How to find gaming buddies with crippling social anxiety

How to find gaming buddies with crippling social anxiety

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Me on the right in the cornoer haha

me in the bald guy in a hat posing while my friends talk to grills

>muh anxiety

Grow the fuck up

Do you want gaming bros or gaming bros with anxiety

>muh "anxiety doesn't exist"
Go stick a PS4 up your ass

Anxiety exists and it's a sign of being a socially stunted child.
So again, grow the fuck up

>Find a particular game or genre in /vg/
>lurk threads for a bit to see how the community generally is
>throw your hat in and see who wants to play

gaming bros who's understand anxiety. i'm a pretty silent person

>join or create a chatroom community on Steam for likeminded people who share an interest in 2-3 games and other hobbies
>actively frequent places on the internet where you can get people to join this chatroom
>get comfortable talking to them long enough that you try meeting up IRL
it's free real estate

I fought in the gulf and Iraq wars you little shit, watched people die and have their guts cover me, killed hundreds of combatants and civilians alike and nearly died multiple times. So excuse my childlike ass and anxiety You human trash heap.

>game has no /vg/ general
what now?

You just made this thread buddy. Anxiety my fucking ass.

I don't want to deal with redditors

Oh fug muh Cribling Debreshun and muh cribling anxiety :DDD


>lies to cover for mental deficiency

Grow up

kill yourself for playing shit games

>you aren't directly interacting with people who know any real thing about you
Sometimes I weep for the Burger Education System

>/vg/ generals
>Filled with trannies and attention seeking tripfags
Don't do this OP

>grow the fuck up
I agree. But how?

Telling someone to grow up when the person saying it has the moral and mental capacity of a middle schooler is kinda sad. Guess what, anxiety is real and just because your gay ass apparent doesn't have it doesn't mean it's not.

Don't be like

so no hope for me? fuuuuck. i had a group of guys i played with, it taken 2 years to actually use my mic with them (and a shiload of rivotril), but they only play csgo, and i bored with that.

Practice and only say what you feel/believe.

second this /vg/ is full of shit

try old dead forums instead

jbyf or kys

>filled with trannies
wtf I love /vg/ now?!

I never said it isn't real, but it's easily overcome and always used as a crutch for loser manchildren like yourself who are afraid to face reality.

True. Then why would you go here where people behave to you much worse than in real life with no good reason.

You have a ptsd trauma. You should be pissed since safe space millennials has stolen your word demeaning your condition cause they are uncapable of functioning as a human being.
This is why social anxiety does not exist, cause it doesnt even have a meaning anymore.

Don't. That's fucking gross.
At least play tabletop games or something.
If you are trying to get over social anxiety avoiding actually seeing people isn't going to help.

What I feel/believe is "offensive" and "creepy".

Man up doing some gym exercise.
Seek professional help.
Since you believe in social anxiety there are a lot of people who will be greatful if you lend them a couple of bucks for some mumbo jumbo you actually believe is gonna help you.
Uh religion too is good, since you believe in non-existant things.

Anxiety is an effect of something else.
You fear being judged.

Let me guess, no job and still live with parents?
You should work toward fixing that. Be the person you want to be.
Or don't. Most gaming buddies don't ask shit like that. If they do, just lie.

Maybe you're just bad at games and are afraid of everyone making fun of you lack of skills. Not much you can do there other than get good and find cool people that don't mind helping you.

If WW1 vets could get over ptsd before anyone was aware ptsd was even a thing you sure as fuck can get over some butterflies and stuttering

So what? You aren't an NPC in another person's world

Because without the restraints and norms of society you can be a dick to them without fear of retribution because you hide behind a mask of anonymity.

>Man up doing some gym exercise.
I'm not disciplined and I can't take stress.
>Seek professional help.
>Since you believe in social anxiety there are a lot of people who will be greatful if you lend them a couple of bucks for some mumbo jumbo you actually believe is gonna help you.
I stayed at an asylum for a few months.

everyone will shit on me, but I beat my social anxiety with drugs and alcohol

It's easy to don't get on with a person that has the same problems as you are. I've seen a lot of misplaced people in my life, worse or better than me but I never felt quite comfortable with them. It's like I could see all my defects highlighted

It's like you want to talk to someone similar so they can understand you but they don't even understand themselves, how the fuck they could understand you.

I post on Craig's List looking for people to play various video games with. I met a couple people, but it didn't work out with them. It turns out a lot of people who resort to Craig's List have problems that prevent them from finding friends IRL, such as "social anxiery", severe autism, and being a fat single mother with a bunch of tattoos who smokes and had the child when she was 19. Sadly, nobody ever wanted to play any of the Mario Party games...

Son, left and right are full of idiots who need safe spaces. Look at the current government. If you call them out on lies or say anything bad they get triggered and Need a safe space.
Anyone who voted for that POWs are not Heroes motherfucker is why America is going to die

>I'm not disciplined and I can't take stress.
That's the population point faggot, to build discipline and stress tolerance.
You won't ever get passed it sitting around feeling bad for yourself

>muh anxiety xD

It is still social interaction to some degree. If it's good or bad interaction that's a another thing. And I have a feeling that OP made this therad just to blogpost.

Yeah but it's easier and more preferable to sit in my room and complain than to do something about it, which will put me in situations I'd rather not be in.

>I'm not disciplined and I can't take stress.

There is no stress in gym, the guys who works there get paid to tell you what to do. Not disciplined is a fucking excuse. Wana know the method? You put an alarm and you do the shit every day (one and one actually since you cant do gym every day) whenever is raining or anything else. Discipline came from habit and orders, you dont have a guy who gives order to you? Make it an habit. You eat every day at 12am? So this is an habit and from tomorrow on you go to the gym at 4pm. No excuses. So long you do that it will became a normal activity like piss or eating.
You think people born disciplined? No, people become disciplined.
The best method is to get an activity became an habit.

>WW1 vets could get over ptsd

First off, most of them died.

Secondly, shellshock was a severe problem in something like 70% of all returning vets and none of them ever "got over" it.

Comparing shellshock trauma to the safespace anxiety.

Kek. You fucking deserve to go on a real war for a couple of months.

I did try gym by the way, when I was stupid and thought it was that simple.

>WW1 vets could get over ptsd
No they didn't. There's a lot of research that proves that those in the front lines suffered pstd and several other decreases that were linked to it.

You are full of shit.

Most social anxiety comes from
People who have speech problems or appearances that are made fun of like Tumblr SJWS and Redneck Trumpkins unless they are around their fellow kind or get triggered.
So yeah.

I mean I technically live with my parents in my old room since I'm going to the local Comunity College aliteral minute away

Have you tried going to conventions?

> It's like I could see all my defects highlighted

Happens whenever I go into Gamestop and community colleges, and also why I can't make friends with people who are just like me. Socially awkward losers who have a medium hair length, some kind of speech impediment caused from a mental disorder probably, beta, scrawny, "nice guy", the kind of guy you can tell never had and never will get a girlfriend or even laid, wears baggy jeans and a good looking shirt that looks attractive on other people but bad on him (or graphic t shirt), slight acne, wants to be a normie but fails

tl;dr I'm self loathing

Nigga they were literally shitting themselves every time they heard a bang. They would just violently shake for days on end. Going from that to brooding in the house and being tense is about as close to getting over it as you can expect.

Does your community college have a game room?

If you actually had social anxiety, there would be no desire to seek any friends.

This is coming from someone who hasn't spoken to anyone outside of work colleagues and family for 6 years. Although to be fair, this might just be my situation. My "friends" were all dicks.

Never put the shit on the politics, i did kosovo long in the 98, but a weak blood generation is the worst fucking thing ever created. You wanna know why niggers and sandniggers are invading us doing whatever the fuck they want? Cause youngest generations are weak for those bullshits.
When i was a boy when you speak about social anxiety they hit a couple of times with a stick or a boot and you start doing the shit, parents now cant hit the fucking children. Im totally pissed at that, i gather even a couple of (dont know the word, when you go to the tribunal) for hitting some other children cause they were bad mannered and their parents didint do shit.
Thats why i laugh to those social anxiety juvenile problems, thats not a fucking problem and im pissed since they got real medical attention, which they dont need.
They need a fucking kick in the ass.


So you don't even consider your very own self worth any effort at all. Good, have fun never acomplishing jackshit only to regret on your last, dying breath.

Talk to someone, even if you sperg out as a result. Accomodating your irrationalities like that will not help you

Trump never said that you cuck

>killed hundreds
Sure thing, kid.

Too easy.

I got rid of my social anxiety/awkwardness by getting a job as a convenience store clerk, I had to talk to a lot of people every day so eventually I learned how to do it.

We had many friendly and very talkative costumers that would often chit chat with us and at first I was a complete disaster at it, see most things people talked about was stuff I wasn't really interested in, and I knew that whatever I had to say was also not very interesting to them, so I asked myself "shit is this how people behave? just exchange a bunch of boring shit with each other hoping the other person cares/doesn't mind?" Turns out that's literally how it works, two people talk and share their ideas and if they find eachother's interesting the conversation continues and maybe something comes out of it, if not they both keep it cordial, brush off the awkwardness and go on their marry way.

Hey at least I have a speech problem, because of a brain disorder that I was diagnosed with when I was 3 back in 1994.

pic related: having a good looking face makes it easier to get friends

Bad news user, your Misaki isn't coming.

You know nothing about me lad.

>Anxiety has been over used so much that no one actually takes real anxiety seriously anymore, or even know what it is

Hum, okay then.

Yeah you are a joke of mother nature but i guess you still aim to get the hottest girl you know right? And you act like a fucking weirdo and get mad when they dont answer back to you right? You are a delusional. You have all the right in the world to try, lady fortune is blind, but if you get refused you have to get it in the bill.

You have speech problem? Is a real medical condition? You have rights for treatment, search on internet groups of other people with your problem and ask them how they live. You gonna get "social" and maybe help. Cancer patients can do this and you cant do that?

just be yourself, man

But that's just for one situation AKA the person comes to you.
In my line of contact with human beings, people expect you to contribute in order to keep the conversation flow going. I often look like a piece of shit standing with other people who happily engage in frivol conversation and the moment it gets silent, some turn their line of sight on petty me and go like "And what's your deal, user?"

So just tell them what your deal is man.

>but it's easily overcome
Sure mate. Speaking from experience, right? It's why you have graced with the almighty knowledge of "grow up". So easy, that even you could do it.


Bad bait

>what are missile strikes


I managed to improve my social anxiety quite a bit by just talking to people in college, just to realise that I hate small talk and that most people were actually really boring, making me not want to socialise. I still don't get what is supposed to be fun about parties and stuff.

No, for real. A good war is needed to purge the whitered crops and make a better harvest.
I fucking hope every day a war blow, something real big and devastating. Then you cant have your social anxiety to hide, you gotta strive or die.
Thats a fucking world i want to believe in.


Sometimes I kind of hope so too, then I can put my life towards something instead of just existing at a 9 to 5.

> And you act like a fucking weirdo and get mad when they dont answer back to you right? You are a delusional. You have all the right in the world to try, lady fortune is blind, but if you get refused you have to get it in the bill.

I love this place because you guys can know so many things about me that I don't have to go into detail, and they get made fun of frequently on this website. Speaking of bills, last date I had left after eating. I was going to pay the bill anyway, but when you say you are going to the bathroom and actually leave out the door and never reply, it means something else. Well I don't really want to marry a morbidy obese slut with at least 1 child already who smokes, but like others tell me, those seem to be my only choice now. Then again, it makes sense for girls not to want me unless they want my money or they want to become an American, but that is a different subject.

I was referring to you accusing that guy of comparing anxiety to shell shock when he never said anything like that but now I can see you're just retarded

>doesn't have over 300 confirmed kills
Git gud noob

why is anzu so perfect?

Pretty much this, experience is the best way to fix those. Just don't think about it and be cool.

Oh, I'm sorry that triggers your autism, user. Have a (You) as an apology.

No it isn't easy. Improving yourself is never easy.

I like how you say "i want to". Someone is forcing you to? You cant see your life without the meme of having a children and have a life?
Sometimes your expectations are too high, just lower the bar and you will find happiness.

>just to realise that I hate small talk and that most people were actually really boring
Oh for sure, once I started being more open to people I realized most of us are petty, shallow, boring cunts and that socializing can be a huge chore, but you gotta do it if you want friends/sex.

i cant imagine you have a single fucking friend with that atititude you insensitive brat

Seriously, get the fuck out of here. What do you expect? People to react positively after you dismiss them like that?





>ski mask

Literally every steam group of Sup Forums or any other Sup Forums board

>lower the bar

Spoken like a true loser.

Go on Reddit or your local anime club

Enjoy your Elliott rodger kids