Kirby Thread

What do you think Kirby's first outing on The Switch will be like?

As its Kirby's 25th anniversary, I think it would be cool if they did another collection, but this time with HD remasters of 64, RtDL and the 3DS games.

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Bump, i want a kirby thread.

>the arena is too easy
>the true arena is too hard

feels bad man

I've tried all of leaf, esp, archer and hammer and the furthest I've gotten is the D3

Goddamn if they made that I'd buy four copies

throw in yarn Yoshi Kirby too
can't remember the name cause I woke up drunk

>True arena is easy for me
>but because i use rock
>i can only win with rock
I am a failure.

>tfw beat the whole thing as fighter

best kirby power

Kirby's epic yarn

03 when?

they should go full 3D like Kirby 3D rumble

Can kirby beat the touhous?

poison still the best new ability

this or Air Ride 2.

Air Ride 2, with everything updated to match the current series aesthetic. Everyone's favorite characters would be playable.

Why the actual director hates humanoid characters?

Use wheel and quick-turn over and over, you get infinite iframes and you hit like a truck. I literally completed the true arena without taking any damage. The only part where it doesn't work is the final boss and, surprisingly, its bonus phase.

I was thinking about using either Fighter or Sword for my second run. I beat it with Bomb the first time.

His final attacks leave you at 1 hp from full hp and goes through invincibility frames so yeah.

I just want to play 64 at 60fps and emulation isn't going anywhere, Kirby game by treasure when?

Is treasure even alive?

For his switch outing, I'd like something completely out of left field or a sort of Super Star spiritual sequel; 8 or more NEW mini campaigns with their own flavor in one package.

Looking at Wikipedia, the last game they worked on was in 2011, so maybe no. Likely they're just dormant.

They might play it safe with another remake, perhaps Amazing Mirror to tie into the multiplayer-aspect Nintendo seems to push with the Switch. How about split-screen Amazing Mirror?

No, his hitbox in the shmup segments is too large.

Four screen Amazing Mirror sounds divine

I friccn love kirby.

3D Kirby with Crystal Shards' mixing ability.

so the greatest ability of all time is wing right?

>MFW 98% in robobot
Fucking stickers, still missing 20 (the random ones), wat to do?

That's not Smash or Yo-yo.



>Online City Trial Sup Forumseekends

Oh shit haven't been in a Kirby thread for quite a while.

I'll be surprised if that were the case since Planet Robobot came out last year. But if we are going with HAL's tradition, than a mainline Kirby game for the Wii U might come out since it's going to killed off to make way for the Switch.

The Kirby series has always made me pretty happy. I hope new Kirby games are produced soon. I'd love a collection they put on the DS to put added to the switch in some kind of anthology, maybe with multiplayer support or something.

Best Kirby power up.

do the fucking lottery, you get 5 chances after every stage.

>than a mainline Kirby game for the Wii U might come out
Nintendo already said Zelda will be the last first party game.

Sounds cool, and it would be really great to see all of his spinoff games to be in a single collection.

Now we wait for elder god tier Yo-yo to make a comeback.

Gotta start grinding stickers at stage 1-4 bro. Or start doing the True Arena with every ability just for fun.

Oh did they? Didn't know that, but mind if I ask for source?

full Kirby RPG when?

Who would you main if Air Ride 2 actually existed?
Taranza would be my main no matter what. My secondary would certainly be Gryll.

When Kirby Cosmic Chaos comes out. Which is likely never ;_;

Well that sucks, though I might have some doubt about this since this statement is coming from the president of NoA and not from the head of Nintendo.

What happened to it?

Lottery? What?

Go to the stickers list, there's a yellow button in the bottom screen.

A game where you have to unlock the tranformations in the cash shop.

That is for play coins and don't have a single shit of them.

It's probably gonna be some weird shit that makes use of the joycons, cause Hal loves to try new things like that. That or a traditional game, since it's the anniversary. Or hell, maybe both.

Losing interest over time, taking too much time to develop an ambitious project, and cost of replacing hardware in case of failure. Sucks it happens to most beginning developers. Especially when the project looks very promising.

Lets hope HAL takes advantage of the console's gimmick effectively like what they produce for the DS.

A Mass Attack 2 would be great, considering how everybody is loving that balls minigame in 1, 2, Switch.

Hell when they introduced 1, 2, Switch in the Direct, it reminded me of the duel minigame in Kirby's Adventure.

So a bit of Squeak Squad where you unlock an ability's hidden potential.

>Air Ride 2
>Dreamland Warriors
>A full game out of 3D Rumble a la Captain Toad
>A new game with Dreamland 2 & 3's animal friends
Give me any of these and I'm sold

I had some fun ideas for characters if Kirby got a fightan focused on characters as supposed to abilities, particularly how to implement K64 reps

>Adeleine for the good guys
>Summoner/Puppeteer attacks using her paintings
>has to constantly hide behind her easel
>if easel is broken she's extremely vulnerable and can only run around like at the end of all her fights

>Possessed Ripple Queen for the bad guys, since Zero Two would be too massive and unwieldy
>floating around with that creepy smile
>constantly surrounded by Dark matter and commanding it for various attacks
>supers have Zero Two come out to fuck shit up

Post more fairy queen art, is hard to find (i know is on twitter but fuck that place).

Three Kirby games that I want to have happen:
>Kirby Super Star 2
>An actual 3D Kirby game
>Kirby Air Ride 2

If any of these things happen I will jizz my pants

>An actual 3D Kirby game
Swallowing and spitting enemies would be pretty clunky in a 3D environment.

It's the Castlevania syndrome all over again.

I feel if Koei were to take on the Kirby franchise, they should do it in a similar fashion to Mystic Heroes.

Kirby 3D Rumble did it well. Maybe with the addition of a lock-on or slighly-homing stars would have it work better.

Because it was isometric, not overhead third person camera following you in actual 3D.

It would be pretty neat to see that happen. Adding recent and not very known characters to the roster would be awesome as well.

>Taranza using his puppetry magic to attack or defend

>Gryll is a technical character using puzzle blocks to attack

What it should be
>something innovative and cool or Air Ride 2

What it could be
>a generic single player game in the style of the older games, like RtDL

What it could but definitely should not be
>another Curse spinoff
>an HD remake

That's one of the reason why HAL still haven't been able to properly introduce Kirby into the 3D realm. Not saying it's impossible, but it's going to be a very challenging thing for them to develop.

It's not to say that it's a perfect representation of what an actual 3D Kirby game would be like. Despite its isometric view, it served its purpose as a proof of concept as to how a three dimensional Kirby game would be like. The suggestions I made about swallow/spit system are just ideas to make a 3D Kirby work; it's not to say it'd be impossible. Take the off-vehicle system from Air Ride, for example - make the camera more flexible and already you'd have a prototype that with some fine tuning could be fun to play. Or, just try to replicate pic related - this could've been a good game had it come out

say no more fampai

I'd be perfectly fine with an isometric Kirby like 3D Rumble, but you know people would still complain just like how they did complain about Mario 3D World.

>another Curse spinoff
>an HD remake

But that already happened.

Is RC the most underrated Kirby game? It was a ton of fun. The only downside was that you had to play it on the gamepad.

Speaking of which, why hasn't there been Team Kirby Clash and Kirby 3D Rumble Deluxe/2.0/whatever they'd want it to be called? Were they not good enough?

>be me
>sleeping in my crystal prison
>2powerful4u to be released
>suddenly a portal opens up
>another computer has taken me from my prison to fight someone
>it's that blue orb again

Kirby Star Stackers / Kirakira kids

>The only downside was that you had to play it on the gamepad.

That and you wouldn't see how gorgeous the claymation is on the big screen tv unless you're one of the waddle dee players. I guess this game is one of the few that the second to fourth player has a huge advantage over the first.

The Deluxe version of the Triple Deluxe minigames were released one year after it's release, so I guess the same would apply for Robobot as well. I want Computer Virus to be the final boss for Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.

Galacta Knight is becoming less of a threat and more of a joke if he keeps jobbing like this.

I would seriously love if they officially localize Kirakira kids to the west. The soundtrack is so fucking good. Or even better, have it remastered.

And that's perfectly fine.
The only time humanoids have looked well in a Kirby game is in KDL3.

Actually, because literally being sealed "outside of canon", all galatac knight's fights are the first.

I'm guessing next game. They fucking brought back Dark Matter, so Nightmare was in Amazing Mirror, so anything is possible.

It'll probably be both. They're not afraid of making weird spin-offs.
Although some might say that their current 2D platformer formula may be growing stale.

I will never understand why the cutscenes were in 60fps but the actual gameplay was locked to 30.

Dark Mind was it's own separate entity in Amazing Mirror, although it looked like a mixture between Zero and Nightmare.

When will they start treating this guy better?

Jesus now that I realize, I like how Dark Matter just zipped across the screen to possess Dedede. It looks really well done.

>Bandana "Background Tosser" Dee

spoiler]Maybe the next game, who knows at this point.[/spoiler]

It just needs a revamp now, although the level design and aesthetics is still great and different if we draw a comparison between the RtDL, TD, and PR.

I believe Adeleine and Queen Ripple looked fine to me. I don't see the problem or issue with them. They both look cartoonish enough to be a part of Kirby's universe. And heck there was a similar humanoid looking being in the earlier game as well and it looks great in contrast to Kirby.

I was thinking recently that the closest thing to a proper 3D Kirby is dismounting in City Trial. I wonder if it'll ever happen.

>play through to 3rd area in Triple Deluxe and have an okay time
>also have Robobot, let's try that for a change
>it starts and has the exact same models, animations, interface as Triple Deluxe

are these actually different games or am I just playing another flavor of it

Controlling Kirby in City Trial felt so good that it made me question why hasn't Kirby been transitioned to a 3D environment.

They both run the same engine as Return to Dreamland, but TD and PR have improved movesets to existing abilities like Sword. Although the Super Abilities are redundant in the first two, which is pretty much a cinematic cut scene, Return to Dreamland has an extra black and white dimension level at the end of each section which are challenging especially in extra mode. Planet Robobot however does a great job meshing the super ability and normal gameplay together. It feels more natural when using the mecha to obiliterate every thing you come across. And I'll say Robobot does an even better job with it level design as well. Compare it to Triple Deluxe and you'll see that there is a lot more variety to the environment than meets the eye.

kirby air ride hd and i will preorder tonight