How do we fix open world games?

How do we fix open world games?

Stop buying Ubisoft games until they go bankrupt

I fixed RTS games by not playing them anymore. You probably don't enjoy them, just play stuff you like.

Make worlds detailed like in GTA and first 2 Mafia games

I tried playing this game but the opening alone is giving me cancer. Its stealth for children, you can see through walls and over corners, the movement is sluggish and aiming in might as well freeze you.

Make them really open world, lots of customization, interesting interactions and stuff to do while playing.

>you can see through walls and over corners

Same. After drudging through that trash intro and cringe worthy cutscenes, I got to the open world, spent like 20 minutes with it and realized it's all garbage. I don't know how it's possible to fail so hard when they have GTA 4 and 5 to copy from.

By filling them with things to do.

Yea, in a stealth game giving the player more vision is generally looked down upon.

I feel like i would enjoy the vibrant world but the gameplay just doesn't seem worth it.

watch dogs 2 actually doesn't need much fixing. Soundtrack was good, design was good, quest were good - only thing that was a bit disturbing was the forced political bs. (but I assume 90% of shitposters haven't played the game)

Remove radio towers

Make it detailed

Add just the right amount of random encounters so you don't feel flooded but never get bored.

add random encounters based on story progress, recent events and how the player built his character

make a lot of different random encounters and some very very very rare

give incentives AND means for exploration and don't make it too easy by marking everything on the map already

make the world dynamic and organic, not too big and not to small

make it varied

different enemies/NPCs depending on day/night cycle

avoid too big spaces of nothingness

>GTA 4

You mean taxi driver simulator?

Can you name any recent stealth games where you don't see through walls?

Stop making your maps so fucking big for the sake of making them big.

Fill it with fucking cool stuff. Don't let your world make the player feel like he's going through a checklist.

Ubisoft improved on this with WD2 I feel, but atleast in their other recent releases it's present. Feels like a chore, and this kills the game.

kill ubisoft

spotted the ubishill

Not many stealth games come out. Styx 2 is march 14th

Is it wrong that I enjoyed the first Assassins Creed and Far Cry games
The formula was nice before it got old

Yea, fucking retard.

stop letting ubisoft make them

theyre making another styx? ughh
>i actually wasted time playing that shit and was disappointed but due to my "closure" ended up finishing it

You don't. Open world games are shit.

So basically Witcher 3


It was the best stealth game in years


>only linear games can be good

worst gameplay ever
slugish mechanics, predictable ai
it felt very one dimensional if that makes sense

I actually enjoyed the game. Considering how old GTA 5 is already it was a nice refreshing view. The graphics were nice, driving was ok, the port to pc was well made . I tried to avoid the main story and so the side quests were actually not that repetative . Despite some flaws , the game was solid. Dunno thought about shooting , since i almost finished the whole game in stealth mode using the drones. Its too easy yet kinda rewarding when at first you dont have all the skills.

Lower expectations.

Open world is not a fair label. You want a fully realized, detailed world that happens to have a game happening in it. What you get is a standard game with a bunch of empty space where nothing happens and achievements for collecting all 500 discarded soda cans.

One is a hard problem that needs actual research and cutting edge development, along with probably decades of writers and scripting to be convincing. The other is a marketing ploy. Hope you're having fun with No Man's Sky, the largest open world ever created.

also to add, the car hack is superb to master , since it kinda makes it hard to control it from afar , but damn is it satisfying when you spam the correct buttons and you can kill a group of enemies from a mile

It only felt like that because it felt like a game straight from 2005. Yeah, modern stealth mechanics are pretty bad but that's no reason to praise old shit.

It was a step in the right direction. It had smaller focused areas. But my one gripe about open world games it's how generic NPC's feel, they're decorations aside from the few quest givers.

A minuscule village with a few "real" characters doing real things would be far more impressive.


The only open world game I played that had decent stealth was The Saboteur
Shame it was unpolished

i get why most game makers do this. Its because a lot of people just want to play the game and finish instead of wasting time exploring where as some are vice versa
So instead there needs to be standarrd in any such games for a "Casual" vs "Exploration" mode
so if you want the gothic experience you can toggle it in the options and if you just want to run through the game without wasting time then the "casual" experience

progressive ai and its influence on the story and the dynamic map and npcs
just like in fable 2 basically but on a grander scale and much better and dynamic

wd2 doesn't have ubisoft towers
no one here has played it and shits on it because of negro protag and that fat dyke who's in the game for like, 2 missions

>wasting time exploring
>wasting time

RIP Pandemic. Another open world game from them that I liked was Mercenaries 2. Also lacked polish but was fun nonetheless.

dont get me wrong, i personally love that kind of a vibe with games but only if i have time and its the only game i havent played yet but a lot of people have a backlog of games and wasting over 60 hours on one game due to the time invested on explorations can get tedious


i agree

I'm too neurotic for even the first game. Stealth elements give me anxiety from the thought of getting caught.