What's the best controller ever?

What's the best controller ever?

>put a dildo in there
lol epic joke OP

DS4 and Xbone are pretty close to perfection as far as the standard controller paradigm is concerned.

Xbox One, but there are no games to play with it, so DS4

Those are all pretty good controllers except the Wii + nunchuk.

Pc games

[insert shitpost here]

I use a 360 controlller almost exclusively because it just werks with most PC games but the Wii U pro controller is slightly more comfortable

Xbox one and PS4 controllers are shit I don't know what the hell is with ms and sony

>ignoring the double dildo
lul epik

>Xbox one and PS4 controllers are shit


If the Xbone/X360 controller had a better Dpad it would be the perfect controller



I still can't figure out how you'd even hold this thing.

>token black

Fucking SJWs strike again.

then you're a fucking idiot

>left hand on brown stick so left thumb touches d-pad/control stick
>right hand on yellow stick so right thumb touches buttons
It's not that hard, user.

no controller has the best d-stick ever

Less comfortable and lb and rb buttons are fucked on Xbox one

They supposedly fixed the bumpers on the Xbone S controller.

How else are you going to play WarioWare: Shove it Up Yo Ass Game?

Shit, ok, good, shit, good.

Click click click click click click.

Fucking thing of beauty

Even if it's shit my favorite controller is still the n64 pad.

Mouse and keyboard.


Why does everyone on Sup Forums hype up the DS4? It's trash.
>too small
>shit material on thumbsticks gets worn, all messed up after 6 months of light use
>need a separate USB cable to play on PC, cable falls out of controller easily, so annoying
>need extra drivers / software to play on PC
>battery life is absolute garbage, lasts 3 hours


you are a cuck

Xbox one controller

Relax your hands, stop death grippong the controller. Let it rest in your hands, use the tips of your thumbs to move the sticks. The battery life is pretty ass though.

specialized controllers like the steel batallion one since they're perfectly designed for one game
slightly less specialized ones like HOTAS joysticks, fighting sticks and racing wheels come second

>they fixed that
>you don't need a cable
The cable falling out might be a problem with your cable. While micro USB is flimsy it does have two pins keeping it in place.
>you don't need extra software on Linux

Thanks for the great tips user, but I've been playing video games on controllers my entire life I'm not going to consciously work on holding my fucking controller differently and I shouldn't have to. I've had 2 different Dualshock 4's and both of the caps on their analog sticks are fucking shredded after 6 months. Trash materials, trash design, trash controller.

What gets me the most in this picture is the fucking crayon scribbling over the controller

This is the best controller. Analog/Digital trigger buttons, customizable buttons, paddles on the back so you can do things like run while attacking and moving the camera in dark souls without resorting to the "claw" grip, a really good dpad for emulation, etc.

Wii U Pro controller.

probably the Switch Pro from what ive heard

I guess if they fixed the thumbstick problem that would make it an ok-tier controller, but it is still too small and feels wrong to hold. Pick up and hold an xbox 360 controller and it feels so much better in your hands than a DS4.

Hey, i've read that doujin.

They're even advertising the better material on the packaging of the new version.

Maybe hold your controller properly then, I don't know.

Fuck you and everything you stand for

Filename checks out

360 so far.

I bought xbone controller and its too small for my hands.

>Few friends and I do a game night every Saturday as a friendly contest between us
>The biggest loser of that night has to buy rounds at the bar and gets the fucked up controller
>This Saturday is Timesplitters 2
>Pic related

And you have to buy whole new ones for $60?

Fucking lmao damn