Why doesn't Nintendo ever do something like this? Pride? Arrogance? Hatred for filthy gaijins...

Why doesn't Nintendo ever do something like this? Pride? Arrogance? Hatred for filthy gaijins? Or just being out of touch as usual?

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What's wrong with NSMB?

I don't like it but that's more on a "it's just not that much fun" level. As a 2D platformer of olde it's a solid torch-carrier.

OP here, I didn't mean "why don't Nintendo make 2D pixel platformers", I meant "why don't Nintendo harvest and nurture the best parts of their fandev communities (like the Metroid 2 Remake guy or the Project M dev team)".

Because unlike SEGA they don't need to do this.

Metroid would beg to differ

You mean they don't need to do this with their flagship franchise.

Lots of Nintendo franchises could do with a Sonic Mania. Just not Mario.

This. SEGA are desperate cucks. Nintendo has no need for this shit.

Arrogance probably. In the case of AM2R, embarrassment.

Nintendo's like Apple except belligerent.

All of their IPs belong on THEIR hardware. If you want to play Nintendo games, you have to go to THEM.

But unlike Apple, they actually take offense if other people try to mess with their ecosystem and rules (you don't see Apple suing Tonymacx86).

>SEGA are desperate cucks
and thank god for that. If they weren't we wouldn't have as many good video games.

Desperation over complacency every time. Good games can come from desperation. Nothing good comes from complacency

>Nothing good comes from complacency

Be nice.

you mean Super Mario Maker?

the game came out over a year ago.

Everyone hates it because it's the same game with the same levels over and over again: grassy level, beach level, desert level, ice level, volcano level, mushroom level, swamp level and so on. They all look exact the same in every game. The only thing that changes is the level design. Nothing more.

>desperate cuck SEGA is good for gaes guise!
Then why there is no good SEGA game since forever?

Wasn't Alien Isolation good?

>Sonic fan makes their own game, Sega buys the rights to it and supports it
>Metroid fan makes their own game, Nintendo DMCA's it and reports every site hosting it until it's removed from the internet
Nintendo are a bunch of scumbags.

Sega's non-Japanese offices got infiltrated slowly over time by classic Sega fans. You only need to look at Sonic's Twitter meme man to realize that. Having these classic fans in positions of power is probably what led to Sonic Mania being seriously considered in the first place.

Nintendo's non-Japanese offices got infiltrated slowly over time by pedophiles, escorts, SJW's and people who think it's appropriate to fill a games dialog with internet memes. As such, Nintendo of Japan probably takes their western branches (and especially Treehouse) less seriously than ever.

Yes, it was good.

They just made Mario Maker

No, it was shit.

It handles like shit, putting it into terms you might understand you float like in ssbb while old platformers had weight while in the air like in ssbm.

Nintendo nailed 3D Mario back in 1996, there wasn't an outcry for them to go back to classic gameplay.

There isn't a single reason to believe that Mania won't be good.

I said it's not that much fun, wouldn't that imply I have experience with it?

I hope it's the last Sonic game ever. The franchise stops here.

Maybe, it was okayish.

Who was talking about Mario?

You also said it's a solid torch carrier when it's completely flawed in the main aspect of a platformer.

If the game is good, wouldn't you want more games like it?

The Project M devs could absolutely make a better Smash game than Sakurai. He and Nintendo are just too arrogant to reach out to them.

That's subjective. It is on the floaty side compared to something like SMW but if the level design is conducive to that, it isn't a deal-killer.

I just find the series boring. The levels don't feel special.

Sega would never turn over their key earner entirely over to an indie dev. Once this blows over they're going right back to shitting out inept Sonic games.

Nigga it's going to be the first in a sub-series. Mania has already sold like hot-cakes on the pre-orders for the collectors edition and has a whole lot of hype behind it. There will be a Mania 2 and maybe even 3 unless something goes COLOSSALLY wrong with it, which is highly unlikely because it's actually made by competent developers for a change.

The real question is what will happen to Sonic Team's 2017 Project, released near the end of this year. If Mania performs well (and it will) and Project 2017 performs poorly, that could be a serious blow to Sonic Team.

You have the shortest sight of anyone. If they really didn't mind people messing with their ecosystem, they wouldn't lock their devices down so much to begin with.

Sounds like you drank the koolaid or you're wozniack.

Who said they have to? Iizuka can keep pumping out his big budget science experiments, while TaxStealth give us what we actually want.

It's what's happening right now. Why would they randomly change that?

>project m design
>every character gets a busted bread and butter
>this is balanced I swear guys!

Try again.

Apple doesn't complain about people stepping on their toes. They try to prevent it, yes, but they don't actively try to bully people who do that stuff in their backyard.

>>Sonic fan makes their own game, Sega buys the rights to it and supports it
Not what happened.

They kinda did with Super Mario Maker.

Still better than Smash "every character feels like shit and you don't even carry momentum from a run to a jump" 4


>Sonic fan makes their own game, Sega buys the rights to it and supports it
>ignoring the fact Whitehead made three engine ports of classic Sonic games for mobile using his custom engine at Sega's behest before being greenlit to do an original game from scratch

I'll admit no jump momentum is often ass and really slows the game down, but imagine sonic with real jump momentum.

Who's going to even catch up to the guy? Falcon and....?

This. People don't give enough credit to the efforts the Mania Team went through to get Mania to happen. A lot of salty "Sonic was never good" kids seem to literally believe Sega plucked a random fangame off the internet as a last resort, rather than them slowly working towards this over the course of many years.

It's also a shame that Whitehead is the only one to ever get any attention for Mania. Stealth has put just as much into the technical groundwork for the project, PagodaWest are probably the ones responsible for the gorgeous new graphics of Studiopolis and Desert Dazzle and they're all probably chipping in where they can for concepts and level designs.

No, Whitehead is solely responsible for Desert Dazzle, I think (or rather Mirage Saloon). The level tiles, background, and obstacles were cut from Sonic CD, which I think was mostly his own doing.

The new shit in Mirage Saloon (like the popgun and seltzer obstacles) might not have been from him but large parts of Mirage Saloon are repurposed Desert Dazzle assets and I think he had those before PagodaWest and he were collaborating.

They'd have to rebalance the game, sure, but it wasn't a problem for Sonic in Project M

The point is, I don't think anybody is calling the Project M team perfect, but even if you take out the pure tourneyfaggotry stuff like wavedashing, they still seem to have a better grasp on making a fun, if imbalanced, game than Sakurai does. Jump momentum is just the tip of the iceberg

Ah well in that case, there's not really a good reason. Perhaps they feel like it competes with official games and maybe they don't want to expend the effort to make sure it comes exclusively to their platform for free / a small nominal fee. The problem doesn't just exist in fan games, just look at how they feel about their other 1st / 2nd party teams developing something with their IP. Miyamoto felt they had to outdo the unreleased Starfox 2 by Argonaut, Donkey Kong Country "proved players would take graphics over gameplay", Metroid Prime didn't sell in Japan and they had to "outdo it" with Metroid Other M, etc. You can call it Japanese pride or whatever, but Nintendo is extremely protective of their IPs, just look at how much they charge for Virtual Console and think "this is how much we think our 30 year old gold mine is worth".

>Sega forced atlus to have dual audio in persona 5
>nintendo forced atlus to censor the fuck out of tokyo mirage sessions

truly the wrong kid died

I'd say super mario maker did exactly that

i dont know, can you repeat the question?

yakuza 0 says hello

I'm aware of Desert Dazzle but it honestly looked quite bland before the introduction of a lot of the new Mirage Saloon assets, like the big totems, the bar stools, missing posters etc. Besides that, I find Desert Dazzle highly suspect in the first place considering Taxman never really had any involvement graphically with any project he was involved in - I'm not even sure if he can do sprite art, at all, considering there was never the slightest indication of it prior to the Desert Dazzle screenshot. It would not surprise me if the Desert Dazzle graphics were done by somebody else and simply never credited because the stage never came to fruition in the CD remake.

>w-we don't need AM2R!

Funny how they actually fell for the mobile craze.

It's Whitehead's engine powering the game. Kind of hard to overlook that fact. Without that there isn't really a game to speak of.

I do give props to Stealth, though. He's talented as fuck (since he can decompile Sonic 1 and then port it to GBA better than Sega did with official resources and tools).

Stealth is fucking amazing, I recently discovered his Head Cannon Games Engine, which can faithfully reproduce Genesis era Sonic games and more, and then run on multiple systems which support the engine.

There's a test build of it on the 3DS that never went very far, but releases on platforms like Wii, PC, PSP, and even lesser known open source handhelds like the GP2X Wiz and GCW Zero.

>During the hearings, Howard Lincoln and Bill White (chairmen of Nintendo and Sega's U.S. divisions respectively) attacked each other's stances on objectionable content in video games; Lincoln condemned Sega for even releasing Night Trap and felt it "simply has no place in our society", while White argued that Sega was more responsible to consumers because they actually had a rating system in place, rather than a blanket presumption that all its games would be suitable for general audiences.

Reminder Nintendo was ALWAYS for censorship.

Censorship wouldn't be so bad if the game was targeted for kids, but that's not the game's target demographic. This is more so a Tree House / NoA problem. The wedding dress was especially overboard. Treehouse practically replaces every joke and instance of any humor with a meme and it's getting old and they need to go.

They have Apple's mindset about exclusivity and elitism while not having their market space. Big difference.

Wrong thread buddy? This is about fan projects not censorship

this is about how based SEGA was always better than Nintendo, dumb fucl.

>Night Trap
>not suitable for society

toppest keks

>Everyone hates it

Sega can get into the hardware business anytime they want. But they know they are a shitty company who will just release another failure.

Sure, but an engine is only as good as the game that's built in it. Taxman has the technical knowhow, but Stealth helped with a lot of it too, and we don't know how much of the actual creative elements of the game (boss design, Special Stages, zones, enemies) can be attributed to Christian himself.

It just feels like people are putting Taxman on a pedestal. Mania is a group project.

>implying it isnt because theres a shit ton of money being put in when making a console

>tfw while hidden palace zone and vuvuzela boss where some great shit we still will never get to see how final fever in sonic cd would play like
sonic cd could really use a "real" final boss


>sonic cd could really use a "real" final boss
I dunno, I quite enjoy the fact that Sonic CD just has a plain old boss at the end (albeit with epic music) rather than a giant Eggman robot or a Super Sonic battle. It's a nice change of pace. Sonic CD doesn't need to be homogenized into being even more like the other games in the series.

That's understandable if CD didn't have some of the worst bosses in the series, Metal aside.


I think you mean best.

t. i have never played bmx xxx

theres no nudity in the game btw

There was enough to get Sony to censor it while Nintendo didn't.

The brains of nintendo is in japan.

They dont consider the west when making stuff. They release what they think will take off in japan, and NA localizes it or it doesnt come over.

Thats the reason the switch is so weird to the USA, its not marketed towards them initially.

>ITT: we act like Mario Maker doesn't exist.

t. american
there is nudity in the game in the rest of the world and i'm pretty sure only the ps2 version was censored in america anyway

>Explicit content
My ass.

prove it

Of course your ass is an explicit content.

>ITP: we don't read the thread and go full retard

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yeah, nintendo should revive 2d mario

link doesnt work

I wish they had done an OC for this series.
Having to play as two recolored Toads is boring as fuck.

They haven't gotten to that point in their lifetime as a developer. We all know SEGA isn't betting money on any of their devs to get Sonic right, so why not get a few fans who kinda get it right with Sonic to make a Sonic game? Mania is still a ROM hack on steroids in my eyes, but one that is needed, and I intend on buying it. Super Mario Maker didn't appeal to me, at all. Give me a Mario game that pulls characters, elements and such from SMB2, 3, World and builds on top of what World established mechanically and I'll be on board. NSMB was a step backward.

And it's not just Mario. Metroid, DKC and even Kirby could benefit from a Mania.

does for me
you could always try googling bmx xxx for yourself

Mario Maker was made by Nintendo you blabbering retard

nah im on a shared computer

I'm glad AM2R happened and received fanfare before jewtendo could kill it for FF-advertising.

Whether or not they learned anything from it will be a true test of their arrogance.

>a few fans who kinda get it right
You have no idea what you're talking abo-

>Mania is still a ROM hack
Yeah, you REALLY don't know what you're talking about.

It's a huge gamble. Even SEGA's higher-ups thought Mania would be a low-budget filler game and not pick up the hype it would. If you make a retro-styled sprite-based game, there's a chance consumers will just say "this looks like shit, why isn't it in 3D?" and ignore it.

Hell, some Adventurefags did just that with Mania, though they're thankfully in the minority.

As it should be. Turning free romhacks and fan games into games you sell is a jew move. Sega are jews.

I would offer my left nut to be able to work on a sequel to the original SMW (and YI is great but doesn't count). That game was pretty great, though flawed, and I'd love to see Nintendo make another pixelated 2D Mario.

I was working on a SMW hack that was going for a similar-but-different kind of feel, like you could see it be a real expansion pack for the SNES Playstation in an alternate timeline or something. It'd have a similar artstyle and soundtrack but introduce new level themes, power-ups, bosses, that kinda jazz. Too bad ASM is too fucking hard because I still love the idea.

>Turning free romhacks and fan games into games you sell
Thank fuck Sega never did that.

>Turning free romhacks and fan games into games you sell is a jew move
Except they didn't do that with Sonic Mania.

That's pretty much what Final Doom was

Sort of. Plutonia is 100% OC, isn't it?

Did I trigger you?