Stop being a nationalist


the only thing this face can convince a man to is become exclusively homosexual



Sup Forums is a Trump Board.

Sup Forums is our greatest ally.


Only if you agree to stay on Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

>mug gender studies degree

I'm not a nationalism, I play video games

Like Hell

the phone call that saved E3

are you implying Sup Forums has educated people?

If people hate america so much, why not sell the land to China, you'd be rich.

Clinton has also 96% chance of winning bros!

White college students still voted Trump

If not for race quota it would be red


Hey Sup Forums stop bringing your shit to our dump

nice that we elected a man for the common people :)

What part of "Video Games" is so hard to understand

Sup Forums isn't nationalist, they literally took rascist jokes from /new/ in 2010 too seriously and this was the result. No one on Sup Forums could give less of a fuck about America

>'s treason then
> [losing the easiest election to win ever and autistic screeching intensify]

If they're so smart why do they lose all the time?

t. Neogaf user since 2007

>50% of degrees are gender studies when theology majors outnumber gender studies majors
>business majors and stem outnumber both by more than 10:1 each

I think Hilldog was actually pretty hot in her youth.

You seem upset

>Millennials even have the worse politics
Utter cancer with your SJWs and le alt right

>america is the only country on earth
>everyone on Sup Forums is american

>the far rights obsession with anti-intellectualism

Never change nazis

Hey racist.

>more educated

And then they get jobs like this