What does Sup Forums look for in the upcoming Nintendo 3DS successor?

what does Sup Forums look for in the upcoming Nintendo 3DS successor?

Cute cUte cuTe cutE

The fact that it doesn't exist.

two sticks and 4 shoulder buttons

>using the thumbsticks again


Not to be shit like the 3ds

I dont know what the hell they think they can sell it as that will make people want to buy it over the switch. No doubt it will be graphically inferior.

What reason would their be to buy this portable nintendo system over the more powerful nintendo system?

More processing power than a PS4 for dirt cheap

>that screen ratio
fucking die, scum

Good news, my dog pees outside the nintendo offices.

He told me the new new 3ds was called the nintendo flip! He said you'll be able to flip over the stick and find a dpad for both sticks!

You mean the Switch?
>actually believing Nintendo's PR talk bullshit

1. handheld
2. can play switch games
3. stronger than the xbox scorpio
4. free online, no, nintendo pays US to play online
5. 100 dollars at launch

price and portability

A 480p switch.

>over the switc
nobody I know irl knows about the switch and they never knew about the wii u

for the normies the last nintendo devices were the 3ds and wii

Normies never bought the 3DS. They all bought the Vita, got disappointed by all the weeb games, and swore off portable games aside from their cell phones.

it will be a phone with gaming capabilities

>>Normies never bought the 3DS.
you can't deny they know it exists tho, at least for pokemons

There will be no 3ds successor. It's just PR talk.

for them not to use the shitty circle pad again

custom firmware


This fucking board.

-Clamshell. Doesn't have to be dualscreen but I love the clamshell because it's like a built-in screen protector
-5 hour minimum. 5-10 hour range would be great
-Small enough to fit in my pocket
-Exclusive library so that I can drink Switchfag tears who thought they were getting Pokemon on a home console

so..... an SP?

>sd led
>mic led

you almost did a good job

I could fit the 3DS in my pocket
It doesn't have to be as small as the SP

I would really like an original 3D Zelda game on handheld.

Isn't it the Switch?

>Fit 3DS in pocket

>He doesn't know

>actually believing that Nintendo isn't trying to merge their two lines into one with the Switch
>not realizing that the only reason they're still paying lipservice to the 3DS is that if the Switch does Wii U numbers the 3DS will be the only thing keeping them afloat

As soon as the Switch breaks 10 million they'll quietly stop acknowledging the 3DS. If they do release anything to take its place, it will be a Switch Mini that's more portable with more battery but no dock or removable Joycons.

>if the Switch does Wii U numbers

It's already taken like 3x the number of preorders and more are on the way

You underestimate how much Japan like handhelds

>You underestimate how much Japan like handhelds

japan switched to smartphone games 5 years ago nigga

3ds sold like 1/10 of ds

The DS sold 27 million in Japan, while the 3DS sold 22 million

The smart phone craze is also about where it was in 2011, it's not like things have gotten worse since then

Basically a smaller, cheaper Switch
>same chipset
>Switch games can be played on it, and vice versa
>no joycons, controls are built-in
>symmetrical controls
>can be paired with joycons for games designed for Switch
>a lot smaller, like PSP size
>screen is smaller for higher ppi
>$200 or less

>Basically a smaller, cheaper Switch
>>same chipset

nvidia X1 in a psp case
enjoy your housefire ON THE GO

I don't think it will be too much smaller than the switch since I think they'll also prioritize more battery life, but I mostly agree with everything else. It's too obvious.

>not being a revolutionary using overpriced Japanese electronics for arson

if you take out the joycons from the sides it's already a lot smaller
take the main tablet unit, make the screen a bit smaller to make room for buttons

forgot my pic

I love the 3ds I hope they support it at least for two more years

>has to use two pockets to carry joycons then the actual system
>a lot smaller than a clamshell

>normies bought the vita

Delusional. No one bought a vita


>plays sony exclusives
>plays xbox exclusives
>4k resolution 144fps
>all games are free

>anyone bought the vita

comes with tenga

>>all games are free
that's like every nintendo console 1 year after lunch

they all get cracked

a console like this ala smach z would make my dick really really hard.

If nintendo was smart they would market the switch as the successor to the 3ds, and focus on mobile for there "portable market". Nintendo quality mobile games would print normie bucks.

>literally just put one of my side monitors in portrait view to play some shmups
>see this

I shouldn't want this but I do, I really do.

ultimate bullet hell machine

i hope it's an xbox i like xbox, can it play halo? I like halo?

Why not just release a Switch wo the dock.
Like you can gt it for 190$.

also needs
>comes with full inmersive VR which stimulates all senses (including the 6th sense)
>has third party dating sim and eroge support
>has CFW from the start

I think that the next system should just be a dating sim. And I can talk to girls live on it. But Jerks(most other guys) can't. As I can respect women more.

>ppl buying a psp vista over based 3ds
Wow this sub is fuckin retarded!


It's shitendo the graphics are gonna be poopy anyway.

>Nintendo clarified that no new portable system was confirmed to be in development at this time
>people like op will continue to act as if one's coming, because of one person's misunderstanding.

It would be a newer Tegra SoC that's more thermal and energy efficient than whatever current chip is in Switch.


Yeah? What about the 3DS you retard!

You mean the Micro-switch?

We live in a world where everyone carries 6+ inch phones, does this argument really work anymore?

Just for comparison

New Nintendo 3DS XL: 93.5mm high x 160mm wide x 21.5mm thick (closed)

iPhone 7+: 7 Plus:
158.2 mm (6.23 in) H
77.9 mm (3.07 in) W
7.3 mm (0.29 in) D

Design-wise this looks cool but that screen ratio oh god, that'd fuck all the devs and players

Battery life

An OS that isn't slow and sluggish when I just want to check some settings/manage saves and won't boot me out of the current application

We all know it'll just be a switch mini that is the size of a Vita and can't play the games that require motion controls.

10/10 symbolism, I would be honored to bathe in that fire

An upgrade of the new 3DS.

Not a crappy overpriced downgrade of every Nintendo console evar aka the Swotch.

That's like, impossible user.

The Switch? Oh wait, you actually believed Nintendo PR talk?

>implying the Switch isn't the 3DS successor

>All these increasingly nervous nintendrones

Are you literally shaking right now?

I seriously hope nintendo dies soon, that would mean less games being downgraded for their systems.

Same could be said for Xbox and Playstation.

>that would mean less games being downgraded for their systems.
When was the last time a Nintendo console got multiplats? The Wii U only got a few last gen ports at launch and that's about it.

the next handheld should be the size of a mobile phone and let you plug in the joycons from the switch to act as controls. that way games could be cross-compatible. the handheld variant would have longer battery life and be able to be taken outside and used for longer periods of time.

A less asinine design.


>Nintendo Flip & Switch.
goddammit i can actually see them do this.

Because you switch to a vita and flip it on eBay?

Not the op. That's for sure