Giga Wrecker


This means future Pokémon titles are going go be ported to Steam, correct? Why bother buying a Switch?

Game Freak isn't partially owned by Nintendo. Pokémon is.

I don't know if this is bait or if you're just one dumb nigger.

it was probably refused to release on Wii U so they did the next best thing.

And Tembo meant Pokemon came to PS4 right?

>tfw no Drill Dozer 2

Tembo 2 when? I was one of the first people worldwide to 100% it.
Fun game.

Hold me user


Its shit.

>Bought Early Access
>Just now realize it's fully out
FUcking sweet.

I wish Gamefreak would die.

>physics based puzzles
Into the trash it goes

Considering that microsoft bought Rare for DK.

I really doubt that people know how second party IP work at Nintendo. They keep their stuff leashed well.

But it's fun.

Dude, its Gamefreak. It sucks ass.


But the game is good

fun doesn't mean its good, especially in gamefreaks case.

But if I play good games that are not fun, then are they really good?

depends on what the game is and what it sets out to accomplish. I wouldn't exactly call To the Moon a fun game, but I think its good because of what it set out to accomplish.

so then what do you think gamefreak is trying to accomplish with this game? just kinda curious is all, I remember seeing some early footage and remember thinking it was working out just fine.

>game has OST as DLC
>no OST to be found after buying the dlc

Other than that the game is pretty fun, looks like it's about 10~ hours long from what I've seen so far.

It didn't really need a sequel though

>Game Freak make games other than Pokemon

Gonna bet its bad.

Goddamn this is so much better than early access.
Actually feels like a game now rather than a giant sandbox of nothingness.

Nintendo has a share in Game Freak. There's a weird balance between Game Freak, The Pokemon Company and Nintendo.

>fun doesn't mean its good, especially in gamefreaks case.
>fun doesn't mean good.
Nigger wut?

Holy shit, that art is garbage.

BlackRock Shooter?

Would you call Ride to Hell a good game? Now you understand what I mean.

Looks good to me.

>especially in gamefreaks case.
have you played a single pokemon and found it fun?

either way, fun is subjective, i hate sports games but know people that find them "fun".

Ride to hell isnt fun however, this is.

The fps is pretty smooth, but the game feels kinda choppy for some reason.
Must be the character animation, I dunno.