 360

proceed, including her standing next to vidya


Get on JAP level

As soon she has nothing to hold these bags of sand, it's just out of control without any aesthetic, friend

Brush your teeth user

None of them look attractive and Nagoshi looks extra evil in this one, what the fuck.

>no AI in Yakuza


There you are

Yep. Hitomi would be more fun to watch if she left something on to give em some support.

I have no idea if they cosplay or actually dress like that

She often does

>the last JAV where she did clothed paizuri

Anri has nipples tho.

Better yet, have her playing vidya


>Sega hiring respected Japanese actress

>not even holding the controller right


Are we ever going to get Yakuza 6?

It's not that those kind of games died out, it's that those games are mostly shit and we only liked them because we were kids.

I'm still waiting for the day that she starts to doing AV.

Hell, I'd take softcore at this point ;~;

no, westerners get only sonic now

Yep and the remake of the first one

>respected Japanese actress

She has a well estbalished musical and modeling career,gravure is probably her limit.

You're pathetic and desperate

Asa seems like a pretty cool dude in her free time

yuria satomi. you are welcome

Fucking Nagoshi the golden babyman

Haha Japan is so wacky!

Kiwami this year and 6 next year, fuck I'm hyped. I loved 0.

>tfw found a new top tier JAV whore but I'm going to keep her to myself

Pretty sure your mom wouldn't like it if you post her name here

wow its nothing

why bother posting

Don't think that's her, but she looks good too.

Microsoft doesn't make brown shooters anymore.