Like a game

>Like a game
>I'm now a shill

>start threads on Sup Forums with "WHY HAVEN'T YOU BOUGHT THIS YET?
>lmao im not a shill XD

>post in literally any thread about a new game about how I liked it
>get called shill

>don't like a game
>give reasons why
>get called a contrarian

Literally Sup Forums, you dont come here to have a serious discussion, you come here to shitpost

>want to talk about an upcoming game
>don't want to talk about it with Sup Forums

>if you like a game, you must give a thorough and verifiable reason you enjoy it or you're a shill
>"it's shit" is enough to criticize something question-free

I want Sup Forums to reboot.

>ask my friend why he hasn't bought X game yet cuz it's awesome
am i a real life shill?

>talk about game you bought
>user calls you Randy

>Like game
>proceed to make daily threads with same low res boxart pic saying you can't wait for the launch in same teo cringy sentences and remind everyone to preorder the Digital Deluxe edition™ (Game not included™)

If you are not a shill, why not post screenshot of your game time? That leaves no doubt that you played the fucking game. Shills obviously can't post them, because then they would be fired for "goofing at work".

I dont buy games you fucking buyfag

>buying battleborn

>Like weeb game
>I'm now a man of taste

Life is strange is a good game.

In game time doesn't need you to buy it. Nice damage control, faggot.

Why not just post a pic of your dick

>like a Japanese game
>I'm now a weeb

>Shills literaly mad that they can't post proof because goofing at work
Holy shit, this is gold.

>Like a game
>everyone gets incredibly upset
>Hate a game
>everyone gets incredibly upset
>Neither like nor dislike a game
>everyone gets incredibly upset

>Hurr nice photoshop shill

There's no winning move and you know it.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Who gets upset around here when something shat upon? Usually it just encourages everyone to join in.

>blindly defend a game flaws with no argument

yes you are

Easy, watch and learn.

What did he mean by this?

>a literal collection of 1s and 0s
Who would like such thing except for ones making mad dosh out of that?

>playing any video games other than train simulator 2011 and hearts of iron
You fucking shill

I will almost always rush to the defence of Dark souls 2. Its just the way god made me.

Nobody is gonna photoshop himself with shit tier game times, incomplete games or bad rankings.


>Shills obviously can't post them, because then they would be fired for "goofing at work".
How does this make ANY sense?

You are not supposed to play the games you shill. How is that nonsensical?

>You are not supposed to play the games you shill


>tfw enthusiasm for vidya is now outlawed on Sup Forums

It wasn't at one point? how new are you, stupid frogshitter?

>Make a post saying I just really enjoy a game
>No one gets mad
>Conversation is generally nice
>Worst comments were "Ah, that one wasn't really my thing"

What am I doing wrong? I feel llike I'm not getting the true Sup Forums experience.

>spam the same thread about a game I like every single day multiple times
>ignore all valid criticism, while praising it like a marketeer
>don't engage into meaningful discussion, shitpost everyone bringing up well thought out arguments as to why my game is not that good
>get called a shill
really unfair

The best way to avoid being called a shill is to admit you're a shill before anyone else says it.

>doesn't remember when Sup Forums was a haven of harsh-but-fair

>Liked FFXV
>I'm now Baztek

Sup Forums always called most games if not all shit.

There was a time before this board actively wished things to flop so they could shitpost and schadenfreude.

I almost wish TOR was a massive success so Sup Forums wouldn't be like this.

You're both idiots. The "Sup Forums hates games" shit just means that there's always gonna be someone shitting on whatever game you like because different tastes exist and it's easy to shittalk a game you didn't like

I know, but they still called games shit and talked about every single flaw on even the good ones.
Hurr that's just what I am about to post.

>Dont like FFXIII
>give reasons
>Fanboy: you didnt play it all the way through, after 40 hours its gets good

The combat was actually pretty good after the 30 hour tutorial but yeah it's still inexcusable to introduce the mechanics that slowly.

The level design and story are always shit though.

Thanks, I'll be sure to forward this info to the shill division so we can appear legit from now on.

Hahahah but seriously, no way to prove anything on the internet.