What book would make a great video game

What book would make a great video game.
Pic related.

I think The Forever War is utterly fantastic, but I don't think it would make a good game. It would make a much better movie or miniseries than a game.

pic related

>"You look blank, Joe," said Malaclypse. "Has no one explained to you that the human race is divided into two distinct genotypes - neophobes, who reject new ideas and accept only what they have known all their lives, and neophiles, who love new things, change, invention, innovation? For the first four million years of man's history, all humans were neophobes, which is why civilization did not develop. Animals are all neophobes. Only mutation can change them. Instinct is simply the natural behavior of a neophobe. The neophile mutation appeared about a hundred thousand years ago, and speeded up thirty thousand years ago. However, there has never been more than a handful of neophiles anywhere on the planet. The Illuminati themselves sprang from one of the oldest neophile-neophobe conflicts on record."

>April 23 - How do we know whether the Universe is getting bigger or the objects in it are getting smaller? You can't say that the universe is getting bigger is relation to anything outside it, because there isn't any outside for it to relate to. There isn't any outside. But if the universe doesn't have an out-side, then it goes on forever. How do you know it doesn't, shithead? You're just playing with words, man. -No I'm not. The universe is the inside without an outside, the sound made by one eye opening. In fact, I don't even know that there is a universe. More likely, there are many multiverses, each with its own dimensions, times, spaces, laws and eccentricities. We wander between and among these multiverses, trying to convince others and ourselves that we walk together in a single public universe that we can share. For to deny that axiom leads to what is called schizophrenia. Yeah, that's it: every man's skin is his own private multiverse, just like every man's home is supposed to be his castle. But all the multiverses are trying to merge, to create a true universe such as we have only imagined previously. Maybe it will be spiritual, like Zen or telepathy, or maybe it will be physical, one great big gang-fuck, but it has to happen: the creation of a universe and the one great eye opening to see itself at last. Aum Shiva! -Oh, man, you're stoned out of your gourd. You're writing gibberish. No, I'm writing with absolute clarity, for the first time in my life. -Yeah? Well what was that business about the universe being the sound of one eye opening? Never mind that. Who the hell are you and how did you get into my head?

I don't really see how



Shit story desu.

The end where "it was all just some super being doing an experiment" was bullshit.

Yeah I see that. I was going to say Starship trooper but they already made a shitty movie game(i really hated the movie). I think I just want a good drop pod game like odst but better.

Forever War was cool except for being weirdly homophobic

It'd make a great TV Series but not a game.
There's far too much chance of it being hamfisted up either way.

>Last "SciFi" I read was fucking Warhammer little novels damn near 10 years ago
>Come across this randomly at a nearby book store
>First book I've enjoyed in a goddamn decade.

I need to find some sort of website I can frequent and get a line in on good books. Fuck.


I feel like you didn't read the book

Anything by Garth Nix or Jim Butcher.


I'd love a space civilisation galactic conquest sorta sim that features time dilation as a mechanic.

>Hating on one of the best worst movies ever

Yes, I know it barely resembles the source material but that movie was fun as fuck

Is this bait or just autism?

It wasn't that homophobic it was just exploring the effects of overpopulation on a societal and political level.


I want an American Psycho dating sim.

It was good for its time, and yes they completely threw out the awesome jumping, nuke throwing mechs for shit infantry.

>he wants to live forever by hiding behind a mech


oh shit my niggah, could you imagine this game made by some like platinum or from software where they actually make death a core mechanic just like in the light novel. I'm still waiting for a really good attempt to be made around this concept.

Shooting shitty rifle vs Flame throwing niggas and throwing personal nukes at shit.

The original Starship Troopers would make for a perfect EDF spin-off style title that combines Fencer and Wing Diver gameplay together. That could be possible absolutely fantastic.

Also, the movie is garbage. I don't care if it's a garbage surrounded by cult following, it's still garbage at heart.

Yeah, but it still sounds like you wanna live forever.

Yeah but nazi doogie howser was based.

So it is a really shitty book?

do you not want to live forever you ape?


>hated the movie
Come on, bruh. Despite shitty infantry tactics which may or may not be intentional it's pretty good. Was it a bad adaptation? Surely, but it's a fine movie on it's own. Great action and even had a some commentary on the book's message as well as modern view on the american society/government.


muh nigga