>Adds all old characters, stages, and items
>No new content whatsoever (except classic/all star trophies for old characters)
Would you buy?
Adds all old characters, stages, and items
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Bring back the poppier sound effects from the N64 version so every hit and punch doesnt sound like a dull thud and i'd buy 80 copies
Yes because I didn't buy a Wii U
Wait, are you saying every single piece of DLC would be included?
Hell yes, I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Do you know how much money it would cost to re-buy all of that shit?
Its actually what is holding me back from buying it.
I play smash 4 with a couple guys, and i wouldnt be able to do that if i sold my wii u for the switch. Maybe mario party too.
I'm waiting. They would be stupid not to have a teaser out within the year.
Looking forward to some shadowy trailer that starts with the smash bros cut in, and the subsequent freakout Sup Forums has.
yeah. Think of it as a GOTY edition
>buy game a 3rd time, nothing new
Fuck that, let's just post three characters we WOULD love (or expect) to see get included on a Switch port.
Mine are Inkling, Banjo and Dragonborn (all 10 races/both genders).
If you're gonna try to hijack my thread don't do it with shit suggestions
>All In One Fighters: $34.93
>Stage Bundle: $10.45
>Mii fighter Budnles: $6.00, $6.00, $6.00, $5.25, $1.50, $4.50
>$74.63 in DLC if you want 100% of the experience
I'd be pretty stupid not to buy this if I were a $mash fan.
>HW Dorf
>Wonder Red Every Thread
Honestly I think they should refactor the programming of the physics engine so it isn't as taxing to them, like with having to do more universal speedups or slowdowns like when you'd have to switch between the pace of Melee or Tr4sh. Like having a universal scalar value to multiply against their individual physics. I know computational math with floating point is crazy given the way FP is setup bitwise, but it's a little more accommodating than having to make an individual data set per character for Melee and Tr4sh physics. Then just rewrite the state transition handlers to be less prone to bugs.
Having a simple bitflag for things like persistent physics like carried momentum during jumps would be nice, too. I mean if you want to accommodate both sides of a party game, then do it right.
Adding all the old characters, stages, and items is actually quite a lot. I'd definitely buy just for that. Especially to see pic related come back. Would there be any balance changes?
buff the puff?
Why do people want jigglypuff to be good? She's great in melee and it's a fucking terrible experience to play with
I don't care specifically for Skyrim, just TES characters in general. Also since Skyrim-Switch is a big deal to many, apparently.
Another alternative is a P.Trainer-like Tethu from Ever Oasis.
Fair enough, although post-BotW marketing will probably steal the show.
Would it fix the gameplay?
Brawl already fixed all those old bugs. :^)
But Brawl was the most buggy Smash.
Are you sure you play these games user?
Only if they redo the shit menus and add 2v2 online with another online friend.
save yourself the effort and just go here while you play.
can't they at least add a story mode this time around?
only if sakurai retires
Fuck yes I'd buy. Too bad Sakurai is still in charge of the series and he's almost as autistic as Miyamoto
They already confirmed none of the Wii U peripherals will work with the Switch, and I doubt the Switch's "Pro" controllers will be as comfortable as the GameCube's.
Kept you waiting, huh?
>Young Link
>Ice Climbers
I'd be mostly annoyed with three Links being in with characters like Skull Kid being out, but I would be happy for Squirtle and Ice Climbers being back. Would buy.
Silly goy, what's stopping them from making the SWITCH gamecube controller? *ONLY* 69.99 PLUS TIP.
I'm pretty sure Toon Link is the new Young Link.
Would buy it if it comes with all the characters and DLC.
-from both games.
Wait for another gamecube adapter that won't work with stuff that uses the pro controller yet again. I seriously got that thing expecting it to use it in more than just Sm4sh.
>no new characters
Thank you. I don't want any more rosterfaggotry.
That's my thpught process as well, but the fanbase is so autistic about separating the two and with stuff like Hyrule Warriors having three different slots for those Links, he probably would be considered his own character.
no snake
no buy
What would get me to buy it in a heartbeat is if they include a way to turn off stage hazards. There are so many decent stages like Wily's Castle and Pyrosphere that are ruined by the boss characters. I'm not even a tournyfag, I just find the interruption obnoxious.
I agree with you so much on this. Stage hazards were hardly that big of a deal to me, but it seems anymore that I have to play dodge the stage hazard especially on the new stages Sm4sh introduced. There were plenty of times I tried to play "Classic" mode on the highest difficulty and got fucked over with the hazards.
Insta-buy if snake comes back
I don't want a port, I want a brand new game.
Fuck you and everyone who just wants Wii U ports on the Switch. You're everything wrong with Nintendo
No ice climbers
no buy
> mfw K.Roolfags, Ridleyfags, Ashleyfags, Genofags, Wolfags, ICfags and Skull Kidfags got legendarily BTFO one by one by Sakurai himself
>Adds all old characters, stages, and items
What do you mean with "old"?
All stages that were in 64, Melee, Brawl, Wii U and 3DS?
So, adding the Ice Climbers all the stages and characters from both versions plus Smash Run would be great already.
Would it benefit the meta if all the legal stages from 3DS get added to the Wii U ones?
Fuck you, I want Star Fox Zero with proper controls.
Cranky Kong
Ice Climbers
>Toon Link uses items from WW and MC
>young Link uses items from ALBW
>Link stays the same
SF0 having shit controls was far from its problems.
This was a nice idea, but the letters need a less crappy font, and Snake's dialogue should have less spacing to keep the actual punchline in the center.
no adam jensen no buy
But that was the main issue with it? I find controls to be the most important part of a game after playing that disaster. Bad controls can keep you from enjoying any part of the game.
Banjo, Crash and Rayman if I had to choose only 3, but as long as at least one of these guys gets in, I'd be happy
Crash Bandicoot
I'd like to see Bomberman in, but sadly there's not enough stuff for a full moveset.
Did you play it user, or just listen to people parrot the opinions of reviews? I enjoyed the controls after about an hour or two of getting used to them. Then I brought it over to a friend's house and had him play it right after playing 64 for the first time. He enjoyed them both, then we had a blast playing coop together.
The issue with Zero is it's lack of content and direction. If there were a few more levels like Sector 6 that really tested your abilities as a pilot WHILE being a spectacle on it's own, the game would have been looked at much more favorably. It's like the game ended right when they figured out how to make it more fun.
>No new content whatsoever
If that means having Smash Run on there. I'll take it
History with Nintendo, best 3D platformer on the N64 (fuck of DK64 + Mario64 fags)
has appeared on Nintendo systems after Rare was bought by Microsoft (also Minecraft came to the Wii U after Microsoft bought it, so working with Microsoft is not a problem)
>Crash Bandicoot
Mario's second rival in the 90s
has appeared on Nintendo systems (GC, GBA, Wii)
Has a new game coming out (PS4 exclusive doesnt matter since both Ryu and Cloud have got/getting PS4 console exclusive games)
obvious, so much has been said
I did play it and I constantly ran into walls when trying to play the game. I have to either steer the ship or aim at enemies, I can't do both simultaneously and if I try to do so I find myself going in directions that I didn't intend to. Gyro controls should've been optional, and I don't even know why you have to aim to shoot when it was never an issue in previous installments. In every game I played that used gyro controls I absolutely HATED it, and making it mandatory was the biggest deal breaker.
>Banjo, Crash and Rayman
muh nigga
Either you needed to give it more time, or needed to just gitgud? Aiming with gyroscopic controls is incredibly smooth and intuitive, ask anyone who played Splatoon even somewhat competently. 9 times out of 10 you'll get the same answer, that gyro controls just work better for aiming in these games. I'm not saying your experience isn't invalid, but I just don't know what it is that prevents you from being able to multitask. I hear what you're saying, but at the same time I can turn to videos like this where people can pilot the Arwing perfectly, like the devs intended.
Maybe just making it a toggle would have solved these issues for most people, but like the other user said, the deep rooted issues of Zero stemmed from a content gap and rushed development, not controls.
It's the way I'm coordinated, I can't control two things at the same time. It's not a matter of multitasking, I can do other things simultaneously with no problem but I can't for the life of me control two things and have them go in their own independent directions without one impeding the other. I used to be an avid Star Fox fan and it almost made me downright furious that this is what I got when waiting a full decade for a new entry in the series.
there's no way they won't release SSB4DX without Ice Climbers and Inklings
Fuck no
Knuckles, Andy, and Steve
you mean Ice Climbers and Wolf
Glad I saved $75 by playing on cfw
Smash Bros Legacy managed to make Young Link and Toon Link fairly different. But this is Sakurai we're talking about, so Young Link will have Ice Arrows and that will be the only change.
Having 3DS stages alone would make me buy it.
Smash 4 would finally have a good stagelist.
>Someone disagrees with me
>Their opinion is invalid
>Must've not even played the game
its such bullshit
they could make a really cool moveset for him if they took Majora's Mask as the main influence
and Toon Link has shit from his games he could bring to smash to make him not a clone too
fuck Sakurai's unimaginative brain
Retard, they could easily add GC Adapter support through a software update. If Nintendo wants to go extra jew then they'll make people buy a Switch GC Adapter.
The fact that the Cloud, Corrin and Bayo amiibos aren't out yet, while the fucking Alm and Celica amiibos will be soon, should straight confirm that Smash 4 Switch is happening. It's 100% getting announced at E3.
Also the GC controller is god awful and is confirmed to kill your hands(for Melee at least). There isn't a single comfortable thing about it, people just use it because they're being babies and don't want to learn a new controller.
Smash is the only franchise I'd double dip for.
Honestly, the idea of Snake, Squirtle and Gerudo Valley in 4 sounds phenomenal to me.
>>Add all old characters, stages, and items
>Able to choose between old versions of characters if you don't want to use the newest one version, a la USFIV
>Able to toggle hazards and omega stages on and off separately
>Able to adjust item spawn rates individually, also applicable to Pokemon and assist characters
In addition:
>Physics can be toggled between Melee and Sm4sh's engines
>Limited to one air dodge for both, Melee-style
Even then, it would require me to buy a Switch, which is overwhelmingly unlikely.
I would like to see in a future Smash game
all the characters have 2 variations to them
like MK characters have variations that change their moveset
shit would be cool
imagine Link with the standard moveset we all know, but then he has another moveset where he uses the Biggoron Sword, or the Megaton Hammer
Just play Brawl and add in Gerudo Valley
Why would you even HAVE Young and Toon Link anyway? There's literally no reason.
It could have a slightly different moveset but play style wise I can't imagine him filling an archetype that Link and Tink don't already fill.
LoZ also has so many more candidates for an additional character than a third fucking Link. I know there will be some autist that'll go "As long as the moveset's different why does it matter?" but the character choice alone is just boring as fuck. That'd be 3 Links, 2 Zeldas and Ganon. You can get more variety than that.
>There's literally no reason.
There's literally no reason to have Lucina or Dark Pit either. There's literally no reason for a lot of shit that happens in the development of these games.
But then I'd have to play Brawl.
I hate the Brawl aesthetics.
Just be glad we didn't get stuff like Toon Zelda or Wind Waker Ganon instead of entirely new characters. Multiple Links are the least of our troubles.
>Why would you even HAVE Young and Toon Link anyway? There's literally no reason.
currently there is no reason to because they are just clones of Link (stats aside)
but if a competent developer could work on the game, or if Nintendo listened to fan suggestions you could make them very different
Y. Link could use the masks from MM that could change up his moveset depending on which mask is equipped, and they can regulate it like Shulk. each Mask has a limited amount of time before it switches off, and then it needs to recharge, Final Smash is Fierce Deity Link
T. Link can take items from his own games and use them instead of the same items A. Link uses.
like the Deku Leaf, or incorporating his control of the Wind
Great, we'll be hearing about muh nintendo soon enough...
Gameplay is still ass and slow like molasses.
Smash 4 modding is already a thing.
Switch is garbage and doesn't support GCN remote. Joycons are shit. And Pro is inferior to WiiU Pro (and more expensive).
I'd prefer that they made the gameplay fun again first. Rosterfaggotry and extra stages are just icing on the cake
If you got a Mayflash, you can at least use it for RoA. But right now there's no reason to get a GameCube adapter if you're not a smash fan.
Playing Melee competitively for years is what destroys the hands of the players.
But yeah, the GC controller is only good for Smash, and that is only because it is so durable that it can handle the abuse of playing Melee, and the C stick is comfortable to do smash attacks.
Also friendly reminder that Koei wanted to include an adventure mode that played like a traditional Zelda, but Nintendo didn't let them out of fear of Koei making a better Zelda game than them.
>Able to toggle hazards and omega stages on and off separately
Would Wily Castle and Pyrosphere become legal without Yellow Devil and 2big4Sm4sh?
Alright consider the following.
Beta Stages: removes stage hazards AND stage transitions, meaning stages like Delfino Plaza, Castle Siege, Skyloft, Pokemon Stadium 2, Midgar, Haberd, WarioWare Inc., etc. all just stay in their starting point for the whole fight
>No Ridley
>No Metal Face
>No Yellow Devil
>No Flying Man
They're pretty alright stages for the good one minute of peace you can get from them; although fags may argue for WC because the moving platforms can go off-stage.
Add random crits
>Most likely tier
Ice Climbers
Travis Touchdown (since there is a new game in the works)
>Less Likely but still possible tier
Rhythm Heaven rep
Another Street Fighter rep
Wonder Red
Chibi Robo
Dragonborn (i'd imagine they would want to take advantage of Skyrim being on their console)
>A man can dream tier
Banjo & Kazooie
Solid Snake
Simon Belmont
Captain Syrup
Shovel Knight
Ridley "Too Big for Smash" McGee
Is this accurate?
Smashville also has those platforms and nobody's banning it.
No way Bomberman is lower than Travis when they're both getting games.
Here's what you faggots are getting.
>Ice Climbers
>ARMS character (maybe)
>Random Sakurai-tier meme character
And you'll be fucking happy with it.
>Level-5 character
>Zorark 2
>Travis Touchdown
Okay, after Bayonetta, Travis might happen, but if Pheonix Wright can't get in Pokemon-ripoff isn't getting in.
And Gen 7's definately getting shafted, just like Gen 5 got shafted. Bad placement.
I'd bump up Bomerman, and from the looks of it add an ARMS character to the "most likely tier", considering how hard Nintendo's pushing it.
Then use the Smash 3 project.
>Ice Climbers
I hadn't thought of a Yokai Watch but sounds like a solid "maybe"
we'll at least get another Pokemon rep
>Travis Touchdown
less likely than Bomberman but I could see him getting the Bayonetta treatment
Bring up Bomberman to most likely and a wild card character from an existing fighting series (Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.) and your "most likely tier" list sounds about right.
Everything else from your "less likely" or lower isn't happening tho.
>Ice Climbers
>ARMS character
Non ehave enought moves to be a complete character.
>Adds a few squids and some battle maps
>Doesn't add new tournaments/race maps
Would you buy?
>Yu Narukami
disagree and you're wrong.
Ice Climbers already were a character, faggot, and if you really think that the series that brought us playable Wii Fit Trainer and playable Duck Hunt Dog and playable ROB the robot couldn't build two fantastic characters out from Nintendo's hottest new IPs rather than ressurecting some literally whos from the late 90's and early 2000's you haven't been following Smash for long enough.