"That's a cute console you got there user. Is it the nintendo switch?" -

>"That's a cute console you got there user. Is it the nintendo switch?" -
>"Woha, you are actually a pretty cool guy, user..."

y-you too...

Thanks, would you like to come to my rooftop party on Friday night? I'll bring 1 2 Switch, of course.

It probably smells like asshole balls and armpit in there?

Tell me Sup Forums Why do Indians smell so fucking bad???

Why is she macking that qt face

Still trying to figure out exactly what it is she's macking.

She looks Latina

>conversations that will never ever happen except in user´s mind
do you think life is a fucking movie? you´ll get burned for enjoying shit and people will use your preferences against you.

white society is never about equal chances or equal fun so if you want something new expect to get hated for it. all these cunts care about is money and babies and more money and babies, they´re anti-social breeding slaves.

Fuck off to pol

I'll never understand why normies can't wink properly, the point of a wink is to keep the other eye open, it's not that hard really, I know normies are literally retarded but still, fuck.

>Fuck you too, dyke.

She was being sarcastic, right?

>Is that a Nintendo Switch?!
>Here, user, have a trophy!
>>Here, user, have another trophy!
>Hey user have a trophy!
>Three trophies for user!

user this is the greatest post in the whole world have a trophy


nice try, back to plebbit

pol is redpilled, escaping reality into fantasy simulations is taking the bluepill

Sup Forums has been "redpilled" so hard that they've essentially gone full circle and made their own version of the blue pill

>fuck off to pol
you do understand this thread is a shitpost, it is you who should fuck off
the only relation to videogames is that it mentions the switch and the rest of it is trash


>implying you won't get all the cuties but just pulling out your switcheroo

People can tell if you are powerful alpha who plays in public and has the money to pay for the switch.

> rim licker

>So much a of cowardly cunt they cropped/framed the head out of view
>'game boy'
>That grammar and punctuation
>Generic, ugly white girls
Not even mad. They'll probably both end up as ugly washed up whores.

hey I saw this on 9gag too