More games in one hour

More games in one hour.


DB Xenoverse most likely

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Either that or Naruto Ninja Storm 4 (without Season Pass or Bort expansion).

Pac Man CEDX and Pac Man CE 2 at 15 dollars

I predict Devolver Digital coming around for another Bundle. Top tier being $10 and having Enter the Gungeon.

>expecting xenoverse
Enjoy pac man museum and professional lumberjack 2015.

There's no weekly bundle?

>2 weeks of literally nothing
I hope not. It happened once last year and it happening this early would be a bad sign.

Garbage I bet


If 0, it's a week off.

people like this shit? It's so bad

Anyone else refer to taking a shit as dropping a humble bundle?

>DB Xenoverse
I'd buy it then.

xenoverse 1 or 2?

not worth buying 1 desu

When was the BTA this high last time? Are people actually buying the $35 tier despite the game costing the same ($20) on steam?

And more importantly, will humble keep jewing like this?

What's wrong with 1 for that price?

Hoping for Tales of Symphonia.

I need bigger dose of animu games.

Its completely unnecessary to get now that 2 exists

Look at the total purchases count and total payment count and do the math.
It's entirely possible for Bandai-Namco to be padding the average.

>need to beat the average to get the BTA games
>since people are paying over the average (even if just 1 cent), the average will go up over time

It's basic math.

people are only buying this for either: $15 zestria/proj cars or $35 nightmares.

which is why I always set the sliders for devs to 0

humble tip 0
dev tip 0
all to charity

feels slightly less jewed man

Am I the only one that leaves 0 to charity?

You are a cuck if you give 0 to charity

Guess I am a cuck then.

Probably. The only time I give 0 to charity is if it's an American or veteran or African charity.

That doesnt make any sense as a reason not to get it. It's not a valid reason. Why is there no value in Xenoverse 1.

When it's a triple A publisher bundle I do the same, cause actual devs don't get anything
All to charity unless it's an indie bundle, in which case all to them

>giving money to people that haven't earned it
>not cuck

Pick one (1).

Depends on the Developer.
But I always tip Humble 20%.

You can literally change the charity, you fucking idiot

>Look at the total purchases count and total payment count and do the math.
You get the BTA like that, which is already shown. How does that help me? It says nothing about how many people are buying the $15 and how many the $35 tier.

Unless there are people buying the $1 tier, making the average go down.

The $35 tier is absolutely retarded though. It's full price in the bundle, so you could just get it from humble store and get 5% of the price to your wallet, and 10% off if you've subbed to a monthly.

Why do you give money to "charities" that spend 95% of your donation on themselves instead of their cause?

Another day, another new meaning for Sup Forums's current buzzword.

Its the other way around. Give any percent to charity and you are a cuck down in your DNA strands. Your telemeres are sucking telerome dick right now.

>Unless there are people buying the $1 tier

Have you seen the $1 tier? It's fucking garbage. If you're not going for the BTA you might as well not buy shit.

Xenoverse 2 is actually Xenoverse 1.5. My roommate got it and complains almost daily that the content is almost identical. He still plays it because he is addicted to DBZ. He has spent money on that Dokkan game.

it changes every bundle you newfag retard

because fuck publishers and fuck humble bundle

The best practice is to give some to devs, some to humble and none to charity.

If you give devs nothing, they will be less likely to put their games in bundles. This is fine if you don't want the dev's games at all, but if you like the game, then giving some money to the dev is beneficial to you.
If you give humble nothing, they will be more likely to go out of business, or change their business model to something more jewish.
If you give charity nothing, no one gives a shit.

I'm hoping for God Eater

Please say "I'm sorry user. I was a complete retard" for me, will you?

You can pick a custom charity for every bundle, you double nigger

>doing this when buying 200 $1 humbles


the only legit charity on the site is the American Red Cross.

They're the only one with the framework already in place to ensure that most of your money is spent towards use instead of bloat.

(i.e., they're the only one who can manage taking in several million dollars at once and ensure that it goes to good use. Most charities can't handle that amount of money)

>giving your money to refugees
No thanks.

that FUCKING voice acting though. holy fuck they ruined those games with those meme VAs

>giving money to terrorists
Fuck off

Is Project cars any good? I feel like playing a racing game but i don't have a wheel.

Come on user. Be a good boy and admit that you were a retard.

I hear it's not autistic enough for those that want realism and not fun enough for those that want racing.

You guys are idiots.

this, 2 even redoes the same story missions from 1. It's just an enhanced version of 1.

1 is not worth playing at all.

I usually keep the /dev/tip/charity ratio at the default values, unless HB decides to feature some retarded charity. In that case all money goes to devs.

hold on, is "Tip DLC" a real thing?

Keep sucking mudslime dick

I give it all to devs, fuck charity.

>giving money to any charity ever


>He doesn't tip for free dlc

>You fucking muslim lover
>I'll side with the jews instead

Kill yourself, you ISIS sympathizer. Don't you have some open borders rally to be crying in?


What a legit source you have there.

Will drop the last february codes when the clock strikes unless a drawfag is up for drawing some subhuman fur for them.

Post your DA or FA to begin.

I'll take a code in return for this masterpiece.

fuck off, faggot.


hello user

Nice try, faygo. Fur shit is banned on every board but Sup Forums. Go troll somewhere else.

rare pape coming thought

literally the worst option
give it all to charity unless the devs are cool

gibe key


Why do people here not tip Humble exactly? Do you want no more extra cheap bundles of FUCKING NOTHING?

How many jewish terrorists are raping and killing whites? Fuck off ahmed

Forgot pic

Because humble bundle has been garbage for years.

[distant sounds of loyal soldiers]

The better the bundle, the bigger the tip is a decent principle.

why are people mistakenly saying the monthly bundle was good?

Because it's the best monthly since April 2016.

Oh. You're one of those types.
There have been some really good bundles now and again.
The Humble Overwhelmingly Positive Bundle was really fucking good and that was just a few weeks ago.
The only bad game was Pony Island and even that falls into the category of "Muh art" and is somewhat subjective as to the quality, I didn't like it tho.

that was only worth having for va11halla, rest of it was garbage

>in class
>teacher proclaims that muslims aren't the only ones committing acts of terrorism
>cherry picks the unibomber and boston marathon
>blames white nationalists
It's starting to get old

>beat the average is 10 dollars

wtf is this shit?

It was good excluding Husk and Oh Deer.
For $12, definitely worth.


17 minutes.


Suck a cock


Thank you. This helped a lot.

You're embarrassing yourself


can't wait for ENDLES TRASH

I hope it's bad so I don't have to waste $10 on games I don't want

That was an accident you terrorist lover
>On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest
I don't see muslim countries paying anything




Thank god I didn't buy it.