What happened to Bootsy?

What happened to Bootsy?

According to a Tweet he made he's left Cinemassacre but won't go into further detail and Mike has any forums or youtube comments related to Bootsy on lockdown like the free speech hating mod he is. It sounds like he left on bad terms. :(

Other urls found in this thread:


And now we're stuck with James reviewing books on Fridays.

Sounds like you made this up! Post source or you're a faggot

he couldn't have him, mike, and james are friends from college not just co workers.

>Ryan the living ham monster hasn't left

Citation needed

Any youtube celeb talk thread should be met with a 10 week ban.

Fatso Ryan replaced him


From the way he's phrased it, sounds like either Mike or James made this decision

>Matei would rather hang out with the charisma vacuum that is Ryan to make himself look better

Really makes you think...

This was in reference to the Cinemassacre subreddit (moderated by Mike) mobile.twitter.com/ReallyBLBootsy/status/823948559347224576

>@politicizemily Sounds like it's under propagation over there and not truly an open forum for fans to discuss opinions. Not surprised.

>super fucking chill and calm even while playing the hardest games
>made Mike look like an autistic spaz with his constant potty mouth spewing
Wonder why he got the cut....

well they are all faggots besides bootsy anyway

Fuck. I'm going to miss that dude.

I'm guessing it's Mike, from the way Bootsy is referring to how the subreddit is moderated. My guess is Bootsy got too comfortable for someone and stepped on some toes.

He had the best features after actual AVGN vids.

They've been friends for like 20 years, what could've happened?
Bet it was Mike that cocksleeve who did it


this Bootsy person is a guest and he should show a little more appreciation to Mike 'footlong dong' Mattei. Mike was the one who got James back into video games. He supplied him with most of the games for the early AVGN and it was his vision that made Rolph's character such a hit on Youtube.

Cinemassacre starts and ends with Mike and anyone who doesn't like it can get mushroom slapped.

What a fucking moron. Cinemassacre was literally the only reason people cared about him, his music is fucking garbage. What a fucking shit head.

Falseflagging is a art


Speaking the truth, bro!

I've always thought Bootsy was Canadian because he's a Jays fan. Did he grow up in NJ with the other guys?


Hot italian wife is awesome


Mike wants to do the same job that Bootsy was doing, but Bootsy did it better so they let him go.

I cannot stand that guy.


I heard mike did bootsy with no lube.

Who the fuck cares? Nobody will ever listen to his shit.

that song is super generic

Do you think Bootsy will go on on Rebbit or somewhere and do a huge TGWTG-tier dump of whatever goes on behind the scenes of Cinemassacre?
Granted even Mike isn't nearly as big a fucked up freakazoid as the Channel Awesome crew but I bet he's involved in some retarded shit all the same.

No wonder since Bootsy was let go we get Mike's version of Bootsy Beats every week now.


Bootsy doesn't strike me as the kind of person to throw a tantrum like that, so probably not.

Bootsy is a cuck
Mike's dick is 10"
James is based
Ryan never takes a shower

hey Mike

>Bootsy leaving shitstorm
>no one cares about Guitar Guy

I heard he fucked a fish!

>Blue Gays fan

literally subhuman

All Mike ever did was make shitty fucking art.

Fuck off, as if James couldn't get the games himself even if that was the case.

Mike is leeching off his success, always has been. He's a nobody.

well recently I heard James and Mike both didn't take too well to the Game Sack parody, they were the only people parodied who complained
I think James, either through Mike's manipulation or his own hubris is becoming soulless where he only cares about staying in the spotlight as long as possible and making ad revenue

>mfw I'll never have a friend like Bootsy to play vidya with

James has turned alt-right and has been hanging around other alt-right gamers. I guess he needs to blame SJWs for his movie's failure the way Vince Desi blamed them for Postal 3 being shit. Bootsy probably doesn't share the blame-passing views.

Booty barely did shit for the channel anyway

later Blue Jays faggot

More like James can blame the SJWs for the targeted harassment, smear campaign and deformation of characters

Man why is everything being boogeymaned?

Who really thinks this level of groupthink is smart?

You really think a guy who gave ghostbusters a "non-review" is a leading figure of a political movement?



He only wipes his ass once a year
on mischief night
in a tree

That episode was great. Gamesack in general is better than all other gaming centered channels. I just wish they would update more often.


>free speech hating mod he is

keep your nigger spam on /b

Those are some of the best videos James himself as done in forever you fucking homo

Gamesack is alright. Though, their attempts at comedy always end up falling flat for me.

Thanks user. This is exactly what I needed.

>its a mike and ryan episode
>they just bitch about something the whole time

Give me your lunch money if you love books so much scrub.

I like it because it usually isn't that funny but the chemistry between them works. I like their production values, they use good songs in their vids, and try to do real research on topics instead of just throwing anything together just to have a new vid every day.

They are an acquired taste, I'll grant that.

>They say blatantly false shit and just put "I think" at the end or something to make it okay

If you have a predetermined topic at least educate yourself a little. I don't ask you to immediately fact check everything you want to say but maybe don't bring it up if you have no real clue.

AVGN is on life support. Everything else is long dead.

sounds like people are just blowing this out of proportion, like always.
such is a life for "youtubers" these days. if someone leaves, people will automatically assume its because of some fight and that they left on bad terms.

>Implying the best thing Cinemassacre made was not Board James.

AVGN was fine for like 3 years or so but then became whatever. I like James and Mike Mondays alright when they play something interesting. Mike solo is kinda boredom city.

This. I personally know people who just stopped working for a Youtube channel because they no longer felt like doing it and wanted to pursue other things in life and that was it. Every time people would assume there was some huge drama as if you can't quit a job or a hobby for any other reason.

What about Super Contra and Ghost n Goblins?

Postal 3 was shit because they outsourced it to some noname company in buttfuck russia and then were surprised that they got fucked over.

What does Postal 3 have to do with anything

>TGWTG dump

Please elaborate