Why is Zelda the only Nintendo franchise that gets covers?

Mario got one, I think. But here's your answer why.

Link has a bigger chest than Zelda.

Makes sense, really. If Nintendo doesn't give them the access to give it cover like coverage, they can't do much else.

God I hate whichever cunt does the mail responses. Most of it is cherry-picked criticism and even when someone raises a good point but isn't deepthroating GI's dick they respond with a le clever snark :^)

You should care about Edge, not Game Informer.

>We experienced more of the game than anyone outside of Nintendo, playing through a dungeon in its entirety, exploring the sprawling open world of Hyrule for hours, discovering Shrines, appreciating the wildlife, and fighting surprisingly powerful monsters (including the dungeon boss, Wind Blight Ganon, and a Guardian).

So can now people shut up about no dungeons?

b-but I thought Nintendo paid for reviews, but here they aren't even showing off the games to journalists.

those were just shitposters. regular dungeons and towns were confirmed when they showed the game off at e3 2015.


He's not wrong.

>We went through a dungeon and fought a boss
in the video

>caring about """ game magazines """.
Oh right it's nintendo.


Bigger cover pic
Is Zelda pregnant?

FUCK ZELDA why isnt it rdr2

>Wind Blight Ganon


wait wait wait. this game isnt even out yet? Could have sworn with all the hype and shit this would have been released already. Man do I feel bad for people if this is the only thing they can hype up for an entire console. I hope its fun and everything, but considering all the hype trains that derailed hard the past few years I just can't get behind a game "going gold" before it even comes out.

Empire waist.

I'm gonna guess it's the boss for the bird guardian.

'Cause it doesn't come out this year.

>I just can't get behind a game "going gold" before it even comes out.
I'm just gonna hope you're fucking with me and NOT actually retarded.

>I just can't get behind a game "going gold" before it even comes out.


You do know all games have to "go gold" before they come out, right? It means ready for retail.

You're retarded.

What does that have to do with anything? "Going Gold" means that the game is ready to be mass produced and shipped to retail and sold to consumers. You literally CAN'T release a game before going gold.

"Going gold" means that the game is finished and has begun production of physical copies. EVERY retail game goes gold; it has nothing to do with quality.

Anxious about the dungeons mention. I really hope they're not like the dungeons in the other 3D Zelda games and more like the dungeons in Skyrim. Or just slightly bigger of the micro dungeons that were available in the demos.

Last thing I want is for more hours long dungeons that kills my enjoyment of Zelda games. I was so down for the 100s of micro dungeons :/

Just hope the regular dungeons are short and sweet!

Yeah, I saw that post too on gaf and everyone made fun of it.

I'm too much of a venomous asshole and honestly too busy laughing at user and his understanding of "Going Gold" to have bothered typing that out, so thank you.

>I just can't get behind a game "going gold" before it even comes out.

Someone please screencap this.

And his response was a picture of No Man's Sky? I don't even know where to begin with that


Right, thats why a term typically used to describe the sales was suddenly used by every review outlet to describe that it's just "ready." Nope, nothing to do with pre sales or using buzz words, "hey guys this game is just gold!"

This isn't a music record.


oh god this dumb motherfucker thinks going gold in games means the same as going gold in music

Fag takes posts from shifty forums and puts them on Vietnamese crochet forums to rile up artists. Sad!

I think you're confused. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.

Sides are in orbit.

whewww I'm gonna be pissed if Link doesn't kiss zelda at the end

Fag phoneposts and doesn't proof read. Absolutely terrible. Bad!

At first I thought there wasn't enough here for a screencap, but then he posted and now you should have enough material for a screencap easy.


"Does this make me look fat?" is a legitimate question. Some clothing just doesn't look very flattering.

>no one spamming obnoxious reaction images

They'll come, or you can just fake them. Let's be honest all you need to do is screencap the post number, then just grab an already existing collage and paste that post# on top of all the ones in the image.

Zelda is a WMD to Nintendo. Mario may be the biggest franchise they have in terms of brand recognition, but time fucking stops when a new Zelda game comes out.

>literally spoiling the boss

fuck off


But Link is confirmed gay

Zelda lookin thicc as hell

If this was in the game i'd buy 3 copies

nignog logic fallacy detected. Go work on your mixtape, Tyrone.

>thats why a term typically used to describe the sales
this is not the music industry you autistic fuck. where 1M is platinum album master piece mile stone

"Going gold" in the gaming industry means that all content is finished and the game is ready for release

I'm mad that even journos are now spoiling the game for the sake of it.
I wanted to avoid Sup Forums for a while before release, but now I probably can't even read my mails.

Is this parodying an actual manga?

jesus christ you're stupid


Okay who has the digital subscription, the issue's supposedly out already

This. I'd appreciate some screencaps, and I'm sure others would as well


>spoiling the Boss

what did they mean by this?

this is a joke right

I'm somewhat apprehensive about this, from the name "Wind Blight Ganon" it seems like we might be fighting just variations of Ganon as dungeon bosses, but then again I'm basing that assertion off of one unsourced quote, so the case could certainly be different

Might as well address it now rather than bitch about it

So we'll be fighting 4 elemental incarnates of Ganon whose essences will be absorbed by either Link or go back to Calamity Ganon (a la Okami)

I'm okay with this as long as the fights are varied.

>it seems like we might be fighting just variations of Ganon as dungeon bosses

i really hope this isnt true, i wanted to go into the game without being spoiled any of the story

maybe the user that posted it was just a shitposter, because i havent seen the quote anywhere other than here

OH SHIT! I just realised something. What if BotW is the game that ties all the timelines together. You've got hints from both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Maybe Wind Blight Ganon is the Ganon from Wind Waker.

it's a quote from game informer

image the incarnations all having different personalities. Would be fun

It's on the official GameInformer article.

Hah, get fucked.

It's certainly possible, in Wind Waker as Ganon's dying he says, "No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death", which definitely plays into the title of Wind Blight Ganon

>Flaming Ganon is his fabulous side

She looks like a chubby loli, fucking gross.

why would they reveal something like that? Dont they know people dont want to hear that shit? Im legit baffled why they did this

>there are theories that this game unites all the timelines

>dungeon bosses are the ganons from past games with the last boss being ganons ultimate form

>You literally CAN'T release a game before going gold.
Steam Early Access says otherwise :^)

I'd buy timeline reunification. The Downfall timeline is dumb enough a concept I'm half convinced they came up with it just to fit the sheikah logo.

>phantom ganon
thats probably not the case

I think there's 4 ganon spirits for the elements. "Wind Blight Ganon" "Flame broiled Ganon" "Water logged Ganon" "Desert Explosive Ganon"

After beating them all, by their powers combined Calamity Ganon becomes Captain Ganon.

oh shit that makes sense

Dude, that's a nice theory but you're like 1 month late

I haven't wanted to protect a Zelda as much since OoT. Why the fuck can't Ninty put out enough product to make me so irrational I buy a Switch on Day 1?


tear drop is the unified timeline, eyeball is Ocarina of Time, the three lashes are the splits that come as a result of OoT's time nonsense

>mfw I took this picture

Seriously, fuck GI. I genuinely want to fuck whoever responds to these messages up.

Nintendo games don't deserve coverage, but shitty indie games do? Come on.

My all time favorite letter to GI was one sent in around the same time by a ten year old girl asking why they didn't cover 3DS games. They insisted that there weren't any 3DS games to cover.

GI is the absolute WORST.

What else do you expect from the marketing department at gamestop?

So could it be said that Breath of the Wild could be the true sequel to OoT, and that OoT is what happened 100 years ago?

Not to besmirch Majora's Mask, but that is set in one of the three timelines.

>Desert Explosive Ganon

Anxious about the dungeons mention. I really hope they're not like the dungeons in the other 3D Zelda games and more like the dungeons in Skyrim. Or just slightly bigger of the micro dungeons that were available in the demos.

Last thing I want is for more hours long dungeons that kills my enjoyment of Zelda games. I was so down for the 100s of micro dungeons :/

Nice meme, NeoGAF.

Holy kill yourself batman

Someone already posted it, nice try.

Here's your consolation (you)

>I just can't get behind a game "going gold" before it even comes out
Cangrats. Here's your (you)

god damn it all to fucking hell, i'm trying harder than ever to not get hyped for this fucking game, but its not fucking working!

Go rewatch the Switch reveal trailer again. You know you want to. Do it, faggot.

>suddenly used by every review outlet to describe that it's just "ready."
It's a term used by developers themselves and it has been used this way for over a decade in games.