Is Kojima getting too cocky?

Is Kojima getting too cocky?

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How can one (1) man be so perfect?

He literally believes he is a god and his kojidrones also praise him as such.

>his name is now synonymous with the most overzealous fanbase on the planet

Honestly it would be superhumanly bizarre if he didn't become at least slightly arrogant.

how can dicklets even compete with the kojimbo cock?

kojima rests his hand firmly on her hip. he doesnt know the meaning of hoverhand


Why doesn't he shave anymore? is it to pander to neckbeards?

even further proving that he´s narcist and not a teamplayer.

That's her waist, not her hip.

probably a big boss reference

Because a beard makes people think you are more sophisticated. And I don't mean it works universally but for people who already have some respectability, it does.

He wants to be like Gaben.

>you will never be as cool as kojima

You're a waist

Nobody respects Gaben anymore, remember he is a pony fuck.

fuck gaben

>Kojima started off as a poor fag
>Was ridiculed by his family for wanting to work in video games
>Was even ridiculed by his fellow co-workers at Konami when he first started
>Pursued his ideas for the first Metal Gear, despite his co-workers doubting him

>Is now a massive industry icon who has changed the game industry in multiple ways

Just a reminder that if you fags try hard enough, and actually have some passion, perhaps you will one day be a Kojima.

That actually sounds realistic.

>careerfags actually believe this
Keep ruining your mental health and shortening your lifespan by a big chunk. I'm sure one day you will be Bill Gates. :^)

Well, it beats having to go to a job you don't like for 20 years.

I'm sure you don't feel that way though, huh user? ;)

And this is why Kojima is such a likeable and humble dev, whereas someone like Gabe Newell basically went from making a lot of money (being a former MS developer), to making a lot more money.

That only happened because he's Asian.

If Kojima was white, he'd probably be as stupid and lazy as everyone on Sup Forums, working a part-time minimum wage job still living with his parents who despise having him around.

he cant be stopped


Well you're not hip.


He's so fucking ugly holy shit.

No way that's real

That's why neckbeards love him, he is ugly but famous. All they wish they were.

>he zoomed in really close and still didn't notice how fake it is

I just cropped the other anons picture