Replay an older installment of a franchise

>Replay an older installment of a franchise
>Immediately notice that it looks 10x better

Did Oblivion really look like this 11 years ago? I mean... when one plays the Bethesda 1st party catalog backwards it's normal to expect a steady increase in depth and enjoyment, but graphics quality? I don't think "it just works" is applicable here.

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Oblivion was really hampered by low resolutions and framerates when people played it 10 years ago

Currently with mods it looks much better, but even things like no dynamic shadows are hard to fix and yeah I know the mod for it it's buggy and ugly as shit

oblivion is ugly as fuck, the time of day in the top pic makes the color palette look decent but when you encounter anything other than still life, or you see a vista with distance and you notice how bad the draw distance is, shit falls apart.

"oblivion looks good" yeah sure idiot now show me the towns and people and animation (pukes)

Oblivion only looks better because its not purposefully washed out for the sake of atmosphere, Skyrim is a better looking game but Oblivion doesn't look too bad.

Oblivion looked like everything was fucking finger painted, don't know what you're talking about.

Skyrim actually looks better though. The animation, while still bad, is somewhat less awful, and at least NPCs don't look like terminally ill potatoes

I just think that an open world game focusing on the visuals of its world has its priorities straight when it comes to graphics. The animations and character models are terrible, but just look at the foliage alone. That's a random forest of Oblivion at a random time, next to a cherrypicked example of a Skyrim forest with a decent amount of detail at a replicated time of day.

I don't have any graphical mods installed. Have there been some new Oblivion patches or something?

Oblivion had an aesthetic that actually looked good. Skyrim is like fallout 4, you can increase the graphics all you want but if the aesthetics is dogshit, there is no hope.

>11 years ago

yep. the combat in skyrim is better too

Oblivion went for a pretty clean aesthetic and big focus on outdoor environments, Some elements might hold up way better than Skyrim but there are definitively parts that still look like ass and always did, like faces and armors, that being said, Skyrim is a pretty ugly game as well, and they both came out in the same console generation.

Combat controls and interface are better, too bad it's no longer tied to proper rpg mechanics.

remember oblivion had the overworld loading like morrowind had

Also Skyrim had way more variety in locations, so it's pretty much quantity vs. quality, although calling Oblivion graphics quality feels wrong.
And that picture of Skyrim probably isn't PC on highest , since there's no grass but I might be misremembering.

as if that had been the case in oblivion...

Yes, that's called color.

Which apparently doesn't exist north of Cyrodiil.

I actually took those screenshots myself. Both are unmodded on ultra settings without AA. Skyrim really does seem to have almost no grass in the temperate forest areas. It would be understandable in the glaciers but not down south.


They both had a similar amount of variety. The only thing Skyrim did well were the mountains which no longer looked like big hills.

You realize that the reduction of sun stemming from the angle at which the light falls in cold areas results in the everything looking less vibrant.
So yeah, cold areas have less color by default, not even just because most of them are white or because brightly colored animals and plants live elsewhere.

I live in an extremely cold area and Skyrim still looks insanely washed out. I just think Bethesda got to caught in the color schemes of the generation. I'm not saying the oversaturated shit most mods do looks good either, but Skyrims color palette is very muted.


Oblivion didn't have that much variety, you pretty much had:
>Farmland hills
>Snowy mountains.
While Skyrim had:
>Big plains
>Snowy mountains
>Autumn looking area south east
To be fair Oblivion had bigger and more diverse cities that all felt unique instead.

>You realize that the reduction of sun stemming from the angle at which the light falls in cold areas results in the everything looking less vibrant.

You've got a point there but your explanation is absolute bullshit. The sun doesn't rise up as much above the horizon in northern areas of a planet, so photons scatter through a much larger volume of atmosphere, and more of the red light gets through straight than the rest of the spectrum. The rest of the scattering light bounces down from the zenith as blue light and reflects from white (transparent) snow as blue. So usually you get a lighting environment where light coming straigth from the sun is orange and the shadows are lit but blue indirect lighting.

Kill yourself

>To be fair Oblivion had bigger and more diverse cities that all felt unique instead.

Skyrim's cities all looking the same is such utter bullshit. I question whether someone who thinks Riften, Windhelm and Markath all look exactly the same ever played the game.

In Oblivion you've pretty much got 6 different city types, Chorrol and Skingrad basically look the same and Leyawiin and Cheydinhal basically look the same.

In Skyrim you've also pretty much got 6 different city types. Every major city, of which there are five, looks completely different from each other. All of the minor cities look exactly the same as each other but it's a different look to all of the major cities.

Oblivion may have had bigger cities but there was no more diversity there than in Skyrim.

Not even close to true

Gothic 3 looked awesome at the time, still has great lighting.

>Leywaiin and Cheydinhal look basically the same
You almost had me.

It hasnt changed since morrowind. It's left click until you win.

In Cheydinhal the building are all white and have arched windows and in Leyawiin the buildings are colored and have square windows. Apart from that the architectural design is pretty much the same.

you mean right trigger

>Skyrim's cities all looking the same is such utter bullshit.

Yes. The problem with Skyrim's cities is that they're too small. The architecture itself is fine.

At least Skyrim is, for the most part, immediately distinguishable from a lot of other games by the art direction alone. Oblivion had fairly generic looking scenery and enemies.

And the humanoid character models in Oblivion are janky as fuck.

They're both still fun games though

For some reason I always find it amusing how people keep saying that Oblivion is the generic medieval fantasy game even though Skyrim is the one with the dragons.

Oblivion has a dragon.

>Also Skyrim had way more variety in locations, so it's pretty much quantity vs. quality, although calling Oblivion graphics quality feels wrong.

I think Bethesda finally made the right call in Skyrim and dropped the "two voices per races, baring special characters" and just opted to give different voices to different characters. You still hear a lot of that "there are three black VA voicing all the Redguards" and other shit, but it's still a step up because they're not trying to homogenize all the people within the same race.

Oblivion's problem is that so much of the wilderness was generated with SpeedTree and just rudimentary landmass. You may not see this until you install mods like Unique Landscapes or something. Fact everyone looked like a potato didn't help either.

Oblivion has terrible view range and pretty ugly indoor lighting engine, but thats about it. It has above average textures, geometry and shading for a 2006 game.

good thing everyone sounds very human, especially the non-humans. Cat people? nah just like a breton but with a slightly different accent, same with the Lizards, make em sound like jamaicans or something.

Next installment we will have daedra speaking with a french accent and ancient gods with a spanish one.

It's more of a problem with RPGs and full VA in general. They just don't mix and end up being a huge resource drain. RPG is the single most genre that got hit the worst with mandatory VA everywhere, especially games where written text was the primary method of information delivery. Gothic got away with full VA when it was but a pipe dream for Morrowind, but that's because two game's scales are vastly different.

They just needed to go one step further, tell the voice actors to even try to get the right accent for the character's race. Even if they can't do it well just the attempt would have been nice.

It bugs me to no end that half the nords in Skyrim have a very strong "nord" accent and the other half sound exactly like that high elf mage, or that imperial blacksmith, or that redguard alchemist, etc., etc. The same goes for the other races.

>Did Oblivion really look like this 11 years ago?
No, because you probably couldn't afford a computer that would make it look that good.

>when one plays the Bethesda 1st party catalog backwards it's normal to expect a steady increase in depth and enjoyment
No, it's not normal, that's a second hand opinion that you've picked up from Sup Forums because you're too much of a spineless retard to think for yourself.

I don't understand the obsession over having every generic line for each voice be identical. Every single character yells the good ol' "Never should of come here", when for example dunmer voice actors could say "Die you n'wah!"

"Heard they're reforming the Dawnguard"
"Did you hear about the reformation of the Dawnguard?"
"There's been some activity in the old Dawnguard fort"

Same exact context, different voice actor, different line. It's not that hard. They did it in Morrowind and do it in almost every other game.

Because number of VA recordings goes up exponentially. In Oblivion days it was also literally a matter of memory storage on DVDs. That's supposedly the reason why all elves shared the same VAs in the final product, for example. We know proper Dunmer VA was in the game based on that now infamously dishonest preview video.

>No, it's not normal, that's a second hand opinion that you've picked up from Sup Forums because you're too much of a spineless retard to think for yourself.

OP here, and fuck you I actually did pick up Skyrim first and play backwards, and formed my opinion based on that. Morrowind is better than Oblivion. Oblivion is better than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is better than Skyrim. Skyrim is better than Fallout 4.

>No, because you probably couldn't afford a computer that would make it look that good.

That screenshot is vanilla Oblivion.

Oblivion wasn't THAT much of a performance hog, it was a console game. What that screenshot doesn't show is the enormous amount of pop-in vanilla Oblivion has and how bad LOD was in the game.

>Because number of VA recordings goes up exponentially.

Come on think about how little sense what you said there makes. The games already have multiple recordings, because there are multiple voice actors. Instead of having 6 different voices say "Hello", each one could have a different greeting. Instead the lines are identical and still take the same file system space.

I think you mistook my point for having multiple different variations for each line for each voice. I was thinking about how for example guards in Thief The Dark Project that are voiced by Dan Thron mumble to themselves about how bad the cellar smells like, whereas guards voiced by Stephen Russell complain about their dinner being late. Same contex, but entirely different line.

Because then everyone complains that it's a 30GB download.

and Skyrim has massive flickering issues with background objects if you have a modern GPu

You mean the non-existent "art direction"?

I dislike oblivion and skyrim because they pretty much made races useless.
Nobody really gives that much of a fuck that you're a furry or dunmer, everyone is equal, racism does not exist.

The z-fighting is a rendering glitch, nothing to do with the quality of the assets. In Oblivion they are objectively much, much worse. That's if they even show at all. Has everyone forgotten that ruins, forts, etc. disappeared completely when you weren't really that far away in Oblivion? Only the cities and a couple of bridges had distant LOD models in Oblivion. For the most part in Skyrim you never see large building suddenly pop into existence. And don't forget both these games are running on the exact same hardware.

Because it's harder to keep track of.

It's already pretty bad that random Nord enemies yell out "SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS!" when they're bandits that are fighting alongside bosmer and orcs.

>everyone is equal, racism does not exist.

It's okay in Oblivion because your race isn't that important (though KOTN is clearly intended for humans).

Skyrim however has a huge problem with the lack of racism. The only thing I can think of is Bethesda intentionally didn't want to limit the player by race.





I think you're talking shit.

a 2002 game has a better looking city than Oblivion and Skyrim

What is it with all the Gothic shilling lately?

Is PB paying people to remind everyone there was a time they didn't completely suck or something? Not that they weren't shit back then, just not nearly as shit as they are today.

That's the whole point however. Different races should have different playstyles.
But on the second thought i realised that TES are ACTION-(rpg) games and maybe asking for different outcomes based on your choices during character creation is waay too much.

lol you're dumb as fuck OP. you prefer your same color green everywhere and tree branches that are fucking 2d sprites? you know the same shit like enemies in doom2 that have to face you no matter where you look?

Where everyone's faces ( no matter how much you edit yours with the sliders it too fails ) look like they just ate a tub of butter and have downs?

gr8 b8 m8

In true Sup Forums spirit, the board got fed up with people praising a game, Morrowind, so they had to find an alternative to talk about.

true, but not by much. they all have trash gameplay

A single user that knows how shit works here tried a game, and is now really, really liking it. That's it.


It's all it takes to make 1/3 or Sup Forums play a game.