Do i like it Sup Forums?

do i like it Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a ship board

I haven't played it but I know I already hate it

Not until it comes to PC.

Something just seems off about the footage I've seen of the game, I'll be avoiding this one.

Why didn't they just make a ninja gaiden game?

Fucking amazon needs to deliver it already

About to get it in a few hours.
I noticed that people who were talking a fucking ton about it yesterday don't post anymore.
They don't even try to be salty and defend the game like their life depends on it.

They must be still playing the game.

yeah im enjoying it a lot

Pretty fucking good. Unfortunately I have class so I have to stop playing it for a bit.

Does anyone know if you can have multiple save files? My roommate wants to play it too but I don't want him playing my file.

So I'm enjoying it. Combat is kinda similiar to bloodborne with it's fast paceness. But the thing is, I feel like every encounter with an enemy is the same. I'm only on the first level so we will see. But yea, game is fun and combat is fun. Maybe wished there was more variety is my only criticism.(weapons, armor, enemies, and skills)

Just took a short break to see if anyone was talking about it. I think you're right because there is almost no discussion and I know the reason I haven't been posting about it is I've been playing it and can't stop. I only stopped cause I needed to eat.

It's been awhile since I've played a game like this.

If you use the same weapon type it's moveset will only change as you level up and get new moves.

Encounters with humans are all fairly similar. Different Yokai actually make the combat more interesting.

I just fought a yokai that was a living wall. Was unlike any fight I've had yet

I did too. I didn't need to fight it. So I just did the opposite of what the reverent died for and the guy disappeared and gave me a bunch of neat shit.

Give him his own sign in for ur ps4

Keep your Sup Forums memes on Sup Forums you fucking fag. Kys you piece of shit.

>not playing the beta


Didn't have a PS4 then mate.

As a real man it's about time I can play a game that's just as amazing as I am. I have a big dick too.

probably pretty good game. Too bad it is sony exclusive, especially because it is a niche game and would also sell very well on pc. But ok as long as sony gave tecmo enough money they probably won´t care.

Enjoying it very much user, love the side missions, love that you need to go to a dojo to learn more advanced stuff. I enjoy the gritty weeb feel. Also surprisingly when you loot how William hears the persons last though b4 dieing is a nice touch. That plus the crying babies and wailing women made a good atmosphere
ive got some criticism but I'm going to let them simmer for a week to see if their justified.

I thought only specific weapons level up when you use it, not the entire weapon set.

Feels good man. Can't wait till my copy comes tomorrow.