Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist

How the fuck do you use spellbook decks, makes no fucking sense

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You go back to the downfall of ygo.
i.e. dragon rulers

Use spell cards a lot.

But that was the best meta of YGO

Do you have acess to Spellbook of Judgment, or is it banned?

You draw your whole deck in 1-2 turns

If you don't understand why that's broken then you are beyond help.

nah, the downfall of Yu-Gi-Oh was 5Ds' Synchro systems and Arc-V's XYZ systems.

Nah, you're a nostalgiacuck.
There's nothing inherently wrong with synchro or xyz.

Meant Zexal, sorry

>there's nothing inherently wrong with winning on your opponent's turn 0

Synchro greatly expanded deck complexity and the amount of interactions possible between players in a turn due to how synchro summoning works.

XYZ is a bit overpowered compared to other mechanics due to lazy card design from konami giving it outs to everything and turning the mechanic into R3/R4: the game, but as a mechanic itself it's fine.

You could do shit like that well before synchro or xyz though.

Activate Spellbook of Judgment.
Watch as your opponent starts crying

The downfall of YGO was a LITERALLY FREE 2100 turn 1 beatstick.

There is an awful lot wrong with R4nk, though.

Maybe you shouldn't blindly drop maxx C against a synchro masturbation deck, shitter


you weren't there.
Spellbooks were the only other deck that could keep up with Dragon Rulers.
Dragon Rulers are the single most degenerate deck after Ememes.

How to fix special summoning:
Limit Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ to 1 each per turn like Pendulum. (maybe Rituals too if they have sufficient support nowadays to be an equal threat to the above)

There was little consistency though with old OTK/FTK decks. TeleDAD was arguably the fastest, most consistent "I win" deck to the point where it was top tier and widely played. Synchros and XYZ only took it into an even more retarded direction.

The game is nothing like that.
I'm not saying it is good by any means, but those flashy long combos are ridiculously fragile and inconsistent, and mostly inexistent.

Pic is what you're going to see a lot in YGO.

I hate it, but its quite funny playing anti meta. If you break their combo, the fags dont know what to do.

wow, this is an awful idea

Dragon Rulers were both faster and and more consistent

>Doesnt know what Judgement Prophecy days were like

Your newbieness in showing dude

Playing non-meta decks to break meta deck users' set-in-stone duel thought process you say?

Evilswarm never were meta

t. Synchro and/or XYZ Turbo player

it slows the game to a crawl and brings it back to the original days of "I have the biggest beatstick so I win"

When was the first time you played and when was the last time you played?
genuinely curious

Why is it that whenever somebody complains about yugioh they always post some cherrypicked shit synchro masturbation webm instead of posting actual meta?

so what do you guys think about toad hero?

the biggest problem with yugioh atm are cards that can negate ANY effect.

so you can always spam your board full of summons without having to worry about cards like raigeki or dark hole.

every minion can negate anything

>use the xyz and synchro structure decks to learn how that shit works
>get my ass whooped by fucking Weevil and that dino nigger kid
>put together a basic af Exodia deck with the few cards I remember
>only lost like one duel in 30 and about to finish the GX campaign

Any tips or must have cards for an Exodia deck? Mine seems pretty basic and I'm sure I can improve it. Also, can someone explain this pendulum shit to me?

I'm re-playing 5D's WC 2011: Over the Nexus.
Pretty good game when you have tons of decks and strategies to play. The strongest Synchro monsters are Red Nova Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon, Trishula, Naturia Beast/Barion, Six Samurai - Shien,...

>synchros and XYZs are the problem
>not pendulums

>look mom I posted it again!


>At the moment

Nigger that was ALWAYS YGOs problem.

Dark Law + Toad is silly, but Kaijus are a thing so its not too big of a deal.

Exodia decks are bad, learn to play and you won't be losing to scrubs.

I side triple Mask of Restrict in my Toad Hero.


>10 years later
>people still complaining about Synchros
XYZ though broke the game, that was retarded, mostly because the level 4 XYZ gave you a stupidly large toolbox

>the mods will delete this thread at some point despite this thread being semi-Sup Forumsidya related and generating some of the most genuine discussion you'll find on this side of who here /rarefusions/??

>synchrofags never finish their turn
>xyz broke the game

Pendulums are shit. Its too fragile to be a problem on its own.
PePe was only ever a problem because of stupid good non-opt effects like Plushfire, and the Rank4 toolbox.

Pendulum monsters are basically Monster/Spell Cards. You can play them as monsters or as "field" spells.

Theres two pendulum slots now on the left and right side of your field where you can place the pendulum monsters as spells. Once you complete the pendulum, once per turn you can pendulum summon, which lets you summon as many pendulum and vanilla monsters from your hand as the numbers inbetween your pendulum (so if you have 2 and 9 stars, you can summon from 3-8 stars).

Pendulum monsters also have special effects sometimes as spells. And pendulum monsters go straight to your extra deck when they are destroyed and can be resummoned every turn unless you destroy the pendulum.

I unironically like solitaire decks and think they are fun, well, at least for the player using them.
Infernities were my favorite deck.

Synchros are much more difficult to get out and are a generally weaker.

>Keep introducing new permanent mechanics to your game without even properly balacing it out like ever.

Yugioh ALWAYS had broken shit since its first couple of packs.

Why does Konami keep making themes with potential and cool ideas and then not doing shit with them?
Pic related, Shinobird are cool but all their non-rituals are trash and they cant recycle their ritual spell.

who /scrap/ here?

>majespecters (seriously though, fuck them)
The mechanic is pretty bad on its own since it's an inherent -2, it's when decks get the ability to abuse the shit out of the mechanic it becomes a problem.

Hello fellow Wightbois, how is that princess working out for you?
Wight is the best meme deck.

>wasting a polymorph on that trash

Zoodiacs are going to put this game into the shitter.
Every single deck will have to use them to even be viable anymore. At least before you had the option of running a few different decks.
I'm surprised they even made it past testing.

>what is fusion gate


instant fusion and xyz made every crappy old fusion card actually really useful

It's probably seen some use throughout the years, lvl 3 for instant fusion.

>they cant recycle their ritual spell
into the trash it goes

The computer's as consistent as it wants to be, you aren't.

Hopefully they just ban them quickly and call it a day

this is the company that released Dragon Rulers.

>tfw an annoying deck is meta as fuck, then gets usurped by another deck so the original annoying deck isn't hit at all when the banlist comes around and you have to deal with annoying deck next format

they'll get banned in a few months after they made enough money, just like the dragon rulers :^)

Before this thread gets deleted
Kaiju related
Can anyone here tell me what happens when an opponent's monster leaves the field when I'm trying to special summon a kaiju with it? Do I keep the kaiju in my hand?
Can I attempt to summon it again on another monster? Also, the ruling says the tribute and the special summon does not happen at the same time and I feel like that's relevant to the question somehow.

I'm going to guess that they know exactly what they're releasing.
They know it's broken as shit and that's why they do it. They get to essentially sell a bunch of cards before the next banlist and then get to repeat it all over again the next time.

you can't chain anything to the actual tributing, that's why kaiju are so good.

How exactly does it leave the field? You're tributing as a cost, you can't chain to that to remove the original monster.

are Kaiju actually viable or just a meme deck?

Even then its not much a problem rather its the cards having damn good effects or other options to make up for the pendulum mechanics downsides and then some.
Shit like making a archetype full of hexproof monsters, or making a self-recycling fusion spell that also gives you a draw is the issue.

Kaijus are extremely powerful.
Kaiju decks are kinda awful.

Still funny as fuck though

Synchro masturbation is a lot more "impressive" looking and takes a long time to finish.

These decks wouldn't be nearly as good if they weren't pendulum though, pendulum just pushes them that much further.

Is this any good? Should i pirate it?

Is this any good? Should i pirate it?

So what are some fun card games to get into, I don't want to get into Yugioh again, any good alternatives that are played at your locals?

Go for it

There is literally nothing wrong with Synchos. It's an amalgamation of fusion and ritual summoning that added a shitton of depth without breaking anything, as opposed to level 4 XYZ toolbox horseshit.

It's alright for playing historic anime decks and stuff, with all dlcs there are a lot of characters. It has newer cards but if you want to play seriously just get ygopro

i love seeing this rose archer thing since i know it's just some newfriend who thinks that trash like ROSE ARCHER and opening soul charge is representative of modern yugioh

it's no different than a video of someone (anyone) topdecking exodia like the guy who said going second is better and then losing to Seeker. it's a statistical anomaly

Pretty much.
Also Baroness has the better effects (Spin 3 + SS from deck) but how often are you gonna be dealing with 3 backrow that cant neg her effect?
No one even runs traps not called Solemn or Dim Barrier anymore.

kaijus as a deck have no way to actually push for game on their own because they need an opponents monster to tribute to be able to summon themselves.

As side cards theyre invaluable.

Yugioh nowadays is literally a game of RPS. Whoever wins and gets first turn wins the game. Fuck Zodiacs.