Washing dishes general thread!

Washing dishes general thread!

What order do YOU was the dishes in?
>Dishwasher fags need not apply.

Cutlery > Plates > Cups & Glasses > Bowls > Saucepans > Baking Trays

Share your techniques!

>tfw accidently splash t-shirt with water

This thread will reach bump limit.

cups > cutlery > bowls > plates

cutlery > cups > bowls > plates

Plates first master race

The trick is to not wear a shirt while you do dishes. Splashing my shirt is a problem I can't relate to.

Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot
Also Palmolive master race

I fucking love those handled scrubs that contain soap in the brush itself. The one I have is amazingly effective at scrubbing off even the most caked on food with ease.

B-but, videogeams ?

Exactly the opposite order from you, I guess that's the bait

This isn't video games, but
Pots/pans/mixing bowls > spatulas/ladles/other utensils > cutlery > glasses/mugs > bowls > plates

>mfw fresh new brilo pad

>broke my hand
>can't wash dishes
>have to use pleb tier paper plates
2 fucking month I've been living like an animal.

>not doing cutlery last

>The cheese grater needs washing
Wish me luck, friends. First aid kit on standby.

>all these cutlery first queers instead of last

>washing dishes
>not throwing the used ones and buying new ones instead

>tfw you cut your fingers on some knives
>tfw I have no face because I'm on mobile

Haha, this thread is so meta guys!

I dont do it at all. Since i go to mcdonalds everyday for my delish mcchicken. Did I tell you that, it's the best fast food sandwich for me?

Pans first then plates and bowls.

How negligent do you have to be to do this?

american mcchicken is shit when you had a taste of canadian mcchicken

Retar d

Mate McChicken sandwiches are the one! But maybe not every day.

>washing anything
no thanks that's what mother does

Go from biggest to smallest
Also get a dishwasher you fucking plebs

Explain what makes this thread "meta". Explain your definition of "meta". I'll wait.

There should be an ultrasonic high pressured water system to wash dishes that way you save on that green crap used to wash dishes and those pads.

Plates > Cups and glasses > Cutlery
We rarely use baking trays and I always make damn sure to clean the saucepans after use.

>That guy who doesn't rinse off his dirty plate after using it
>Have to scrape off dried shit from every single plate
>Finding dried up coffee in the bottom of a cup

Kill yourself.

Mah nigga. Please be in london so we can wash dishes together

totally random because I have a dishwasher that does its job and only need to do most of those when it's full and I'm being a lazy son of a gun

clean down the grates, and then inside. don't get too spicy

>It's your turn to wash the dishes tonight!
>By the way I'm cooking a meal that requires every single pot and pan and baking tray in the house!

>eating carbs

I only have to wash like 1 pot, 1 pan and 1 plate +1 fork each day.

All I need for my own meals

>Down the grates
No. You do it parallel to the grates, you retard. Otherwise, you won't get the little shits that can get stuck in there.

>not eating carbs

>It's a "Someone had porridge for breakfast and didn't rinse the bowl after" episode

Who /baseshismealsaroundwhichutensilsareclean/ here?

Plates > Cups > Bowls > Pans > Cutlery
Fuck cutlery. It's a hundred little shit waiting to be cleaned.

Don't you hate it when people try to "help" by piling up all the dishes? That just doubles the work! You have to wash both sides.

>still buying dishes in the year 1017 +1000
Fast food and take out is the future. I never have to clean and it saves space

who /making making that require as few things to make as possible so that it'll only take 1 minute to clean up after/

>not washing all dishes in dishwasher


>Sister does dishes once every 3 months on average
>Whenever she does it builds up like mad
>She does 25% of it and considers it job done
>I stand for well over an hour cleaning up her shit

How the fuck do I teach this woman some respect? I've been thinking of treating her like a child until she fixes her act, but I think she'd genuinely enjoy that.
I'm really getting sick of this, but I'm out of ideas and energy at this point.
Why are women so shit?

Plates first reporting in as well.

Plates, then cups, then cutlery (goes inside cups for batch rinsing), then pots and baking trays.

>tfw you touch the wet food