PS4 exclusives

So I already have a high-end gaming PC, but I strongly want to try Bloodborne... Only problem is, are there any other (vaguely) interesting exclusives that would make worth buying a pleb sonyger machine?

Here is what I listed:
last guardian
red dead 2
until dawn
uncharted 4
horizon zero dawn
ni no kuni 2
gravity rush 2
nu-god of war

Anything else?


Yakuza 0
Project Diva Future Tone
Persona 5

Ni No Kuni 2 is getting a PC release btw

Don't forget persona 5

So basically weebs bullshit.


Last of Us and Last of Us 2

That's plenty considering PC barely has any games
>inb4 MOBAshit, Total Jew, ArmgAy III, etc.
It's much greener on the Playstation side of the pasture, pardner.
Don't knock it until you've tried it, being a weeb feels gud.

I'm in the same boat as you, I'm desperately selling my belongings and body to get a ps4 slim and some games.

So far the games I consider must haves are:

Bloodborne, Let it Die, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Last Guardian, Nier Automata, Titanfall 2, and CoD4 remaster.

(Titanfall 2 because PC playerbase is much lower than console)

Hundreds of shitty platformers don't count.

>last guardian
heard reviews were mixed cause it got rushed not sure its worth it
>red dead 2
not out
>until dawn
movie game
>uncharted 4
console shooter
>horizon zero dawn
out soon looks like trash though
>ni no kuni 2
coming to pc
>gravity rush 2
dont know much about this cant comment
>nu-god of war
not out yet
ni-oh and bloodborne look good but i gonna wait for more before i pull the trigger on it, might wait for a price cut in a year or two

That's plenty considering the PS4 barely has games
>Inb4 weebshit, jewborne, SJWcharted
It's much greener on the PC side of the pasture, partner.

Until Dawn is like the final form of movie games.

If you have any interest in that type of adventure game lite stuff it's a must play.

>Ni no kuni 2

Eh, I have a top of the line PC and hundreds of pirated games. PC is fucking boring tbqh. If I didn't need it to view tons of Sup Forums tabs at once, I'd sell it.

>might wait for a price cut in a year or two

You can find used ps4's for around $220 and get new slims for $240-260, I doubt they'll get much cheaper than that anytime within the next 5 years, the only reason to wait would be to get a new model or a bundle that comes with some good games.

>must buy
Yakuza 0
>if you're into it
Digimon games
Uncharted 4
Gravity Rush 2

that's it

Not really. Weebshit games arent the ones I expect to pour 200 hours in. So far, the only other interesting game is GoW: Finding my Wife's Son and Uncharted 4. But these are shitty 10 hour movie games.

Whatever, you're still missing out. I have thousands of hours on PC games and this shit just isn't interesting anymore.

I'm on the same boat. I'm curious for Bloodbourne, Gravity Rush and Nioh, everything else is either varying degrees of terrible or yet another shooter.

TLG is great. It plays like you would expect a Team Ico game to play. I have no doubt in my mind the "mixed" reviews were by these reviewers who had hears of SOTC but never actually touched it.

>Im too lazy to find good games, so that means my platform is shit.

I'm typing this on my G-Sync monitor right now having played Witcher 3 in 3D yesterday night. Shit's boring man. I can't wait for my PS4 Pro to arrive.

x-com ufo defense

Why complain about people recommending "weebshit", when you listed some in your original post? Also, you might as well list Nier. That ain't coming to PC anytime soon.

OK, I'll try it, but the series seems racist against aliens.

>Last Guardian
Wew lad!
Game was in development for like 10 years.

Fine, I'll bite. What are you so excited to play on PS4 anyway?

Total war.

But Nier is weebshit. I want something witcher 3 but exclusive.


Nioh, Yakuza 0, Last Guardian, Last of Us, Uncharted series, various other console/platform exclusives
I have over 2000 hours combined in Total War. Rome 2 ruined it for me.

>various other console/platform exclusives
Fuck user, that's what I'm asking. Everyone mentions the same 5-7 games and follows up with "and others"

Dammit, I can't think of everyone off the top of my head, it's 8 in the morning here. I forgot Bloodborne, too.

When you think of it, PCs endless amounts of games is actually a detriment to the platform.

With consoles, you get a handful of decent games to choose from, you finish one, grind it out for some time, buy next good one, and continue the cycle. Every game is special, because of the small library.

With PC, few games are special that way, thus one game is just a drop in the ocean, because of the vastness of the library.

That's actually a good point.

Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Dragon Quest Builders, multiplats if you don't have a good enough PC.

Tbqh there's like maybe 9 exclusive games that are worth playing. Christmas was the best time to pick up a PS4, its finally got some games and theres enough on the horizon, KH, Horizon, Nier, etc.

Come on! any sonyger employee to make me feel like I'm missing something? Cuz for the moment it doesn't.

>Limited choice is a good thing
And people say PC gaming is a meme

No not really. It just means that the pc is a very old platform. You can play the original 90s Doom here and at the same time, play the 2016 Doom. PC is all about options. No one is forcing you play all these games but theyre there. Feels good that my pc from 2008 is still here running games from 2016.

Yeah, I'm buying a PS4 soon as well. I got a PC to have a better gaming experience, but whats the point with no fucking games to play. Im playing the deus ex series right now, but once I"m done, I'll have nothing left. I already tried Witcher, 3 and it was too boring/bland for me. I'm gonna be a sonynigger so hard and shill

Witcher 3 is actually pretty good. But it's a multi-plat anyway.

He said exclusives.

>playing outdated garbage
I'm all for PCs but the constant stream of "new" shitty platformers and pixel-art bullshit being vomited everyday really rustle my jimmies

>i only play modern games

Whatever grandpa

im probably younger than you

>PCs endless amounts of games is actually a detriment to the platform.

It's a different approach than console gaming. In consoles, since you have such a limited selection to choose from, you basically play what they hand you because you can't afford to get picky.

On PC you find a niche you like and get into it deep. There's a lot of good stuff that you will never find out about unless you frequent the right communities. But then, if all you ever want in life is to have your yearly AAA cinematic tps, cinematic platformer, driving simcade, and cinematic fps dose then yeah, you should look elsewhere.

In March Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5
Other stuff has been mentioned by other anons

Then try to get rid of your shit taste while you're still young.

old games are the modern games of yesterday, let that sink in for a minute, kid.

I'm in a similar situation, I'm looking to get a PS4 for Bloodborne, RDR2, and so I can play CoDs with a controller with casuals. I miss CoD on my 360 way back when, comfy af.

>you have bad taste cause you play older games
really fires up the neurons

tfw all you really want is to play a bunch of platformers like when you were a kid with a PS2

>weebs bullshit
>on a japanese console
oh gee what a suprise

>disregarding japanese games you deem to be "weeb bullshit" on a website meant for weebs

Is there a difference between the NA Gravity Rush Remastered and the HK Chinese/English version? By which I mean is the HK one in English or is it just subtitled?

weebs are triggered, go back to your pillow, weirdos

what does bloodborne have to do with jews?

>on Sup Forums
>thinks he isn't a weirdo

Dont do it user, every time you buy a sony or ms console you kill video-games for your kids and their kids.

Depth is great for the enthusiast, but for the casual gamer such a library of games on PC can be overwhelming.

Why I think being a console player is so appealing is that you're basically told what to play either by hype, marketing, word of mouth or a combination of all those three and you don't get pressured by the vastness of the library.

One of the examples of this problem is the memes of huge steam libraries of great games with nothing to play on.

Too many options in any situation of life can be not so great an experience.


Play dorksouls 3. Problem solved.

nioh and let it die

Stupid thing to say, there are normies on pc too and its not different for them. The huge backlog is something you find out about when you stop being a normie fuck...

i guess nioh can be added to bloodborne it is no longer bloodborne machine

Though if you really like video games and can afford a nice computer you should be an idort by now

I pre-ordered Horizon and Nioh and Torment and Mass Effect a few hours ago.

Oh wow look at this huge funeral list of games chained to a dying platform. And look how proud you are presenting this funeral list, on a board for and about vidya enthusiasts no less.
Great job buddy.

Nioh aka. the game of the generation

Can you please not reply to me when you're shitposting? I thought someone wanted serious discussion or had a question.

>dying platform
>sold more than both its competitors combined
>the competition has decided to call it quits and make new consoles instead
>but the PS4 is the one that's dying

really activated my amygdala

>Nioh aka. the game of the generation
>SP clunky weeb Souls copy "RPG"

Sure you jest son

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to emulate it in 30 years or so.


>Yakuza 0
>Project diva

So, this is what sonyniggers like huh?
Is...this... The real power of sony?

When the last ps4 died on the planet you can throw these games in the trash little friends. I know being shprt-sighted is part of being a kid, but this is a 18+board.
Do you now get why I called it a funeral list? And why you shouldnt be proud presenting it?

b-but I wanna play the same games as my youtube stars play at the moment, like Pewdipie!

Okay you clearly don't want to listen but luckily you can just unclaim your own posts. Have fun shitposting, it's none of my business anymore.

>really activated my amygdala
I wish'd my underdeveloped little friend, I really wish'd

Well for the sake of my kids and their kids I hope so too, son.

Same problem here OP.

I'm on PC, and recently I decided to get a PS4 to play with my irl buddies. It's been years.

Only problem is I can't see myself purchasing any game other than Bloodborne. And when it comes to one game, I can't convince myself to buy it if the system will cost me any more than 100$ flat, it just feels like I'm wasting money.

More than half the library I have on PC, so I'm not buying a downgrade of anything.

None. Now go back to playing League of Legends

>a game made in 2007

still good, p-p-promise

What's the point if you're just a westacuck?

All of my why. Am I having a stroke or does this post not make the slightest bit of sense?

I tried to explain it in the simplest terms I could think of. A 4 year old should understand what will happen when the last ps4 died on the planet. A 4 year old.

Don't argue with these people who proudly pay monthly fees to use their internet and are satisfied with less for more.

I'm not that guy but user, you either say something that makes sense or might as well stop.
If you want to discuss something then you fucking say it, I'm not talking with someone based on what I think you meant and what you think I understand.

>It doesn't count if it looks japanese

Boy I sure do hope you dont buy nintendo consoles.

Don't forget the console exclusive paid online

Do I spend a month and a half of salary on a PS4, Sup Forums?

Where do you live that a ps4 costs a month and a half of salary?

They have mc donnalds in almost every country, user.

"salary". maybe one day you'll get full time at walmart user.

Gravity Rush 1/2
Persona 5
Digimon games

It could be eastern europe or sandniggers territory

Yeah no thx underaged fag

>last guardian
>Red Dead 2
Reminded the guy in charge of RD2 is a SJW involved in the whole fiasco about game devs against you know who.
>Until Dawn
Not sure, but probably ok.
SJW shovelware.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Dunno it, but probably ok.
>Ni No Kuni 2
Confirmed for PC.
>Gravity Rush 2
Only if you like the waifu.
>Nu-God of War
If you put "nu" in the game name you already know it's gonna be shit.

I worked at a McDonald's for a while and made ~1200 euro a month.

Even in Portugal where the economy is fucking terrible minimum wage is like ~600 euro.

I guess it's a part-time job.

My currency is worth 3 times less than US dollar. 60% of the price is tax. Plus 20% of monthly wage in more taxes.
>part-time job.
I fucking wish.