Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?

Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
Did you like RE7?
Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
What is the best RE game?
And what kind of setting do you want from 8?

to bump my thread:

I loved RE7, I wasn't bothered as much by the Ship/Salt Mine areas like most people and I think Jack is one of the most entertaining enemies I've seen in a game.

I have faith in the remake of 2, and the only change I would ask is that they add Crimson Heads to balance out the otherwise abundant ammo.
Fixed cameras would be the dream.

The best game is REmake because it constantly plays on your expectations by having some zombies that open doors, the fakeout with the dog window hallway, crimson heads, etc.

I want 8 and 9 to all continue the story of 7 by fleshing out Ethan and continue the fan theory that he works for Umbrella. Imagine being at the heart of an Umbrella Lab right at the start of something going horribly wrong?

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
>Did you like RE7?
>Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
well, they said that it's going to be more akin to REmake than RE4, so there's still hope.
>What is the best RE game?
>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?

RE7 was a solid game and the first awesome VR game. People say it's just VR bait and they're right, and it damn works. I want more of that. It feels like the dawn of a new era for RE.

I'm hoping RE2 remake pleases most people but it would be really cool to play RE2 reimagined in first person VR. I'm fine with fixed camera as well.

Not sure what the best is. Loved 2 and 3 though.

RE7 is a shitty VR twitch bait. It will never, EVER be a true resident evil in my book.

>irradiated Birkin-like neanderthals in post-nuke Raccoon City skyscrapers
I could see this working.

>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?
Ignore everything about 7, and go back to RE4-6 stuff

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
>Did you like RE7?
yes, but not as a resident evil game
>Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
no, and the only way to make it a good remake is by not changing anything
>What is the best RE game?
>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?
same style and feeling as RE4. no VR and no first person.

Look at all these meme answers.

then post yours. please do so i can laugh.

Think we'll see anything on REmake 2 at E3/TGS?

>almost universal hate for VR on Sup Forums
Truly a shit board.

Resident Evil 4 is the only good Resident Evil game, and that's because it's so unlike all the garbage that came before it. Resi 1 - 3, Code Veronica and Zero are all a clunky mess of gameplay mechanics that don't mesh well, and only got popular because we didn't have anything better at the time.

Resident Evil should've died when Silent Hill 2 came out. The fact that it didn't is all on you, and you're all idiots for letting it happen.

Same with Tomb Raider.

RE 7 would have been amazing if the third act didn't take a nose dive in game design.

After you get the two key cards for Lucas, everything goes to shit. The Baker estate was great. Marguerite, Jack and the Molded kept me on my toes. The level design made me backtrack several times and shit my pants expecting new enemies to spawn in, I mis-managed my inventory space at least twice - just great.

But then the molded weren't really replaced by new enemies, there was no reward for me conserving my ammunition as much as I could and there wasn't even a final boss...

What a great game it was for the entire 2nd act, though...

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
No, but RE 7 may signal that the series is healing.
>Did you like RE7?
See above.
>Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
I don't have faith in it. It's the worst of the original trilogy, meaning it's uneducated fan-service, because most kids played RE 2 first and are most nostalgic about it.
>What is the best RE game?
REmake, but I enjoyed RE 3 the most.
>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?
Just reboot Raccoon City or something, seriously. The claustrophobic architecture of Raccoon City was ingenious. Also, reanimated corpses are much more scary than fucking leeches and fungi and whatever.

VR is a shitty gimick which is enjoyable for 10 minutes and then already gets annoying.

Everyone who says this just confirms that they only watched videos of the game's prologue.

The real game lies in the 2nd act of RE7 where it becomes a very good game. The molded are challenging enemies, and Jack/Marguerite make for great and interactive/entertaining boss fights.

For reference here's my WEBM of failing to efficiently kill a molded and resorting to my knife to conserve ammo. That's mouse+keyboard. Imagine people trying to aim in VR with a gamepad. Then imagine madhouse difficulty.

i completely agree with you. just like silent hill should've died out after silent hill 4 a long time ago. but sadly because of money reasons these franchises are being raped to death to the point nobody actually wants to play it anymore.

Why don't you like it though? All I find annoying about it right now are physical aspects that can be fixed with future generations of hardware, like making it wireless and maybe changing the lens from flat to wide curve.

>The game that derailed the series is good.

Oh look, a shitcock who doesn't belong in conversations about a franchise wants to have an opinion.

RE 4 should have not had the Resident Evil branding. They should have made it it's own IP like they did with Devil May Cry.

>Eh, sure
>Yes, but I haven't completed it yet
>Yes, exactly like REmake
>REmake by far
>Urban environment

In VR you actually aim with your head, which makes it a little easier unless you remove reticle which balances it out really well.

RE7 sucks dick. It pretends to be an old school RE with nostalgia baiting but it's just as much action oriented as RE6.

Except at least RE6 embraced its direction and gave you gameplay build for action, RE7 combat is just tedious and nothing shows more how poorly designed it is than Marguerite's boss battle.

>b-but it's just like the original

No it's not, RE never relied on abusive usage of jumpscares to spook you and accomplished it with atmosphere. Then there are the puzzles, in the Old house, when you have to get the arm, there is literally a "remember that card" moment. They are just bandwagoning on the youtuber bait horror game trend. I really hope RE8 just gives us something more like 1st part of the Leon campain in RE6.

>it's just as much action oriented as RE6.
>RE never relied on abusive usage of jumpscares to spook you

How to know which posts to ignore.

>RE never relied on abusive usage of jumpscares

Holy shit, get the fuck out of here. Monsters jumped out of fucking windows plenty of times.

Oh come on, REmake did add some jump scares here and there but the rest of the series didn't have many.

In RE7, the 1st part of the game is completely filled with them, if it's not daddy teleporting behind u it's something shoving its face when you open a door and the trend continues if by the time Marguerite suddenly screamed at you, you weren't tired of this shit I don't know what to say.

>REmake did add some jump scares
They've been in the game since the original.

You don't know what to say because you have an idealized memory of it.

nice b8 m8

i assume that shit like RE4 is a true resident evil in your book?d

Pleased? naa i enjoyed the series up until 5.. resi 6 was a coathanger abortion i gave up after 10 mins never to play it again an 7? i played the demo an it was fucking terrible so i wont buy it, although a remake of resi 2 or code veronica would please me greatly im past caring.

I don't see the point in being a horror snob. The series creates fear in many ways, and you shouldn't feel cheated just because they decide to pop up and go "Boo!". You still get scared, that's what you signed up for. The game did its job.

I enjoy the fear these games induce. It's fun to get scared.

RE always had jumpscares like Nemisis coming out of nowhere

why are jumpscares such a huge source of complains?

RE 6 was absolute dogshit.
Stop pretending it was good at being an action game.

The plot was assfuck.
The gameplay felt stiff most of the time.
The bosses were all absolutely shit.


RE7 actually had proper gameplay, even if the good bits were short and even if the finale sucked. At least there was a basis of a good game that shined through in the middle during the Baker estate and the great Molded combat.

Anyone who tries to defend RE 6 should do us all a favor and remove themselves from any future game design discussions.

Can you have fun with RE 6? Yes. You can laugh at how shit it is. Does you enjoying it make it a good game? No. It's non-objectively a godawful piece of shit software made by a bunch of lazy fucking cunts that have no idea what the fuck is going on.

At least RE 7 doesn't have screamo jumpscares.

I love the ceiling molded the most. They made me jump almost every time, but then I always laugh afterwards because... well just look at that fucking faceplant animation. How can you not love it?

why is it that if you make a negative comment about RE7 everybody rips into RE4 as a defense mechanism?

>when burgerland is asleep
>people actually liking RE7
>some really nice discussion


RE7 was such trash.
I mean my first playthrough wasn't great but it was at least tolerable.
My 2nd playthrough is such a bore.
This should not happen in a resident evil game.
In RE1 you'd replay with the other character on a harder mode, in RE2 you could even do the arrange mode.
But RE7 is just so slow to start, so much of the game is padding and VR pandering.

I was sprinting through the game and timed it, it takes 30 minutes to get to the Mia fight.
Imagine if it took you 30 minutes to get to the first zombie in REmake.

Where in this thread have you seen that happen?
RE 4 may be a good game, but it is unquestionably responsible for de-railing the series into the horsefucked action bullshit that it has been until RE 7.

They should have gave it a new title, like they did with Devil May Cry. They'd have anoter IP to make money off of without making the Resident Evil series such a hit/miss clusterfuck.

No doubt would have been better for their sales. But they just had to get greedy and slap the Resident Evil title on a game that thematically didn't want to be like Resident Evil anymore.

Shit is dumb and I will never respect the stand-alone greatness RE 4 might offer because of it. I don't go to Burger King to order Pizza...

I guess it's not so much jumpscares but screamers, yeah you had nemesis in 3 falling from the cieling, there was the licker in RE2 and the doggies in the corridor in RE1 but at least you didn't have some generic spooky face suddenly showing up full screen for the 344th time. What bothers me the most is how overused it is and how it becomes quickly more annoying than spooky.

I had never seen or played a RE game until RE7 popped up on Sup Forums

I watched RE7 out of curiosity and felt it was pretty nice so I started watching the rest of the serie in reverse chronological order

And man, 6 is boring to watch, or maybe it's just to guy playing him

I expect/hope the others to be better

Game is set way too bright. If people would follow the brightness instructions of this game properly they'd find it a whole lot more scary.

>It's bad because of the prologue.

I mean you're right, the prologue should be skippable, and I'm the guy who talks shit about the game's final act in previous posts, but are you seriously telling me that Madhouse wasn't interesting to you?

I was so surprised at how beautiful REmake looked. But after I replayed it a second time, it just felt boring. Like immensely boring. It was like a door opening sim game.

I liked the arranged mode on RE1 though. That was pretty challenging. I think Madhouse works like that.

So name me some screamers in RE 7. Cause all I can think of is Marguerite before the Scorpion door, and even then, not really all that loud.

>[RE2] is the worst of the original trilogy.

Elaborate or else I'm discarding your opinion entirely.

It's an absolute hilarious blast if you co-op it with a friend with microphones. RE 6 is kind of like "The Room" of video games.

But even that said, some parts were god-awful. Like the Shery/Jake parts in Russia. God-damn. So fucking boring.

Dude, look at that image.
The brightness is set to 0.
The icon that's supposed to be barely visible is OUTLINE BY BRIGHT COLORS!

How in the fuck is that screen supposed to help me calibrate my brightness, dude?

>Where in this thread have you seen that happen?
it happens constantly in ever RE thread, keep spamming paragraphs about how RE4 should have been a different IP though

>up full screen for the 344th time

i dont remember that many? i can only remember jack at the beginning, mia and marguerite scriped "jumpscares"

jumpscares are common in all classic REs and the remaked of the 1st even added more...

The problem is the game doesn't pick up much after the prologue.
It's not like you get into the main house and the long first person animations just stop, you're constantly getting them.
It's not until the birthday party that it stops feeling like a VR experience and starts feeling like a game. You start getting more and more enemies to deal with and the boss fight with Jack is truly RE.

I hate forced interruptions in games, it breaks immersion and makes me wait to keep playing.
This is one of the reasons I disliked Doom 2016.
RE7 loves forced interruptions because it's an easy way to force the player to look at what you want them to look at.
This may seem cool in VR or during the first playthrough, seeing Jack's knife inches from your eyeball or Marguerite jumping from that nook before throwing you in the pit.
But it makes every replay a complete chore and reminds you "you're not actually there, you can't move, please wait for this animation to finish and you can keep playing".
I miss standard cutscenes.
With traditional cutscenes it was all segregated to portions so you were never interrupted when actually playing.

-It's the easiest in the trilogy on a first-play basis.
-Intrigues you with the Raccoon City setting, but then it just kicks you almost immediately into Mansion redux into boring sewers into boring labs.
-Has the least interesting fluff via files.
-Instead of one lengthy game, they just recycle one short campaign into multiple scenarios.

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
Yeah, I enjoyed 7. I feel like they're trying some things there that they would put on RE2 remake. Like how you deal with Molders for example.

>Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
Tank controls would be okay. First person is also okay for me.

>What is the best RE game?
RE2. A and B scenarios were pretty cool. The nuances in each playthrough were great.

>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?
Play as a Tetsu scientist. Viral outbreak in Tetsu, caused by Umbrella spies. Something like that.

I will keep spamming it, if you don't even bother to refute it.

I played RE2 for the first time way after release because my mom was one of those moms when it was new.

I really didn't see the appeal.
The puzzles were very simplistic and it wasn't nearly as fun as 1 to me.
I don't say this to be contrarian, if you love it that's cool and I'm sure there is an appreciation I'm just missing, but for me I just thought it was okay.

Is it the same people that made REmake that are remaking RE2?

If yes, then I'm fucking hyped.

I'll leave that retard battle to someone more autistic than I.

>The problem is the game doesn't pick up much after the prologue.
That doesn't sound like you even played it, to be honest. The game's most interesting portion is between the prologue and the Lucas segment.

>It's not like you get into the main house and the long first person animations just stop, you're constantly getting them.
There's a sequence with the dinner and the police officer. I suppose you have the garage scene, as well, but that one has like 3-4 different ways that can pan out. I love that part, because it's at least an actually interactive bit of scripted shit.

>It's not until the birthday party that it stops feeling like a VR experience and starts feeling like a game. You start getting more and more enemies to deal with and the boss fight with Jack is truly RE.
That's when it got bad for me. The barn/pier is just a long, boring hallway that gives you zero reasons to backtrack. The parts before it were great because you never knew when the devs decide to spawn in new molded or if Jack has regenerated in the basement or something. It actually kept me on my toes. The rematch with Jack was great fun, though, you're right.

>I hate forced interruptions in games, it breaks immersion and makes me wait to keep playing.
Subjective. Didn't break my immersion at all, honestly.

All in all, yeah, there should have been a cutscene skip option, but that doesn't detract from the good bits for me.

>The game's most interesting portion is between the prologue and the Lucas segment.
if you say so, bored the fuck out of me.
>The parts before it were great because you never knew when the devs decide to spawn in new molded or if Jack has regenerated in the basement or something
yes you did, molded didn't spawn inside where there wasn't mould.
that's 1/4 of the lower portion of the main house.
Then 2 spawn outside twice and 2 spawn in the upper kids room.

I just don't understand why there has to be a battle at all.

Most RE 4 afficionados didn't like the original games.

So what's the big fucking deal in me suggesting that they made it a new IP? The Resident Evil IP wouldn't be de-railed, and they could make actually relevant titles when they felt like it, all the while having RE 4's action-oriented gameplay be yet another money maker IP.

I just don't see any argument as to why it wouldn't have been a better idea in retrospect.

>Most RE 4 afficionados didn't like the original games.
where did you get that perception?

>They don't spawn where there's no mold.
>Except when they do.

Ok, bro, good argument.
If the game was too predictable for you, I'm sorry, but I was immersed and I was shitting myself in the Baker houses much more than the linear segments with Lucas where I was guaranteed to encounter enemies.

From posters on Sup Forums and other message boards. Tons of people who enjoyed RE 4 either didn't care too much about the original games, or it was the first title they actually played in the series.

I dunno how to prove it obviously...

I liked re7.

I hope REmake 2 is like REmake 1.

I want RE8 to be RE7 but with zombies and hunters. Thats it.

that seems silly, RE4 is just RE but with an over the shoulder perspective.

>I just don't understand why there has to be a battle at all.
then desperately tries to debate

>I want RE8 to be RE7 but with zombies and hunters. Thats it.
fucking this.
the molded are such goofy looking fuckers, they looks like the things from attack the block.

>I want RE8 to be RE7 but with zombies and hunters. Thats it.

this and harder puzzles

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
Yeah a bit. I'm interested in where RE7 takes the series. I know there's people that don't consider it as Resident Evil, but really, the franchise has always been split into two different trilogies: 1-3 were Survival Horror with zombies, limited inventory, and fixed camera angles, while 4-6 were Action Horror with BOWs, item management, and the over-the-shoulder camera. RE7 was a mix of both with a first person perspective, and it did pretty well done for the most part. It may have been a bit shaky, but it's definitely a viable path.

wow... did not expect that someone else watched that shitty movie.

RE1-3 were much more action oriented than 7, I don't see 7 as a mix of both other than there's item tetris and crosshair aiming.

>RE7 sucks dick. It pretends to be an old school RE with nostalgia baiting but it's just as much action oriented as RE6.
Oh nice, we're just straight-up lying now.

I didn't, I just know of it and made the reference
I'm so sorry

yeah I don't like 7 but it's by far the LEAST actioney game of the series.
To a fault actually, it gets dull because there's so little action.

Anyone who says it's as action oriented as 6 is just a liar.

The molded fucking freaked me the fuck out. They could spawn out of anywhere in the areas they inhabit and move erratically. Very unnerving and I enjoyed shitting my pants by them.

YET reanimated carcasses are much more horrifying than fungi and leeches and all these other new shit, so I agree.

Pirated 7 and thank god I did. Barely stomached getting to first part where Jack hunts and I just uninstalled.

Eagerly awaiting Remake 2 though.

>They could spawn out of anywhere in the areas they inhabit
no just several specific room they inhabit and out of clearly indicated molded walls.
It's not until later that they start popping up unexpectantly, but you usually heard them before you saw them.


RE1-3's action is non-existent. REmake changed that a bit with the introduction of Crimson Heads and revamped Hunters to really put the tension on the player, but for the most part, enemies in the original trilogy were mostly just there as almost another puzzle element. You can see this with how in RE2, the presence of large groups of zombies were placed to make the player go get the shotgun or grenade launcher to basically act as a key. The only real combat was with the bosses.

So yeah, the original trilogy mostly only has item tetris to contribute if we're going by game mechanics.

>RE1-3's action is non-existent
RE1-3 is by far more action oriented than 7.
You get to the game much quicker, there's far more enemies to kill and running around is fast and fluid.
You had to be careful in order to minimize damage and make runs, or carefully use ammo to clear out routes.
RE7 does not have this, sprinting is super slow (seriously look at you shadow while sprinting it's hilarious how you look like you're running on ice or something), there's very few enemies in the game and you don't really have routes to clear out. Clearing out the lower level of the main house can help but other than that it's a straight line.
>the original trilogy mostly only has item tetris to contribute if we're going by game mechanics.
I was referencing item tetris as being part of RE4.
RE7 has the same mechanic except it's automated so you don't rotate stuff manually.




>RE7 does not have this, sprinting is super slow (seriously look at you shadow while sprinting it's hilarious how you look like you're running on ice or something), there's very few enemies in the game and you don't really have routes to clear out. Clearing out the lower level of the main house can help but other than that it's a straight line.

the thing is if you could just run past them people would complain "the game gives you a shit ton of ammo while you can just ran past the enmies".

7 leaves a lot to curiosity now in terms of where the story's now, since Ethan and Wesker obviously have some sort of connection.

"Not a Hero" likely refers to Ethan himself.

but 7 DOES give you shit ton of ammo.
the problem is there isn't enough enemies to use it on.

play on madhouse and you wont will never have enough ammo.

>well, they said that it's going to be more akin to REmake than RE4, so there's still hope.

>7 DOES give you shit ton of ammo
If you take the time to explore and dig for everything hidden away in rooms. Madhouse is pretty easy with the circular saw by itself since it stunlocks most enemies, but it's terrible for crowd control.

>it's terrible for crowd control.
good joke

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
I like that they went back to a more scary point of view. Not saying that I disliked 5 and 6 but it was about time.

>Did you like RE7?
It was a good game but not phenomenal. Jack was based though

>faith in RE2 remake
I do

>best RE game
RE4 for me

I'd like to see some urban areas, maybe sewers and some Umbrella labs.

Psychostimulants, trial and error, or just avoid them if you're not sure. It's always the same ones that are trapped in any difficulty though.

or just shoot them.
tap with your flamer, cheapest way to do it

You haven't played the game, have you

There's multiple occasions where molded spawn in front of and behind you

Unlock the glasses on normal or easy first if you want to breeze through it

can somebody please explain whats up with ethans left hand? After the ending it should fall off. Or is he still infested? I dont get it

>Are you pleased with the current status of the Resident Evil series?
It seems to be going in a good direction lately.
>Did you like RE7?
Yup, a lot better than I thought it would be.
>Do you have faith in the RE2 Remake, and how would you like them to do it?
Yup, in the style of REmake1 but with the option to play it with a fixed camera, over the shoulder or in 1st person for VR.
>What is the best RE game?
Resident Evil 2 for story, Resident Evil 4 for gameplay
>And what kind of setting do you want from 8?
A town like Raccoon City with the open feeling of 7.

The infection promotes cell regeneration, meaning it was re-attached with his normal tissue and not like what Leon was gonna suffer from in the original RE4.

sauce on pic?

I've literally posted proof I've beaten it and am playing madhouse.
Why do RE7 fans always resort to "you haven't played it"?
It's so pathetic, just talk to people normally and have a conversation.

Molded do not just spawn unless there's a mould wall for them to spawn from.
Otherwise they're pre-spawned.

The Virus heals people permanently, then turns them into monsters like the bakers after prolonged exposure if i remember correct°ly.

ape escape

it's better than silent hill's track record

Ok thx