Got that platinum yet, user?
Got that platinum yet, user?
240 of them in fact because I'm not a retard who's bad at videogames.
>yes i have job
>yes i have a """social""" life
>yes i have a gf
no i will not fucc your boi pucci
which one?
Post your profiles or something.
No, you don't.
>want to fully complete yakuza 0
>have to learn nippon only gambling games to do it
r8 my plats
work on it, ninja gaiden 3 btw
What a great opportunity to post my humble profile.
Yeah, few of them.
Too bad most plats are rewards for long grind instead of skill.
Drake's fortune ps3 version.
efficient grind requires skill
>i'm bad at videogames and simple time management
it's okay buddy
Haven't done any trophy hunting lately.
Working on S;G 0 and a second (PS4) plat for MGSV. I blame PS+ for sticking me with a 31% completion rating, though I need to start working on a few close-to-platted ones once the newness of PS4 wears off.
Doesn't really matter because in the end as long as you finish the grind you get the trophy.
Scrubs might take longer but it's not like it's actually comparable.
Yes, sadly Yakuza 0 has been a Pain to get that plat
Shogi isn't my drift at all, every time i play i need ice or some good chill drink, still after this i'm hoping to play Kiwami or the next one in the line
scrubs take more time thus have less plats and slower trophy acquisition.
regardless of how you look at things, trophy profiles are really good to differentiate between scrubs and skilled players
>Fallout 4 66%
Fix it, man.
Gonna play Nioh
>Could platinum fighting game easily
>Requires online shit
I don't want to
>3 weeks since last plat
this tbqh
>Guitar Hero Live
Strumillionaire can fuck right off
I was on my way to platting Dante's Inferno
But after going 1.5 of the way through the second play through to max out all skills and stuff, I noticed on my trophy list it stopped like .4 of the way through my first play through.
Saving all the fanned, maxing Holy, BEATING THE GAME. All trophies gone even though I know I got them.
Even now when I refresh and check they're still not there.
Its odd and I have no clue what happened.
> scrubs having plats
>scrubs are lucky enough to even make it halfway through a singleplayer
But you're definitely right about achievements describing players
no life tryhard/10
>4 ultra rare
7/10, too many indie plats
$50 for season pass is too rich for my blood.
Only Platinum i have is The Walking Dead Season 1.
so yea... fuck trophies.
Here you go
>Only Plat was on Sly 1
I share the account with my brother.
I couldn't give two shits about trophies or achievements. I haven't looked at a single one i've got in the 2 years i've had a PS4.
19 of them. Should be 20, but Blizzard is a bunch of Jews that won't fix a bug
>found 240 video games on PS3/PS4 worth playing
>to whatever the developer considers 100%
And none of them are shovelware trash with easy cheevos? Smells like fake news to me.
>that webm
Literally me.
Multiplats are games too, you know.
>that guy that posts webms without source
Its not even a platinum but...did someone here get the defend 100 times your base and capture 100 guys in let it die?