Why does Sup Forums think there is a social stigma with playing video games in public?
Pic related. Do you think people would give a shit if they saw this guy playing his vidya in the subway?
Why does Sup Forums think there is a social stigma with playing video games in public?
Pic related. Do you think people would give a shit if they saw this guy playing his vidya in the subway?
I would ask him to pass the controller bro
another dumb b8 thread
i love how he just doesnt give a shit anymore.
>Pass the controller bro. I fucking LOVE the Silent Hill HD collection
It depends tbqh. The fact that the guy in your pic isn't white, nobody would sit there and go "Wow what a loser haha." This would also apply to women.
It's just white guys and Asians that can't do this in public.
asians spend more time in arcades than any other race.
Whatever helps you sleep at night mate
I've never seen a white dude do this though
>train moves
..That's my point.
Butt angered Asian or white guy detected.
Have you never seen a group of Asians gathering around playing vidya in school (middle to university) settings? Because I've seen this a lot and I've also heard people who pass by talk all kinds of shit.
>Have you never seen a group of Asians gathering around playing vidya in school (middle to university) settings
Yes. I see it everyday. A lot of them are girls too.
You most live in the ghetto since you yourself aren't white.
Id ask what games he has and coop with him.
I could listen to music as I do but I could also play vidya.
>all non-whites live in ghettos/have to be ghetto
Dumb whiteposter pls go.
I thought the stigma was just toward portable Nintendo hardware, since their design and game content are so juvenile. Does a Sony product or a smartphone hold the same stigma?
Is it worth carrying 3 bags to do this though?
What is he playing? Character vaguely looks like a girl with a green skirt and there is fog in the background.
Look at those fucking tits goddamn
Just try that in Brazil.
Yeah hes playing Silent Hill 3
Damn, get this man a Switch
nigga too spooked to play alone and he has to play in public
I would care that the dude is taking up a bunch of space in the middle of a fucking subway.
clearly silent hill 3
He could be homeless.
That's the case here in Chicago. I haven't seen a single black guy in over 3 months.
You get to see young Asian girls? Wow. I don't think I ever saw one before in person.
That's amazingly inconvenient
i mean, atleast he's showing the rest of the people on the train
finally we found the switch's target demographic
They mostly live in the suburbs of big cities.
Live Let's Play.
There's your problem.
People don't care. Period. I don't play handheld outside of my home but that's more because I now drive everywhere instead of using public transportation. When I was in the city, I was too fucking tired in the morning with the work commute. After work was a bit different and I might've busted out the handheld once in a while. In any other situation, I don't really see where you'd have enough time to really enjoy a handheld game anyways in a realistic situation. Waiting in lines and shit doesn't take THAT long to justify using a handheld. But if you did for some reason, again, no one cares.
Yeah I live in redneck town.. Only Asians I see are ones over 50 or so running the couple Asian restaurants. Nobody younger than 30, but then again, all the single girls here have kids by 25, so...
You tend to not see many black people because they keep killing each other every hour.
I'm from the ghetto (Baltimore, MD) and i'm white.
>Sup Forums's current userbase is so young, they don't know that playing video games in a public setting was actually frowned upon and enabled you to get called a loser and a manchild
How times have changed.
Someone post the pictures of the girls making fun of people playing vidya in public
Damn, this guy... how did he become what he is?
He's a nigger
"If people can get money on the train by playing the guitar, why not make money by playing the xbox?"
Dude needs to moisturize.
Where in the hood to get heroin or opiates
Is this the reverse version of the switch meme?
just go to a gas station and ask
>Do you think people would give a shit if they saw this guy playing his vidya in the subway?
Why do you think someone took the picture and posted it on the internet?
>this guy comes to my church
If only some brilliant gaming company would make q more portable console
Most likely one of his friends took the picture. You don't play vidya at that angle. He was showing it to his buddies.
B-More. Is it just like The Wire?
If you take care of your goddamn self and aren't a fucking asshole sperg with the volume all the way up literally nobody in their right mind gives a shit.
I have a two hour gap between an afternoon class and my labwork on Mondays and I sit in my University's lounge in the science building playing either my 3DS or Vita and nobody fucking cares. I get the occasional "hey man, whatcha playing?" and sometimes they stick around for conversation, but that's it.
Compare that to the fat neckbeard in my calculus class who plays Minecraft all day during our lectures on his big glowing Razor GAMUR laptop. He annoys the shit out of everyone around him and he's always trying to recruit people to his fucking server. Can you maybe tell a difference?
>500 responses of fucking normie REEEE
Maybe because the picture is such a fucking extreme example of this. Hell, I'd even take a photo if I saw someone lugging this shit around on the subway.
ashy knees
Never seen that. Sorry f a m.
Is literally ok because he is black
THIS is socially acceptable, peasants
I live in Chicago(3rd largest metro area in the US) and let me tell you
Socially, people dont care
Almost everyone doesn't even bat an eye if you start playing vidya in public
What does actually matter is the exceptions to the above rule who are muggers or theives looking to pull the game right out of your hand and hop off the 35 bus to disappear into bronzeville in one swift move. And thats one of the good examples where they don't assault you.
Its actually happened many times. People don't play vidya in public not because of social stigma but because they dont want it to get stolen.
Speaking straight from experience. Feel free to ask me anything.
Are you white?
Watch it it's the best show I ever I promise
>hurr durr only da beta bois get made fun of ooga booga
You're not fooling anybody with your race-baiting autism.
If the black guy was wearing a fedora, a trench coat, and had a fuckton of anime and video game pins all over his bag people would make fun of him just like they would a white neckbeard or a fat Asian otaku dressed the same way.
To be fair, it's more autistic to go to mass than play video games in public.
He's not fat, decent looking and happy. Clearly showing that it's being a console peasant in public that's the problem. PC gaming on the tube is still trendy and cool
>get this guy a console with no games while he's playing glorious SH remastered
Why would you live in chiraq?
Looks like that xbox and tv aren't connected to any sockets. He have a generator too?
lol i've actually seen at least 2 people playing like this
>can't even play video games in shitcago without getting mugged
Are you prepared for the upcoming martial law in your shitty city?
Because most of Sup Forums are massively insecure
Not only do they think people actually give enough of a shit about some fatass playing a game on a bus to acknowledge his existence for any amount of time beyond the span in which they just happen to be in the same space, they also get the mind that their opinion somehow matters at all in regards to their own lives.
Many people with no personality in this thread
>console user is fat, poorly dressed, looks like he smells and lives with his parents
>PC user is in shape, well dressed, looks like an educated successful man
Really gets the brain going
Welcome to the family, son.
I wouldn't. I'd probably start watching. And jokingly call dibs if he dies just to see if he'll let me.
>looks like an educated successful man
I hope all of you know playing games in public is the epitome of autism
The console fag is undeniably worse, but that dude with the laptop looks like he shops straight out of goodwill and smokes crack in their bathroom.
That's funny you mentioned all of this, triggered-kun.
One of my good friends is a white furry who has Latino and black best friends who are also furries. I've been in public with one of the guys (black) wearing furry paraphernalia and not one person gave him dirty looks or whatever. As a matter of fact, a few people actually thought it was cool. Meanwhile my white friend has been jumped for doing that.
Nice try though user.
He looks like an Idris Elba black though
i ride public transport every day, the only people i ever remember are the regulars who i see every day and the occasional homeless dude masturbating in the middle of the aisle
Lets be honest. Why do you want vidya in public or to avoid/trick yourself into ignoring the stigma?
A lot of playing vidya in public comes down to never growing up from being a bored child walking around with your parents. We have all these arrested development millennials who actually think the WORST thing that can happen to them on any given day is being bored.
That giga nigga looks like he plays vidya 12 hours a day and oh no he's gonna be on the subway for longer than 5 minutes. Do you find yourself planning back up entertainment in case you go on an errand? I consider a book or use my phone's web browser if an appointment runs long, I actually end up playing anything on my 3DS at home.
It's also why you, yes you, you the user reading this shitpost, it's why you have a 100+ game backlog and buy things from steamsales you won't play for years. You're stockpiling entertainment despite the fact that you couldn't use all of it available if you had five lifetimes to do it.
Quentin's Diamond Dogs, boys. A little patience and maturity will go a long way in your life.
>social stigma
no one gives a fuck what you're doing as long as it is not invading their privacy / space
anything of that is okay as long as you use headphones and don't blatantly watch porn / masturbate
OPs pic is bad tho, it's clear that the fucker is not using headphones and the place he set up his rig clearly makes it harder for passengers to enter / leave the train
>being racist
We all shed the red blood of patriots, don't we Drumpfkin? Or did Dahnald lie?
>play 3DS in public
>some asian girl comes up with hers and wants to trade pokemon or something, I dunno
>Don't have pokemon
>they seem disappointed and leave me alone
This happens at least once a week.
Born here
Wont happen
Not with the switch here, it's all normalized
Thank you for Correcting The Record!
>A lot of playing vidya in public comes down to never growing up from being a bored child walking around with your parents. We have all these arrested development millennials who actually think the WORST thing that can happen to them on any given day is being bored.
>willingly, intentionally subjecting yourself to boredom
look how mature i am
motherfucker I have an hour and a half on the train every day. I can only listen to the same music so much. Playing games is just as brain-rotting as reading books.
Doesn't mean they won't think you are a numale downie.
Funny reply since I did factually correct the record, but not in the sense you're implying.