Game is an obvious cash grab

>game is an obvious cash grab

Name 5 cash grabs

any mobile game

World of warcraft
The old republic
The elder scrolls online
Final fantasy XIV

Every game is a "cash grab." That's the point of business.

Nintendo for instance make games because they love games, but I can understand why you would think that if you're a sony or microsoft gamer


wow i didnt know everyone on Sup Forums was so fucking poor xD

Name videogames that are cash grabs, not second jobs.

>tfw to intelligent to play cash grab games

Time is money


>Dwarf Fortress

Who the fuck makes these pictures? I bet it's /r9k/...

*Whomst the fuck

Looks like you set your time machine to the wrong date again, doc.

Dark Souls 2

>be f2p in mobile game
>learn game, git gud
>outperform whales
>whales complain on forum that f2p able to compete

>keep playing because it has fappable characters


>Buy TF2
>Becomes cashgrab shitshow
>Not allowed to complain about it because the game is "free"

marvel puzzle quest

I love this whole evolution of character in wojak and pepe, it's incredible how something this innocuous got shaped through collective anonymity
fascinating phenomenon I say


Is that man carefully creating orange drink?