What is objectively the worst Assassin's Creed game?
What is objectively the worst Assassin's Creed game?
Assassin creeds 2, it started the bullshit
in fact i wouldve liked the games better if they had left the animus/future crap out of it altgether. Why couldnt they just make game series where you play as assassin throughout various time periods
Agreed 100%
Probably one of the mobile game versions.
probably when they started shoehorning le femayle sassy assassin xD secondary protagonist nonsense in
Dunno but I got unity for five dollars at five below last week
Every AC has had strengths and weaknesses but I would also have to say 2. The main plot was never better than in 2 though and the puzzles were cool
At least you got the game for what it's worth. Unity is the most boring one of the entire series.
Seriously, nothing of note or importance happens in that game, despite its setting. It's the strangest thing.
I played like half of syndicate. Imo it's the worst game I've ever played. Ac2 and brotherhood had satisfying, fun combat and climbing. Syndicate actively took those two things and removed them. The combat is literally just press square to win and the climbing is completely obsolete once you get the grappling hook thing. The free running and climbing are way way way fucking worse too. Idk how to describe it, they just don't work nearly as well as the previous games.
Hard to say. Most of them do something that unexplainable or terrible.
>wow, being a pirate is fun
>yo ho me hearties
you can still climb even after you get the hook thing. it's not like they take the ability away. all it really does anyway is take the sliding from roof to roof thing from Revelations and make it actually useful.
So much this!
It's beyond me how they made Revolution France and Victorian England so fucking boring. BEAUTIFUL rendition of the cities and I had absolute 0 interest in what's going on. So much famous figures as well
>Marquis de Sade
>Alex Bell
and all of them fucking bland and boring. How do they managed that?
I think they really want to abandon it now but they can't figure out how to do that without it being obvious that they're just been stringing it along for years. The modern-day plot was very obviously intended to end at III
>Played through once, just to finish it
>Wanted to play through again
>Instantly turn off the game when Connor appears.
>MC has ruined the game.
I liked the way they did the modern day stuff in BF because it was an obvious callback to the original game. Plus some of the optional content was legit good enough that I had an actual interest in hacking all the computers. The minigames were stupid though
I don't know mate. I liked Connor, at least he had a personality and drive as opposed to Arno and the incest twins
If they had simply allowed me to move faster than the speed of smell, it would have been a lot more tolerable.
The modern day animus Abstergo shit is basically the worst part of any Ass Creed, and most of them have pretty mediocre gameplay to begin with.
you cant even jump in syndicate.
Man I wish this wasnt true. I was actually genuinely excited to try Unity when they had fixed the bugs and I got the game for almost free. It was just so incredibly uninspiring. They did jack shit with a great setting.
>hurr hurr ill say the one everyone likes!
Said part is you're not baiting. 1 had just as much out of animus stuff so thats a shit excuse
Me too. Still assblasted about it.
Gives me less hope for For Honor
For Honor multiplayer is genuinely good, but it will sink or float on the P2P issue.
It has to be unity
This, but if we aren't counting 1. Unity.
AC1 would've been fine if it had more side content. I don't know what they were thinking with having only one real set of side missions.
I just replayed AC1 and got started on AC2
AC1 is honestly a pretty bad game. The story is ok, but the gameplay is threadbare, you have an open world with nothing to do in it. Quest structures are identical with retarded minigames over and over again. The ending feels cheap and rushed. And the most annoying le cliffhanger memes in videogame history.
Giving that reward to Unity.
Here's my ranking lads:
AC2 > AC4 > Brotherhood > AC1 = Rogue > Revelations > AC3 > Syndicate > Unity
Altair is best Assassin, Ezio and Edward are fucking based and so are Haytham and Shay.
Also I think AC1 is a gem.
AC3 sucks donkey balls but man even this game is better than Unity, and Connor is better than Arno. Connor is actually not as bad as people make it out to be, it's just that the presentation sucks in AC3 and they deleted the epilogue which redeems his character.
Unity is just a really fucking boring game where every singly thing is just below mediocrity. They had a "back to the roots" approach but this game doesn't have ANYTHING to it. There's absolutely no reason to touch this game. I can't believe that the French Revolution got wasted like this.
ALL Unity has going for it are graphics. Combat is a little bit better but it's nothing noteworthy.
This. All of the games that came after it copied 2's mission design.
>buy Assassin's Creed Unity on sale
>excited to play in the new setting
>start playing
>its smooth and it looks amazing
>having a lot of fun
>after a while try to switch to my fists
>wait a minute
>now I cant non-lethally deal with enemies
>just have to kill literally everyone instead of avoiding guards or disabling them if I am forced to
>ruins the entire game
>now killing a target means nothing because every person is worthy of killing apparently
>a clear violation of the Assassin's Creed
fucking instantly dropped
I have finished literally every single one except the first one. I hated it so much.
you can knock out enemies with blunt weapons.
other than that, it is the french revolution. people are murdering each other over a leaf of bread or because someone is accused of being too harsh.
even other countries tried to change the outcome, like the austrian conspiracy.
imho, this fits the setting rather well and you can still make a pacifist run.
unity (patched) is imo one of the stronger AC titles. it gets too much undeserved hate here.
3 was like watching a charlie brown thanksgiving inter-cut with scenes from a very boring documentary about knives.
never again