Are there any action games where I can fight communism?

Are there any action games where I can fight communism?

just go outside and shoot a liberal?

That's illegal.

south park: stick of truth

freedom fighters (ps2)

Are you asking because when you went out in real life you got rekt

Red Orchestra 2

Does it pain you that these are the new faces of pol?

>Corporate shill
How's that basic logic working out for you, chap?

Pol, everybody.

liberalism and communism are literally opposite things

Underage contrarians wouldn't know the difference though. They literally go into autistic screeching mode and call everyone an anti-american commie. Even if you're not from the US.

Red Alert


>being a kike enabler
*tips fedora*

>The game is set in an alternate history where the Soviet Union has invaded and occupied New York City.

Sounds pretty cool. It got good reviews good. And it was released on Windows. Thanks, user.

>Sup Forumsirgin
>going out
Nice one.

kek, not the same thing but you should still do it

but the USA lost the vietnam war

>implying communists weren't kikes


>As a child think nothing is wrong with communism
>Grow up, read about it, get accounts from people that used to live in communist countries including family members and understand the hate for it

Fuck commies

>Better dead than red
Wouldn't you be bleeding once you're dead though?

That's the point.

>Whole banking system is owned by jews
>Hollywood under jews
>Commit false flag opperations for Israel to expand
>Help Saudis, like with that polish merc
Fucking underageb&, at least pic up a history book.

nice spook you got there.

communists are kikes considering the vanguard class always ends up becoming the new elite while the rest of the population suffers


Every communist thinker/leader was a kike.

>Thinking communism was bad
Literally western propaganda, enjoy your hypnotism and lies.

>the vanguard class always ends up becoming the new elite while the rest of the population suffers
I hope you realize that that has always been present everywhere and the difference is that in Soviet Countries the working class was self-aware, unlike the same burgers who still don't know their own history.

You do know Marx is often considered an anti-semite, right? More-so hated by the jewish community and Stalin was purging jewish from any kinds of positions of power.

I was born in the USSR. You don't know shit.

>He doesn't realise that all jews hate themselves

I was born in USSR and I'd prefer back then to the shitfest that my country is today.

>Implying your that old

>falling for eastern propaganda
you westerners are so dumb

so you agree that communism is a meme and just an excuse for a new group of people to become the elites at the expense of the rest of the population under the guise that the new elite will create a classless utopia despite that they have no incentive to achieve this considering their newly gained wealth.

The fuck does this even mean?

>just an excuse for a new group of people to become the elites at the expense of the rest of the population under the guise that the new elite will create a classless utopia despite that they have no incentive to achieve this considering their newly gained wealth
No, it was an economic and political system with flaws, just like every other, but the difference is that back then we had jobs and people were able to afford to plan a future for themselves and start a family. Now all we can do is choose between being poor or trying our luck abroad. Thanks, clapitalism.

fuck off you deluded commie

>My face when if liberals keep assaulting conservatives this will start happening in mass when they do it in an actual conceal carry and/or stand your ground state
Can't wait.

>back then we had to have jobs and our futures were planned by the state.


>being so deluded
Only a Commie could be so off base

Great argument, nigger. Where are you from that you were born in USSR?

Thanks for proving that you're either underage or just some contrarian faggot who's not even from a post soviet country.

Red Faction series my dude.

The fat guy, sunglasses, guy next to sunglasses, and comb over all belong.
Jackie4chan is also an honorary Sup Forumslack

The rest need to face the rope, especially Brit.

How was Hotline Miami not the first answer?

I'm 30.

>I don't know what stand your ground is

>I was born in the last years of the Soviet Union, and as a young adult have deluded myself into thinking it was better without really having experienced it
Fixed that for you.

Haven't seen a slavshitter version of the "le wrong generation xD" crowd before.

>lives in a state that was caused by the inevitable collapse of a communist state
>complains about capitalism
really fires those synapses

>red faction

You're literally fighting democracy in that game. In fact you're basically fighting global-murrica. Both games are about the martians attempting to break away from earth-gov because Mars has resources, Earth doesn't anymore, and the martians don't want to pay crazy taxes and shit.

no, no they weren't able to afford it. You think John Paul II and Lech Wałęsa came and destroyed communism with their very hands? No. It collapsed because communist economy was fundamentally flawed, their money wasn't real, everything was borrowed.
Now we can all choose between being poor, rich or trying our luck abroad, then there was only one choice: being poor

Why is communism so great?

If someone is a perceived threat to you in stand your ground, such as they begin to attack you (as many antifa commies are doing), you have the right to put down your threat.
Now, you have to stop shooting when they're no longer a threat mind you, but a bullet to the heart or brain definitely stops a threat :^)

This goddamnit