You beat him your first try, right Sup Forums?

You beat him your first try, right Sup Forums?

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ya but it took me 5 playthroughs to actually learn how to fight him properly

>mfw purple shield can block through his fire
>you were supposed to run back down the hallway when he starts exploding

Literally who?

That trumpet.midi tho

No. When I played Demon's Souls, the Souls concept was brand fucking new and none of us had any clue how to play properly.

This shit was unnerving. The rest of the game I could handle, but this made me really fucking uncomfortable for some reason. Probably because I fucking hate bugs.

im a huge fan of kingsfield so seeing the bugbears was incredible for me
actually the entire game almost seemed like it was taken straight from kingsfield, especially some of the enemies you fight

blind aoe explosion killed me first attempt
nice game from

>ya but it took me 5 playthroughs to actually learn how to fight him properly
same here m8.
Also this
>When I played Demon's Souls, the Souls concept was brand fucking new and none of us had any clue how to play properly.
Post your favorite OST

What is this, a game for faggots or something?

I got wrecked. I had no idea how to fight it.

One who Craves Souls and Maiden Astraea.

Yeah but I just shot arrows at him from the start of the tunnel

This boss made me quit dark souls 2

Fought him 4 times, then I died before collecting the dropped souls, lost 200k+ and uninstalled it from my xbox after that

Wasn't really that bothered in the end though, it took me like a day and a half to get to that part and I was bored of the game anyway

I had watched a Let's Play long before I got my hands on Demon's Souls, so I knew what to do.
Took a lot of thrill out of the whole experience tbphwug

No I never beat it without the wall glitch.
It's literally impossible.
Same with flamelurker and maneaters.
Literally fucking impossible without abusing glitches and other abusable things.
I beat Orphan by the way.

I lost against metroid prime on my first go, Second time i didn't even lose a quarter of my energy.

I did but it took fucking ages because I was awful at dodging his web shots.

I actually did, yes.
Temple Knight fucking rules.

I only died to three bosses, and I'm sure you can guess exactly which 3 they were.
This is still my favorite of the 5 souls games.

My brother loves Dark Souls but I still can't get him to try Demon's Souls.

It really pisses me off.

Armored Spider is super easy but you'd be surprised how many times I watched the host just stand and die in an explosion while helping in NG+ and beyond.

>No I never beat it without the wall glitch.
>It's literally impossible.

You run back into the tunnel when he explodes user

I died to Manfuckers, Allant, Adjudicator and Storm King

I actually beat Flamefucker on my first go. I got lucky though cuz he still kicks my ass on subsequent playthroughs. Same with O&S, I just got lucky. Wish I could see a replay somehow.

I hated this level more than Valley of Defilement because I was lost running around in circles in the mines for ages.

>GF loves the souls series
>buys a PS3 just for DeS
>spends hours upon hours attempting to kill Flamelurker
>ignored all me pleas to just go to other levels and grind, or let me do it for her
>gives up and sells the PS3

>does the exact same thing with Bloodstarved Beast, trading BB for a Costco pizza

Is 1-3 the most forgettable boss ever?

>Does the same thing with Bloodborne


fucking gross

>I'm sure you can guess exactly which 3 they were.
Maneaters, Dragon God and Allant.

I don't remember who it is.
Is it the Penetrator guy?
I like his design a lot.
I killed him too fast to know if he was even a fun boss though.

I got the sword from the Burger King and it was so easy from then on.

Just wait for emulators mate.

You know it baby.

I did actually. Found a little spot where I couldn't be hit by most of his attacks.

No because he's got a baller intro cutscene. The most forgettable boss in Demon's Souls is definitely Dirty Colossus. I'm betting at least half the people who beat Demon's Souls can't even remember what it looked like.

with 30fps you have more than enough time to react


Not only cause they were slow moving bugs, but because you ran into them in tiny tunnels where they were so fat they filled the entire path and you couldn't get through.

for the life of me i cant understand how people struggle with bsb. i totally sympathize with gascan and shadows, but bsb?

This definitely. Leechmonger is infamous for sucking ass as a boss but Dirty Colossus? A reskin of Leechmonger that literally no one remembers

DC and LM are cool bosses that suffer from being really undertuned

Even if Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus had good numbers behind them, all they do is slowly spin around and can only hit a mental patient

undertuned in that sense too. a lot of bosses in demons have attack tracking that is technically fairer than latter souls games but disappointing in the practical sense

They just pale to the other Valley boss, Maiden Astrae.
To be honest, every other boss would have, so I am glad they put those loosers into it to not dumb down other good bosses.

You ought to break up with someone that fiscally irresponsible. And without a will to fuckin git gud

She sounds like an awful person and you shouldn't even consider dating someone that dumb.