Nier: Automata

What do you guys think of the music video?

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It has nothing to do with the game

Pretty dope, the nier2 chick made well rounded analysis.

I want play nier ad Eve

Forgot to add

One of them is dead since emil live cd confirmes it
the other is the neutral villain

Do not love dolls
Dolls have no spirit

It reminds me of the replicants in nier

Do we know if Yoko Taro contributed to this at all? Lyrics or director or anything?

What? Where? you know that?

Well, actually dolls (Aka, androids) have a spirit

>They can show emotions
>They have (false) memories implanted on them

Also, the shades of original Nier are VERY similar to the black boxes, any guesses?

So who are the chaotic/law villains?

>They have (false) memories implanted on them
Tell me 2B is the real evil
I know Yoko would put a plot twist like that

>based on a story by Yoko Taro

At the very least, it borrows elements from the world Nier Automata is set in.

The death of Nier? In the live CD Emil misses Kaine, Weiss and Nier, also, 8k years pass, people die and that thing.

Adam and Eve are not evil, more like the lesser evil. The true enemy of humanity is humanity itself, Trascendence.

Weiss is Trascendence

>still no steam page when the game is 1 month away from release
p-pcbros? what does it mean?

Are Adam and Eve replicants? Or parts of the Red Dragon/The Giant Queen?

Also in the the Grimoire Nier, Nier is back from the forest of myth.
We will see the adult Nier or Papa Nier in Automata?

Nah, 2B is Faith, or so his soul preaches.

>2A has the soul of revenge
But maybe for a "justified" revenge, she has a grudge against Comand because they only toyed with his existence, like a doll.
>Adam has the soul of Hatred
Hatred towards whom? Humanity? Or their dolls
>The Commander has the duty soul
In order to carry out your duty you have to make sacrificies, she already toyed with 2A existence, it doesn't seem to differ much from 2B destiny
>??? is Transcendence
The true bad of the game

So, here we have the 4 final bosses for the 4 endings, mark my words.

How else can you interpret this as 2B dies in the end?
Or maybe she's really the villain all along

Post more 2B

2A - nah
Adam - maybe
Commander - nah
Weiss? - nah

In the side content Devola and Polpola gave children to the world by simply giving them to the people, like "Hey, now is your responsability". Remember that Replicants are androids, only robots with a limited life span. (Kaine's dick is just an fabric error). So, the super computer (Or Weird ass Tree) only made a copy of Nier, with a limited lifespan.

That would explain why Emil is alone in the live cd, because Nier is dead, Nier would never leave Emil alone if he was granted with inmortality. Emil misses his friends, because they are all dead.

I guess she will die in the true ending

Mikhail is in the game

I don't like it. The vocals I mean.

Replicants aren't androids!
They are like clones...without a soul...but they have eventually developed one

I want to believe it because in the side content we see him talking about "mechanical children", but in the same content he dies.

Only D&P were androids in Nier

I hope her death is not as graphic as those poor dolls.

>Torturing my soul and mind with Drakengard 1 - Part 1 ( 2 weeks to NieR: Automata )

What would you say if I told you that to unlock the best ending you have to buy DLC?

What would you say if I told you there is no mission or gameplay associated with this DLC, it's literally the ending cutscene.

It will not happen, i believe in platinum I believe in TAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

14 days left


All i want is a Nier Replicant rerelease for the west

What happened to destructible clothes?

Daily reminder until pcfats get it into their thick skulls

>What would you say if I told you that to unlock the best ending you have to buy DLC?
Been there done that in DeadSpace 3
>What would you say if I told you there is no mission or gameplay associated with this DLC, it's literally the ending cutscene.
That you're full of shit.

>spoiling the ending

fuck taro

I'd like to think that they learned their lesson after cutting out the best character development in Drakengard 3 for the sake of DLC, but who knows?

Yeah, the sisters just need good character development, that's all. They cut them all off into DLC's.

if you don't buy the ending DLC you have to watch Toobie die over and over and over again on an endless loop. Does the Taro fanbase overlap with the ryona fanbase in japan? It must right?

That is such a unique music video, to say the least.

>shilling your shit on Sup Forums

Please no DLC endings, yokota6

>Square Enix NA
>Not available in my country, North America.

Excuse me?

Are those all androids being destroyed? ;_; Fuck.

Nah, not really. The the god of ryona is still Mortal Kombat, especially MK9. Unless Platinum would animate more death scenes for 2B, her death animations arent that lewd enough.

go away syrup nigger

The worst.

I dont like the song
i hope it's not in the game

Woah, that is fucking deep. In the end, the robot who is handling those dolls obtained emotion and is deemed a critical error.

It reminds me to the Support androids who started to have their doubts on the Commander, they were erased I recall.

>not modding your PS3/360 and playing the undubbed version

Just subbed would be fine.

That was pretty disturbing.

I'm worried about Toobs now.

Subs are differents, user-kun

>45 posts and 15 posters
OP this is sad

Are tits are bigger and bigger every day

She's gonna die or will suffer for eternity as a sentient flesh machine that cannot speak. Why would it matter? It's not look JRPG protags suffering horrible fates was anything new, you'll just fap to the guro fanart anyway.

So what?
19 posters btw


I definitely hope they don't just play the "robot with a heart" thing completely straight.

I kinda expect just a little bit more since it is a Yoko Taro game.
It's not the same.
subs are desync

This thread is a shameless circlejerk and you should be ashamed.

Well, you are one of us now ;D

Taro will probably just put more dead children for good measure.

Is it confirmed yet if the Japanese version has an English text option like the demo?

I preordered the Black Box Edition, preordered it digitally on PSN, but I will also get the Japanese version if it means playing it asap.

>Toobie this
>Toobie that

Et tu, Ayetu?

Her design is bland. She has no ass or tits. Also, her face looks like boy.

>reverse meme sweater

Huh, that's new
>still 20 posters and 71 posts


This game is shit srs

The ending is going to be tragic for both 2B and 9S.

21 now ;)

Yoko you madman


I only hope the demo wasnt part of the game itself

Good post

It's the beginning of the game, but there is more stuff happening. It will show you how 2B and the other androids get to earth.

they confirmed that it is
not the very first area, but near the beginning

Are you joking? At least half the game takes place in this empty warehouse/factory setting.



Really? Ouch that is sad

That she does.


It's been awhile since I've seen a deep music video. Feels refreshing from the twerking and people jumping to a 4/4 beat. Guess that's why I really enjoy watching country music videos.

>the year 11944
>the year 1944
Combined with the imagery, I think it's a very clear anti-war story.

They can probably get away with a more "graphic" death scene and still retain the same age rating since she's not human. Whether they want to or not is another matter.

Japs are just mad the USA kicked their teeth in so hard back in WW2.

cheeky toobie!

>>the year 11944

Taro likes using weird unsettling dates.

Like how Nier's birthday is 9/11

>Japs are just mad the USA kicked their teeth in
That's one way to interpret this, I see it as more regret that they allied with a country that carried out atrocities. If you interpret in that direction, the doll factory is a metaphor for a nazi extermination camp.

Well, Japan is probably the only Axis country who feels sorry for themselves to an extent they'd play the victim, compared to Germany who's in a perpetual cycle of self loathing.

Toobie is very high-cut, you see

can you tell me more about that?

>allied with a country that carried out atrocities

Japan committed plenty of atrocities all their own

Commencing dump.

Dolls need to be annihilated.