What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


this bait thread




Bland batman combat.
Dialogue choices that don't have correct outcome
Visuals are a Glitchy mess

>underwater combat
>level scaled loot

It wasnt another 100+ hours longer.

>Bland batman combat.
This is some awful bait

you can't dick Ciri
dropped this game as soon as I found out it leads nowhere

Lowest tier thread.

Worse than all the Destiny threads combined.


gameplay barely evolves over like 100 hours

What went wong is that it doesn't allow you to play as Yen and bitch all the time when you are not taking Slav Witcher Cock


valid point, but those gothic screenshots are way to dark

OP was a faggot and tried making bait threads

Having Triss in the game, made the Novigrad part of the game boring as hell.

If I wanted a challenging game I wouldn't play mmos..

Finding Redanian armors in a lost elven temple hidden behind a magical door somewhere on Ard Skellig.

>le new meme

Came here to post this and unsurprisingly it was FPBP.

>Gothic example is directly copied from a popular video

Couldn't come up with an example of your own or?

not an argument


Op, this is the only game you aren't allowed to criticize. Just think of the sunsets, and the story, and how the DLC is its own separate game. Think about these things and repeat how wonderful they are.

>not an argument

Not an argument.

Name's Gerald. Looking for my wife's son. Might've seen him. 5 1/2 feet tall. Black. Smells of corn chips and amphetamines.

good music, character interactions, some sidequest writing and graphics.

other than that almost everything is bland, mediocre, boring or downright bad.


Open world. Everything else sans combat was good.

>turn HUD off in tw3
wow that was real hard

>12m copies sold
>game of the generation
>93 metacritic, 93 user score, only game in history to achieve complete parity with user + critic reviews
>most awarded game OF ALL TIME
>superbly optimized while having top-tier graphical fidelity
>hbo drama tier narrative
>best characters in any video game, even side characters are better than most MC's
>best quests out of any game, undisputedly so.
>solid, tight gameplay that even the pleb masses can enjoy. No autismal repetition like in DaS

almost nothing went wrong! brava CDPR

>can't complete the quest because you need GPS in order to know where to go

shitty story, shitty characters, shitty combat, shitty world

I've played it for 20 hours now and it's not impressing me at all

bad graphics


No, you don't

>Bad combat
>Red "go here" lines for every quest
>Level scaled loot
>Beasts & monsters have no tells when they attack
>Too few dialogue options for an rpg
>The perks are just boring "+5% damage" shit
>Generally bad controls
>Horrible horse controls
>Boring world with ubisoft markers everywhere

Does the game tell you how to find a NPC in Novigrad?

Does it give u directions like "you can find him next to the X in northern part of the city""?

Combat is horrible, basic, and unresponsive.
World looks far too similar and repetitive.
Quests consist of: Go to A, use witcher senses, kill B.

And all this for 100 hours.




the real reason we have these anti witcher threads is that sonyponies are STILL THIS TRIGGERED that blunderborne was shit on so thoroughly .

In 5 years sonyponies will still be upset and still shitposting every day becauese they literally cannot handle the fact no one liked their gotta go fast edgy memedark souls knock off

For some reason the game attracted a ridiculous amount of attention and gets a lot of massively overblown praise thrown its way. In retaliation Sup Forums treats it as if its some kind of irremediably disaster. Game is fucking impossible to discuss anywhere, you will either get eviscerated by fanboys or detractors.

Your mother's abortion apparently.

salty Sonyggers

>gotta go fast edgy memedark souls knock off
>mustard race upset they cant play the best souls game of all time

Yes, the directions are not crystal clear of course, but they weren't either in gothic 2. I finished witcher 3 with the HUD turned off, it is doable.

bros......... i cant believe this. I was so sure that Naughty Dog®, creators of Uncharted™ 4: A Thief's End, The Last Of Us™, Uncharted™ 3: Drake's Deception, Uncharted™ 2: Among Thieves, Uncharted™:3, Uncharted™ 4: A thief's end would surely churn out another amazing corridor shooting with an emotionally manipulative narrative that would surely pull the heartstrings of the emotionally immature professional game critics.... what the heck bros................. I guess TLOU2 is our only shot now.

>salty console cucks still upset that their only decent exclusive on a overpriced under powered console wasnt nearly as good as it could have been because of shitty ps4 hardware limitations

>dont talk to me or my wifes son ever again
For some reason i can just see ps4 being the platform of choice for the average cuckold considering they are cucking their own wallets by having one.

The open world thing ruined story pacing

I bet CDPR felt really good about themselves in 2015.

lets hope they dont let it get to them and go the way of bioware.

And in 2016 when they won RPG of the year with a fucking expansion.

The downgrade
pic related

You didn't get aborted.

This pic

To be fair it was shitty competition.

They could say Phil Fish tier shit and I'd still white knight them.
At least as long as Cyberpunk 2077 isn't downgraded for consolecucks like W3 was. If they do that again I'll never buy their shit.

>low settings


>.ini edited uber low settings

what were you trying to prove?

Why bother lying like that? the first pic is on very high settings and the bottom one is on the lowest settings. You can literally watch gameplay of people with more foliage than that.

>At least as long as Cyberpunk 2077 isn't downgraded for consolecucks like W3 was.

They just have to not make the same mistake of showing anything but final version footage.

this is witcher 3 on low settings youtube.com/watch?v=RSCkJH6wzH0

In the image he went into the ini file to remove the foliage


it's kinda sad that a goddamn mmorpg expansion was really the only one with staying power there

>dark souls 3
>deus ex: mankind divided
both were forgotten in like a month

>xenoblade chronicles x
less said about the wii u, the better.


Woah, we got us some detectives here.