Do you prefer jobs/classes to be a choice per party member or swapping out party members?

Do you prefer jobs/classes to be a choice per party member or swapping out party members?

Great photoshop skills

The last one

Choice per party member so I can have a cute girl only party.

>Stapling two images together in 3 seconds
You got me, my thread about epic photoshops is a sham.

Swapping out party members while being able to pick their class.


I prefer to pick my classes for each party member but I also like swapping them out in the middle of combat like FFX.

If we're talking just Final Fantasy I'd have to say that X is my favorite way of doing it because they have set paths at the start but you can eventually have them do other shit plus I really like the swap mechanic.

I like the way games like Dragon Quest III and FF1 handle job systems. You choose who you want at the start and they class change mid-game, either to a set new class or another pre-existing class, to redefine their abilities and make them more flexible.

I don't like how Bravely Default, FF3 and FF5 handle them. The amount of jobs is overwhelming, you'll barely use half of them and you never get a good sense of progression because as soon as you max out one the game urges you to switch to a new job and start at square one. FF5's passive ability system and the addition of freelancers goes some lengths to fix that but those don't really pay off until the endgame.

Both are good desu

Jobs. God damn I fucking love the job system.
It'd a shame it doesn't get used more often

does Sup Forums prefer a leveling system where xp from a battle is shared with only active party members, or shared across all members active or inactive at the same time?

Shared across all members.
Grinding party members fucking sucks and only encourages you to stick to your favorites all game.

I agree. The fixed classes per character is dogshit. Some characters are ugly/shitty, and have bad stats. For example, Amarant in FF9, he looks kinda cool but who the fuck thought the stat spread on a Monk/Ninja would be anything but trash?

I generally prefer them to be tied to the party member since it often adds a lot of character.

Granted it can be pretty annoying when for example the best ranged DPS is a disgusting character and that is really dope one has a shitty class.

I love shared.

Especially when a party member leaves for half the game, and comes back with dozens of level ups to use.

Shared XP, earned SP.

Shared at all time. Anything else is just tedious most of the time.

I prefer shared, though I have nothing against benched characters receiving only partial exp.

>new character joins late game
>get to distribute like 20 levels at once

>new character joins your party late in the game
>they are level 1
>they play a crucial part in the story and you must boost and carry them
>they are always terrible