What would you like to see on the Nintendo Switch Virtual Console

Honestly, I think the Nintendo Switch Virtual Console needs more consoles and more features

Features I want to see, up to 4 save states, Game Boy Color and Super Game Boy mode on all original Game Boy games, GBA mode on GBC games, too bad 3DS VC didn't have GBA mode on GBC games like Shantae and GBC/SGB mode on GB games, so no Metroid II and Pokemon Red in color like it did on the GBC, would be cool on Switch VC

Games & Consoles: Neo Geo Pocket Color, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Super Scope games since the Wii U got Zapper games, but no Super Scope games, NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, Turbografx 16, Sega Master System, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS Gamecube, Virtual Boy

Fair prices


Sega Genesis and Dreamcast games

A man can dream

>Paying for ROMs

Balloon Fight

Every Nintendo system I have needs to have Balloon Fight on it

Nurse Nancy, alien sex room.

final fantasy vi
megaman x
megaman zx
minish cap

Starfox SNES, with native 1080p and consistent framerate.

Fair prices, actually good sales and PSO.

I would love to see Megaman 8 on the Switch VC, that will complete the Megaman Melee family which consists of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Paying for roms is still better than watching walking dead

Actual sales for people that are subscribed, not that cheap shit 25% off and OCCASIONAL 40% off they do for SUPER SPECIAL occasions.

Nintendo needs to get over their fucking ego. I love their games but jesus christ it's been 30 years, there is no reason that every single time they put the original LoZ onto a new console it should be introduced with a $10 price tag for a year or two

Also, for fuck's sake, just bring over the entire Gamecube and Wii library. I realize there are probably some issues for games like F-Zero since Sega kinda sorta has some claim on parts of it, but all of the fully Nintendo games on Gamecube and Wii should be easy ports over. Also bring over the entire GB/GBC/GBA library.

Not having to pay again for them

That'd have to be a port then.

every multiplayer game to get the online play

More like a straight up remake, shit was written in assembly.

>but all of the fully Nintendo games on Gamecube and Wii should be easy ports over
Does the Switch's stock controllers even have analog triggers? I know this was an issue on the Wii U's GamePad and Pro Controller as to why GC games were never released on its Virtual Console.

I honestly don't give a shit, a hacked Wii U will play every Nintendo console aside from the N64 natively/on good emulators, it's the only thing that piece of shit is good for.


If Switch doesn't have GameCube games and instead the same collection of NES/SNES games that everyone bought a million times I'm going to ree.

Chrono Trigger
Just fucking give me Chrono Trigger and I'll be happy

The reason why they never released GC games on Wii U is because Wii U is unable to emulate the GC, but is possible since it has hardware built in, but features will be limited, it will be possible on Switch VC

Letting people dump there own roms.

Have fun playing Sunshine without analog triggers!

These two

I never had a Gamecube
Why are people so autistic about analog triggers? What fucking difference does it make?

A decent amount of distribution. It took way too long for stuff like N64 to be put on the Wii U's and there's still plenty more that can be put on there with the Switch being less than a month away. Would also be great if they took advantage of the funds they've obtained from online memberships and use that to localize old games that never got released in the West. Would be great for games like Mother 3, old Fire Emblem games, and even Star Fox 2 that never got released.

I want Path of Radiance, F-Zero GX and, even if I'm the only one, Geist.

Because you literally cannot do necessary or extremely helpful moves without analog triggers. Would you get mad if people said "I don't want to play Mario without the A button"?

but user they did. star fox 64 and star fox zero

NES, GB/GBC, NES, NGPC, Master System = 3.99-4,99$
Genesis, SNES, Turbografx 16, Game Boy Advance, Virtual Boy = 5,99-7,99$
Saturn, N64, NDS 7,99-9,99$
Gamecube, Dreamcast = 9,99-12,99$

How much worse is it than playing Mario 64 on the Wii U? I had no problem whatsoever.

Games I would love to see on Switch VC
SNES: Super Scope games, Yoshi's Island, Stunt Race FX, Uniracers
GBA: Asterix & Obelix XXL, Sigma Star Saga, Iridion II
Sega Genesis: Megaman The Wily Wars
NES: Mr Gimmick, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck
N64: Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day
DS: Diddy Kong Racing DS

Is Saturn even that easy to emulate? I've seen plenty of digital re-releases of Genesis and Dreamcast stuff, but very rarely of Saturn games.

t. people who have never played mario sunshine

>All the VC games I've already purchased. For free to port to the Switch.
>Gamecube support.
>More than five fucking games.
Short list.

I've beaten it on a Wii U with Nintendont using a Wiimote and Nunchuk faggot, you just map that pressing 2 buttons is a half trigger press, and presiing only 1 is a full press, Your shit trigger is nothing special when it only has 2 possible states in the game.

>paying for emulation
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

Got 120 shines, still waiting on an answer. If you have nothing to say I'll just assume you're shit at the game.

No, I would revere them as legends for being able to beat the game with only a half a press

If Nintendo doesn't make all VC games that are currently on Wii U available from day 1 they are missing a HUGE chunk of cash. A shit ton of normies saw the Superbowl commercial, now they have Nintendo on the mind, now they remember all the good memories from Nintendo game, now they see this new system that allows portable AND TV play.

Honestly it would all fit together for a perfect storm of normie support. If Nintendo pushes the VC as one of the major features people would eat this shit up. Sure you can emulate the shit and get mobile ports of stuff but controls on mobile are ass. This would be such a huge seller on the VC alone for normies.

Personally I just want the full library available and all my previous games I already bought to be there on day 1 but we all know that won't happen because it's typical for Nintendo to go full retard.

Not trying to be an idiot but isn't it possible that they release joycons with analog triggers?

I'm already expecting a shit ton of joycon variations (different colors, different themes [like retro nes controller etc], different button and trigger configuration}

>If Nintendo doesn't make all VC games that are currently on Wii U available from day 1 they are missing a HUGE chunk of cash.
It took 3 years just to get N64 games on Wii U when Nintendo had them at launch for Wii.

I have so much faith in Nintendo! They won't fuck up twice in a row there's no way!

For the most part, I was okay with how the Wii U's virtual console games were handled.
I just want an actual library to pick from.
If Nintendo isn't stupid, they could use this as an opportunity to present a legal normie-friendly alternative to the growing trend of emulators on phones and tablets, but honestly I just want the games I already bought to transfer over.
Hell, I'd honestly use the Wii VC discount for Wii U games on a lot of stuff if it were announced that my Wii U VC games would carry over to the Switch. It's part of why I haven't sold my Wii U yet, just in case there's something I'd need to do with it to get stuff on my Switch.

But the long time it takes to get a library needs to stop. I think the vast majority of the VC games that the Wii U had should be available on the Switch as close to launch as physically possible. None of this "in five years when the console's dead we'll give it Pokemon Snap" bullshit.

Did you know? In the Wii U Virtual Console US trailer, there's a clip of Yoshi's Cookie, though it was never released sadly, possibly licensing issues?

>legal normie-friendly alternative
emulators are not illegal

Online multiplayer. That actually would be a good reason to buy roms.

>It took 3 years just to get N64 games on Wii U when Nintendo had them at launch for Wii.

It's such bullshit this happened. God the Switch is the emulation machine a lot of us have been waiting ages for. Official support from the developers, portable and TV play, physical controls that are removable, various controller options, WiFi, even some games will be updated for online multiplayer.

Since they've been so silent about VC I'm concerned it's not gonna be anything stellar unless they are holding out until E3 to announce the full VC support coming out Q1 2018

Maybe not, but the roms you play on the emulator are copyright infringement

>I'd honestly use the Wii VC discount for Wii U games on a lot of stuff if it were announced that my Wii U VC games would carry over to the Switch.
Nintendo made you pay $2 a piece just to transfer over VC games that you already bought on Wii to your Wii U. And you actually think they'll let you transfer them to Switch for free?
Use your head user.

>emulators are not illegal
99% of normies don't know this and assume it's some sort of hacker shit you're doing to get the games on their phones. Also fuck touchscreen controls.

Nintendo should just cancel the Switch and port all of it's games to PS4.

They should implement a filter for GBA games on Switch VC, so they look like as seen on a non-backlit screen, which is how graphics are meant to be seen

I mean, there's a reason I haven't bought them again yet. I'm not retarded.
I'm hoping Nintendo changes their stance on it. If not, I'll save my money.


Nah, fuck that. Buy the game once and you own it forever. That should be the standard.

My biggest wants for the Virtual Console are:
>Recognition of previous VC purchases which is reflected on your Switch. (Highly likely considering the Nintendo Account system and Reggie's comments).
>To keep the 3DS VC platforms supported on the Switch.
>For all previous VC platforms to be supported in general, especially the Sega ones.
>Sega Saturn Virtual Console.
I'm still hoping that the only reason Sega didn't put their VC catalogue on the Wii Shop onto the Wii U eShop is that they figured anyone who wanted them would just get them in Wii Mode.

Path of Radiance

More specifically: Games should be priced based on the amount of content in the game instead of having a fixed price based on the console it's on. How many people actually spend $5 on something like Ice Climber that they only play for a couple minutes and then never touch again?

>I realize there are probably some issues for games like F-Zero since Sega kinda sorta has some claim on parts of it
I'm almost certain Nintendo could work something out with Sega on that if they really cared to.

>Wii U is unable to emulate the GC
Not emulate but it can still run them natively through Wii hardware. Look up Nintendont.

As a Gamecube owner, I really want to see a GC VC.

The idea of Sunshine, Eternal Darkness or Melee where the fuck ever is too appealing. I'm suck in airports all the time.

>Highly likely
I guess you forgot about the $2 """""upgrade""""" fees to bring Wii VC games to Wii U

>It took way too long for stuff like N64 to be put on the Wii U's
Did you know that Ogre Battle 64 is literally only being put on the Wii U Virtual Console five days from now?

Fuck, I just don't want to have fucking barebones Virtual Console compared to the Wii again.


>can still run them natively
>needs homebrew
pick one

I'm hoping that Nintendo won't be as Jewish this time around but I'm preparing for disappointment.

>neither of these two were on virtual console for the Wii or the Wii U

Why is that? what made Mario Party 2 so special that it took priority?


>Mario Party 3 and Mario Party 3

Nintendo got sued over MP1. As for 3, i dunno.

It's Mario Party 73, get it right.

At least everything that the Wii + Wii U had.

They excluded the first Mario Party because of the mini games where you spun the control stick.

Honestly, i think the place they need to start is by having all the games they already offer on Wii U and 3DS VC at launch. Then get some Gamecube and more Wii games on it.

A goddamn account system so I don't have to rebuy all my shit for the fourth fucking time

Also bring back Turbografx

They already have that but still make you pay for the same stuff. Nintendo, amirite?

Makes me so fucking mad

>Please pay $1-2 dollars to play the shit you already bought on the OS where you can use the tablet or a better controller
>Also we fucking drip feed you and the Wii U VC is nowhere near what the Wii VC was

I'd talk about how Sony handles their shit so much better but I apparently memed my post into copypasta because people are upset by the truth

>you just map that pressing 2 buttons is a half trigger press
Fuck off, a trigger press is a trigger press, you can't say it's only a half.

>bring back Turbografx
They still have it, they released Gradius last week.

I think he means on the Switch.

I just dont want games drip fed to us.
We wait weeks at a time for a vc release then they give us one and its some shit like urban champion then the console dies before we get many of the good titles.

Tetris attack with online.

This issue will probably be gone once Nintendo decides the Switch is a suitable replacement for the 3DS. It looks like they're shifting their mobile focus to phones with the budget games all going to Switch eventually.
