Why didn't you preorder?

Why didn't you preorder?

But I did. It's fully paid off too. Never been this hyped for a midnight launch in my life.

I did, but I'm selling it locally for double the price come launch.

so you have hiv then?

No games.

No games

i dont pre-order $80 tablets with a cheap chinese TN panel just because it has a nintendo logo on it

Not only preordered, got 10 friends of mine to preordered too. We are excited as Fuck for the multiplayer on the go

i want nintendo to die

I don't preorder anything. The last thing I preordered was an expensive duck back in 2003. Rest in peace Gertrude

I did faggot

There's no reason to.

>buying consoles


I did, in fact, I pre-ordered multiple Switches!

One for myself, another for my wife, and one for her son.

We are quite excited, to say the least!

Oh, and I picked up the Pro Controller for Zelda and Mario, so if you guys wanna know my impressions I can make a video review in a few weeks.

Because I bought a PS VR just this week and it is more than worth the price compared to the Switch.

I can play it's single game on my other dead console.

Look at this fag

>The last thing I preordered was an expensive duck back in 2003
how exactly does this happen

Paid multiplayer*

like an edible duck?

lol your wife and her son. what a loser.

A shit taste so massive should have its own gravity well


>le wife's le son

Name me one thing on the Switch that will be better than RE7 in VR. You can't.

You see the egg and preorder the duck, hoping it becomes AAA tier.

Most of the time you Get a goose.

Are you okay?

The last Nintendo console I owned was the gamecube.

They need to stop focusing on stupid fucking gimmicks and just make a cheap nintendo machine that plays games on a TV with a controller.

What's funny is I only know two people in real life who are getting a Switch and they both are literally taking care of their wife's sons.

>the only game for months is a port

there you go.

No I didn't eat it, it was just a nice duck. A rare duck. Some people eat them. I just wanted a cute friend. I loved my duck. I fed her only the freshest and then let her go at a nice pond when she was in her yesteryears. Old people fed her for the remainder of her life. If anyone knew she was a $800 duck she probably would have been kidnapped, but she wasn't.

found the cuckold
shoo shoo cuckypoo

Because its first year's library consists of Mario and Zelda, and Zelda isn't even exclusive to the system

>playing five nights At freddies with zombies, ON VR.

What the Fuck man I was teasing you but this is truly a horrid taste.

>mfw playing Breath of the Wild in 4K emulated on PC the same week it comes out and not paying Nintendo a dime

but why

Happy for you user, hope you enjoyed your time with your duck

Ok. Enjoy your Wii Sports 3 on Switch for the 3 hours you can.

Because I'm tired of paying premium prices for everything and putting up with the game droughts that every Nintendo console has.

i'm not a cuck

It feels great to be wealthy.

I pre-ordered 12 the second pre-orders became available.

I'm looking at a 250% return on investment already and the bidding it still open.

People are fucking retarded.

but i did

Hope it pays out. A lot of people tried the same on the Wii U and they ended up breaking even most of the time.

>He actually bought Nintendo's propaganda.

If you sell 3 of those, I'd be surprised.

Who says I am going to buy a switch? I am mocking your horrendous taste, truly you have the worst taste I ever seen.

There isn't a single launch title that appeals to me in any shape or form.

Because it's another underpowered system with an optional tablet gimmick that drives the price up and drives the capability down.
I have a wiiu, it has a few good ganes. Unfortunately they almost all got rereleased with more content for the 3ds, or have plans to go the switch.
Feels like a fucking waste.
So now I'm never buying a Ninteno console until after it's run to see if it's worth it.

The switch looks like absolute shit too.
Like what is the fucking point, to double down on tablet/handheld console bs that failed hard already? They are fucking retards.

No games

Uh huh. So how are you justifying buying the worst version of BotW on a shitty mobile console?

you sound mad

No games, probably not likely to change its entire lifespan considering the Wii U was getting more support.

I did, cant wait to play zelda. SO HYPE

But I did last week user? Neon Switch with Breath of the Wild from Best Buy

I got 2 baby. Waiting for more preorders to go up to get 3

What do you gain from lying, my friend?

Because it's still even odds on Nintendo being fucking retarded and releasing a 3DS successor, dooming the Switch into becoming a no games machine like the WiiU.

That sounds fucking boring.
You're fucking boring

I am kinda mad. Like they dropped support on the WiiU early because of shit sales only to release another stupid fucking gimmick console, with the same gimmick.
It's going to sell like shit too, they pulled this scarcity bs with the WiiU.
Who the fuck is the target audience?
It's the same fucking shit all over again

>slower than the fucking Vita undocked
>not even fucking remotely close to the Xbone or PS4 docked
DoA tbqh

No because the only must have game for me is zelda and I already have a Wii U

I'd rather get a PS VR.

Not bought a Nintendo console since gamecube but think this actually looks alright if they make some alright games for it, debating whether to get one at the back end of the year or wait for the inevitable New nintendo super duper switch mega lite version in a year or two

because im done with nintendo after the wii u disaster.

I have a waterproof case to use my tablet on the bathtub but I it sadly it'd be too risky to play the Switch there because of the controllers, oh well

kek that's a lot of buzzwords

What is a good estimate as to when they'll restock this on amazon? within launch week? before?

I'm piss poor and my welfare NEET dollars went towards expensive hobbies like the Pokémon TCG, dropped $90 on three Sun & Moon pre-releases and the rest on more Pokémon TCG. I had $220+ that month in January.

Because there isn't a single reason you shouldn't get it in 2018
>decent console price
>not jew-tier pricing on accessories
>more than one game
>won't risk spending money in blunder games


Because it's fucking garbage.

Why can't anyone make a good handheld or a console anymore?

Why is it garbage?

he aint lying.

>ywn experience purity of this level

I'm not interested in nintendo's offerings.

Because consoles are just bad PCs for cheap people and true handhelds are being pushed out of the market by smartphones and tablets. Delivering the "one" gaming machine is a pretty smart move of Nintendo.

I own a Wii U, I'll just get Zelda on that. Why would I buy one before Odyssey comes out?

Because I'm not an idiot?

Because the Switch version looks better and can be played on the go. Why get the inferior version if you are planning to get the device anyway?

i'm waiting when splatoon 2 comes out

Because like all modern Nintendo home consoles, I know it's going to be a dust-covered regret box in less than a year.

>an underpowered amalgam of shitty ideas is a great idea

>preordering a console

I'm not positive I'm going to get one at all, only if Odyssey is like Sunshine tier. I don't plan on dropping 360 dollars on a console and controller and just hope that nintendo makes more games next year

I wonder if you'll be able to get Switch level draw distance and textures out of the WiiU version, or will it just not ship with assets and effects that can be improved much with emulation. Those rock textures look pretty dismal on WiiU.

I can't believe people are hype over ARMS and 1-2-Switch.

Nobody is hyped over 1-2-Switch, if anyone tells you differently then they're just fucking with you

I did. And BOTW, with a few other Ninty games. Lookin' forward to it

all preorders were gone

fucking scalpers

Can't find an available pre-order

Might press my luck and try at launch for any non-preorder switches

I will never understand how huge this wifes son meme got

I dated a girl with a kid for a couple years. Raised him in my own image and then hit the road. Dont talk to either of them any more, but I like to think hes out there shit posting like I taught him to

You know the mom could've filed for you to pay child support right? Especially since you were basically acting as his parental figure. You better be glad she didn't.

I'm bothered by the amount of Nintendo viral marketing on Sup Forums so I didn't pre-order out of spite.

Is there any more preorders available? I waited a couple of days and couldn't find it anywhere and still cant. Is there going to be a restock and if so when.

because i have a wiiu and can wait for the price drop

But he is. TP doesn't even work with CEMU yet, so why would BotW work on launch week?

Christmas, because Nintendo still believes that the hype from artificial scarcity is worth more than actually selling consoles.

already have a console
didn't like the wii u, this is wii u 2.0

I want more colours or a special edition and a library that is bigger.

nice dude make sure you do a facecam in the video so we can see the reactions

Wow literally someone else could be enjoying the system but you greedy fools want to just make a profit.