What did blizzard mean by this ?

what did blizzard mean by this ?

You are wasting your life playing shitty games.

defeat is a nasty word


There's your problem.


>dont play games
>do productive things instead
>you will die and be gone forever anyway
whats the point ?

The match is complete?

why play in diamond when you can smurf in bronze anons

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

Did they really removed Victory/Defeat from the game? Fucking hugbox

But then I would just be shitposting on a shitty Sup Forums board.

no, it says match complete, then it shows the scores, then it says victory or defeat

>will have the golden weapons for the two characters i give a shit about and can drop to my hearts content next season

i cannot wait to not give a shit frankly

>people complaining about a game they haven't played

i sure do love Sup Forums

No in comp when the match is over you get "Match Complete" then "Final Score" just to really rub it in the loser's face that they lost then "Victory/Defeat"

5 golds

Пoшёл нaхyй, дayн

OP things getting 5 golds as a broken hero is impressive

>will have the golden weapons

They really need to add more weapon skins the gold weapons look ugly as fuck and really clash with some on the skins.

it makes the game so much more fun. You can play anything and everyone is so bad it doesn't matter.

You had an Ana

Ana is probably the hardest support to get a high healing score because it requires being able to aim, whereas Hoggy just presses E

should talk to your friend about healing more with Ana

>sub 50% hook accuracy
>draw on hollywood

>there's not any "no/negative" voice commands
>can't even tell a team when they've lost anymore

This is getting pretty ridiculous

>be productive instead of wasting time on vidya
>actually live a satisfying and fulfilling existence
>can happily die knowing you did something positive with your limited time on this planet instead of just living day to day like a drone

It means that the match is complete. You seem to have drawn 0 - 0 so there is no winner.

I said SHITTY games.

sorry >.>

Your friend is a shitty Ana

I thought you guys said "Gold medals dont mean anything"... or is that only when the team loses?

Notice how they ended up in a draw even with all those gold medals? There you go

That's because CTF sucks shit.

>instead of just living day to day like a drone

Wouldn't the drones be the ones working all the time?

That's fucking comp you retard


Theres your problem