What games take the most skill?

What games take the most skill?


probably the top games on twitch.

or maybe other autistic games where you have to know a billion things

Japanese bullet hell games



rocket league

I find this game to require a lot of skill.




god i just want to hold her hand

One of those chink rhythm vidya


Just a healthy reminder, you can right click, and set speed to .5

>Too sick to jack off but now I feel like I have to

You can never be too sick to jack it

post milanas


bloodborne, smash bros melee.

This and Arena Shooters probably.

You can't tell me what to do!

You're right user here I go

oh yeah forgot DmC games


Is she in House of Lies the entire time or just this episode?

I would never wear a condom. She just hits all the buttons, the desire to put a baby in her is absolutely overwhelming, even though I hate kids.

I would actually argue that arena shooters take more skill than bullet hells, since you can "just memorize" a bullet hell pattern, whereas shit like quake 3 requires you to be able to outpreform someone else.

>this kills the THICC queen

Feminism is a meme to women

>not fucking the feminism out of her

Definitely Melee.

What show is this?

Hands off muh waifu, faggots.

>Vayntrub was born in Tashkent, Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic,[3][5] and is Jewish
Unlike modern feminists, this chick actually comes from somewhere that oppression actually happens.

Reminder that this is her boyfriend (holding Bernie sign)

she is also shilling her charity to her followers

Feminism is a meme to hot women because they always get treated right. Notice you only see uggos in those matches.





>Born in fucking Tashkent in the Uzbek
>Somehow she's Jewish
what the actual fuck

>not fucking feminists until they're mind broken cock hungry sex slaves

do u you even deserve to have a dick?

I've never wanted a girl to be blacked so hard in my life.

really makes u think


>he thinks real life is like his japanese anime porn


Discount MEW?

MEW is a discount MEW

I wanna walk naked into an ATT store, find her there smiling, as she greets me, "Hi, I'm Lily. What I can do for you today?"

I would proceed to rip her shirt apart, take of her skirt and begin railing her for hours upon hours on end. The other employees and customers would not react to us basically fucking all over the store; they would just go on about their business.

Starcraft:broodwar is pure skill. Nothing in vidya is even close to this game.

>Sup Forums wants to gas this

Yeah, Milana is like an upgraded MEW

You should try going to Sup Forums before you say stupid shit like this.

Sup Forums is a board of peace Sup Forums dindu nuffin

Sup Forums will gas nothing.

t. fags

MEW appeals to virgin nerds, and no one else. Milana is pure sex.

After HWNDU, I think Sup Forums is having a serious meltdown over who to gas

I'd gas me, would you gas me? I'd gas me hard.

Nice projection faggot.

Sup Forums will have to gas themselves, every Sup Forumsfag I've seen on that stream was either an asian, mulatto mutt or a deformed autistic white.

t. ignored pixie "dream" girl

Please don't confuse Sup Forums with nu/pol/.

I guess I'm a pedo then.

At first glance that looked like Saoirse Ronan

How? She's not nearly ugly enough.

Is that kid even aware of the semen demon beside him?