Let's discuss the Metroid franchise
Let's discuss the Metroid franchise
Have you ever played a Metroid title or did Smash flanderizing Samus get you 'into' the series?
I haven't played prime 2 and other m. Why the question?
>Let's discuss the Metroid franchise
>Lewd Samus pic
Forget I asked. As you were.
smash 64 got me into the series, i thought she was a cool robot
How about you post Metroid lewds and prove you're not faggots!
It has fun games
Don't sexualize the Metroid!
>tfw you are an ultra-shitter who got into the series because of metroid prime hunters
Better than getting into it because of Smash Bros.
Look man
I only need to know one thing
Is that Samus ERPer still around?
At least you played the games. Most people just know Samus as "that slut from smash"
Posting a better suit
Oh, hey what a coincidence I just jerked off to this image today.
Samus being a dope and trying hard to act slutty sounds really awesome. Like she wants to act like this hardcore skank for you but she ends up tripping on the bow she wrapped herself in for you. But she still ends up looking sexy anyway.
I demand more of this.
I prefer the other way around. A bimbo trying so hard to be a bounty hunter.
That's just user stuck in Samus's body. Which is also okay.
I really want a new entry in the series, I don't care if it's 2D or 3D...
Dead series.