Mass Effect andromeda is 6 weeks from release and we still haven't gotten any gameplay videos on it

Mass Effect andromeda is 6 weeks from release and we still haven't gotten any gameplay videos on it.

How badly will they fail Sup Forums?

We have gotten gameplay videos. They were just so bland and awful nobody cared.

>game isn't fully ready at launch
>Bioware announce they will be releasing it in 'episodes'

We did get gameplay, and it looked terrible. That being said, the game isn't going to fail because there's a whole generation of people who haven't ever picked up a book in their lives who think that Bioware has good writing, and will buy it because it's progressive even though it will be just as shitty, if not more so, as the last Mass Effect.


Except that barely 5 minutes of spliced edited footage for a trailer isn't a gameplay demo.

>How badly will they fail?

Hard to say...

>that low test spotty beard growth

At least they know their new audience.

This is just ripping off Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

let's worry about he story instead shall we?


>lets worry about the thing that Bioware has become progressively worse at.

They don't even have cut-scenes nor dialogue anymore for new content in TOR.

So Bioware have finally given us our first tranny companion? How progressive.

looks like fallout 4

that's the main romance option for straight males

There was only one, another showed just pieces of MP.


Lel, she has a more masculine face shape than

And this is the main romance option for straight females

People talk about Cassandra, but imo she was pretty in a rough way.

This woman is just ugly and weird, though. She's like those botoxed hollywood actress.

New asari is cute now, they seem to have fixed her. The sister isn't ugly, but she weird looking kust like this lady.


>EA expects it to sell around 3 million units in the first week based on pre-order estimates

Ha ha that looks like my beard. It's why I shave.

So will this game be not squad based? They havent released any videos with the teammates on it.

Also the defaults Riley sucks, nothing iconic about them like Shepard.

They'll probably get that easily.

Normies think ME3 was pretty good except for the ending.

He doesn't look bad but someone should teach Bioware how to fucking model hair.

The sister looks really weird. I still can't figure out exactly why but it's off putting


Say what you will about nu raider but they know how to design characters

Her mouth looks too big, the side view almost looks normal, or at least better than the front, since you can't see as much of it.

Looks like her dad got cucked by a Syrian refugee and didn't want a paternity test.

The character models look like something out of fable 2 or fucking timesplitters.. revolting.

Crazy eyes, weird cheeks and jawbone.

Her nose is way too high. Either that or her face needs to be longer.

>New asari is cute now,
show an updated pic then

They scanned them while they were both smiling. Look at the corner of their mouth.


her mouth is too big. her jaw is too big. her cheek bones are too big. her nose is too big

The front view looks really fucking terrible graphics wise for a 2017 game

Yeah that was my impression. Fine from the side, mouth looks really big for some reason from the front.

Its oblivions sliders gone out of control

>Models look like shit
>Combat looks floaty and rigid
>Dialogue looks like trash
>Playing as pre-established characters
>Can still only play as humans
>Women are now made ugly intentionally
>No Garrus
>No Wrex
>No Legion
>Still gonna shamefully hand my shekels over to EA because it's Mass Effect

Can someone 'splain this feeling to me?

I wish Peebee felt like she had some actual substance to her. It seems like they're just retreading Sera except without the insanity.

Do we really need a quirky, impulsive outcast who has trouble trusting people and constantly chimes in with hee-lay-ree-us observations?

I have no good expectation for her past being a blue pussy to fade to black with.

Facial structure wise, she's cute. The face paint is still a disgrace, but she's better than the humans.

Even mass effect 3 still got good reviews overall.
This game will make millions and will be praised and I will be upset because of it.

>Can someone 'splain this feeling to me?
Sunk cost fallacy

You're a Biodrone, user

It's called being a cuck.

>Mfw people tell me they don't like InCase because they saw one trap/futa drawing once

They should've told this faggot to shave

ok if that picture is what she will look like then she is cuter. I dont really mind the facepaint but its literally the mass effect lore that asaari evolved to all be super attractive

if they had a full beard, Sup Forums would say numale

I wonder if Peebee is going to be exposed to vacuum like characters were in ME2/3.

Drove me nuts.


>default male Ryder

Dropped. I hope the CC is good enough to recreate alpha Sheploo.

Wait these atrocities are modelled after actual people?

How can you fuck up that bad?

Full but well groomed beard wouldn't. The absolutely disgusting untrimmed hipster horseshit probably would.

Is there a lesbian option or do I have to sex the black guy?

i know! look at the female it looks like some distorted wax dummy

You a racist or something? We don't take kindly to your kind around here shitlord.


Got the same pathetic recessed chin and nose like me, even the low test beard looks like mine(that's why I shave). When I play a character in a game I want to be an attractive alpha male, not some low-test male like I am in real life. I guess it gets easier to self insert.

My pc can barely run Inquisition... I mean the loading times are huge. I have my cellphone next to me so I can pass the time....

Im black

They're trying to keep quit about romance options.
Peebee is definitely going to be one, unfortunately.
Cora just for guys, Liam will obviously be just for women.
A "my dad works at nintendo" leak claims a new alien guy on your team will be bi.

Everyone's keeping their fingers crossed for the female turian.

Yep. Not hyped.

I want to dick the Salarian, Krogan and Squidman.

And I want the straight guys to get to bang Vetra too.

i'm not but ill fucking damned if i'm going to be forced to romance a nigger

shes got those psychotic sjw eyes

Say what you will about nu raider but they know how to design characters

default male looks so gay

She looks like that Down syndrome looking girl from firefly

PeeBee obviously

They always used face models for ME. Shepard, Liara, Kaidan, Samara, Miranda and the journalist had confirmed face models.

To be honest, the dude is an improvement. Liam also isn't bad. It seems they do males well, it's with the female they struggle.

Stop self-oppressing yourself with internalized racism then.

For once I'll actually feel tempted to customize my characters face. I hope they didn't fuck that up too.

I mean I'm presuming you can still romance the asari like always unless bioware did something really weird with her sexuality

They did a fine job for shep, liara kaidan and samara. Miranda ehhh.

The journalist was a rush job probably. Especially considering how unimportant that cunt was.

Wasn't there an early preview article saying they found it forgettable?

I'm guessing its very bland.

Why does every single character have gigantic faces?

The question is will Andromeda surpass Miranda regarding ass?

Her VA and a writer confirmed she's a romance option.

And there's zero chance she'd exclusive to one gender.

The problem is they can't fix the jawlines.
They're always too wide.

>Mass Effect andromeda

Literally who

>Dead, lifeless eyes


Pretty sure that wasn't real.

Still gonna be true, though.

Sounds like you're socially conditioned to be self-racist. Autodiscrimination is the technical term. This is all your closest white friend's fault so you'd better forward his details to the nearest feminist society for investigation.

It's my first time seeing this race and they look dope as fuck.

>What's that player, you want to play as an alien?
>B-but that would mess with our immersive and award-winning storytelling!
>And making character creators for aliens is really hard :(

Is there just like one or two incredible people that work at Bioware that made Mass Effect really good and the rest of the company is trash?

Why do all the females in the game have fucking enormous mouths?

if you are referring to summer glau, kill yourself

>that mouth
>those eyes

Good. Asari are usually the only good lesbian romance option. Ok, Traynor was also decent

Does she has eyebrows because of the face scan??

They've kept the brother's beard and the sister's backside neck hair


For better dick sucking of course.

Don't tell me you failed to notice how Bioware enjoys dicks.


>tfw still no gay krogan

literally garbage desu

I think they took a fisheye perspective for the screenshots for some reason. It's the only thing that makes sense.

That, is one ugly bitch.

Aren't those the ONLY lesbian options?
Unless you count Kelly, I guess.

huh? Why does she have hairy looking eyebrows?

Asari dont have any hair

>Does she has eyebrows because of the face scan??

If that's the case then they're more incompetent than before. Samara and Liara were both scanned from real people and they had no problems removing the brow from final model.