Plenty of positive buzz and hype around it

>Plenty of positive buzz and hype around it
>Almost every Japanese developer has praised it
>Amazing advertising in Japan
>Massive Superbowl Ad was a success
>Techn Blogs think it's a great piece of hardware
>even fucking IGN love it
>BoTW is literally looking to be GOTY

Why do people still think this is going to flop?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is a Sony Echo Chamber.

They're desperate.

>Why do people still think this is going to flop?

Honest question. How long do you guys think it will be until they release an XL or some kind of superior version? 1 year maybe 2?


Sup Forums is just a chamber of hate. There are people here who will preorder it and every one of it's major releases, love them, then still call it shit over here

Because on Sup Forums ++ equals -

Well considering that hasn't happened with any of Nintendo's consoles really I woukdnt count on it. Even the Wii mini was not an upgrade, just a rebranding. There will be price cuts and bundles, but no new models.

Unless they use their handheld strategy, but that seems unlikely to me

The thing looks big enough.

One year. Both the DS Lite and the 3DS XL came out after the original models had been around for just about a year. Early adopters will get BTFO just like always

All western media is praising it only to knock its knees out from under it when it gets released. That is modus operendi for dealing with Nintendo in the west now.

Just you wait, it WILL happen and it will happen very quickly. I'm not saying its fair or reasonable, I am saying that it WILL happen. And Nintendo, being as gullible as they are, won't see it coming.

I don't care what Nintendo's bullshit marketing says. It is a handheld. And every single one of their handhelds gets a revision.
I bet you believed them when they said the DS was a "3rd pillar" too

What I want to know is how long until they start selling this coloring.

1 year

And if they are smart, they just release a more powerful dock which is compatible to the original Switch. Similar to the expansion pak on N64.

Everyone would buy it.

It's literally a Zelda station

Sony shitposters need it to fail in order to justify their purchasing of a 400 dollar Bloodborne box

Literally 1 game at launch and then nothing for months, it's just the norie trend of the moment, they'll soon forget it and come back to their ps4.

>talking about it, rather than actually developing for it
>more buzz
>even more buzz
>a WiiU multiplat

Man, that's a lot of bees!
Meanwhile the only thing that matters, price and library, are abysmal.
Yes it's getting developers, but it's so clear that it's far from their main focus, the bulk of games are still going for PS4/Xbone.

Name any non-exclusive 1st/2nd party developer that is making/porting games for Switch and their lineup still favors the PS4 5x more (Xbone too if it was relevant to japs in any way)

If Switch had real support it would be getting recent multiplats. I would get Prey from Bethesda, rather than Skyrim, a 6 year old game. If it has real support it would be getting For Honor and Wildlands from Ubisoft, rather than Rayman (again) a ~3 year old game. So on and so forth. You know, it would be getting current games, not "testing the waters and bailing out after the 1st year" games.

Hell, their big Capcom entry is a port of a 7(?) year old Xbox360 XBLA version of StreetFighter2, sold at nearly full price.

That Yakuza-looking Sega guy said "it looks interesting" while not announcing any projects whatsoever, he was literally paid to just show up on stage to convince gullible people like you to buy a Switch at launch, meanwhile Sega's (and especially his) main focus is still PS4 with their bulk of games, 90% of which won't be on Switch, mostly just Sonic multiplats.

You have to be an absolute moron to get a Switch at launch. The online aspect isn't ready yet, it's getting no big exclusives at launch (please don't mention 1,2,Switch! please don't be THAT desperate) it's such a clear case of releasing a console too early to fit into their profits come March (their limit date) rather than releasing the system when it's finally ready and has games 1 year from now.
I even bet you're super hyped about Travi's game and SMT, which are still 3 years away

Name 5 switch exclusive games with a confirmed release date in the west

no BOTW and they have to be actual games, no party shit.

I definitely wouldn't want a larger version, but I am sure they will release a more powerful version in 2 years probably. "New Switch" just to fuck with people.


The console was just announced and done so before E3, nothing has a release date except for the really near games (BoTW and MK8D).

>Why do people still think this is going to flop?
Lack of games

I don't give a fuck about third party on Nintendo platforms, and let's be honest, nobody else does either. The real issue here is that they've spent the last two years merging and restructuring their handheld and console divisions so they can bring out consistent first and second party content for this thing, yet the first year is still dry as a bone. What the fuck happened?

so it's getting a multiplat and a rehash, then garbage party game shovelware, lovely launch the switch has going for it.

>not even mentioning that nintendo is combining both divisions into one unit

that alone makes this the most promising nintendo machine since the SNES, because only the SNES received the attention it deserved. Everything after had its attention split with the nintendo handhelds. Not with the switch. All focus on one.

>Literally 1 game at launch and then nothing for months
>they'll soon forget it and come back to their ps4.
>coming back from console that has 1 game just at launch back to console that literally still only has 1 game after 3 years

tip top fucking kek.

I imagine we'll start seeing different color JoyCons as soon as E3.

Because Sonyggers desperately want it to be a flop. The Xbone was DOA, the Wii U failed hard, and Sony has been effectively uncontested this entire gen. It'd be really good for delusional one-console Sonyggers if the Switch flopped too, so they claim it will be so.

Vita is successful in Japan too.

It's a glorified phone. It will overheat after 10 minutes of gameplay

Thats different coloring for the tablet as well though.

Just because Zelda is also on the Wii U doesn't detract from the fact its a fucking Zelda game.

It's literally wii 1.5: revengeance
It's interesting to normies due to a novelty idea, and gimmicks out the asshole, it's appealing to third rate devs, because cheap and easy development with a big user base (for now) and it'll crash and burn faster than shit.

Just like the wii, everyone will get over the gimmicks fast, and begin bitching about them. And sony and ms will continue pushing the envelope in ways that normies like more, so they'll all jump ship within a year or two.

It'll be.a.waste of time to get one until then. Because once it's dead and gone, the console and games will be dirt cheap, and all the best games will already be out. Kind of like how now is rhe best time to get a wii u.

I know you're blinded by awe right now. But trust me, the "crossover" novelty dies fast. I never use my gameboy player anymore, and my psp av cable hasn't seen the light of day in a long time. Even though I still play both handhelds.
At first, it's amazing and all that. Then it's just easier to sit on the couch with it and game while reruns of cooking shows are on in the background (yeah, I know...)

Mark my words, within a month, most of you people will use yiur switch purely as a handheld or a console with no switching going in at all
It's an old ass gimmick that nintendo ha e done themselves. No one ever gave a fuck before, and once they realize what it is, they won't care now either.

the ps4 has a truckload of multiplats that the Wii U and the Switch will never have, the fuck are you on about?

There are people on this board who don't think Splatoon 2 will sell millions and millions

Do you realize how much it's going to sell in Japan alone with local multiplayer and on a portable device?

>all focus on one
>still making 3DS games
>Switch lineup just as barren as the Wii-U


People here dont understand that videogames are for casuals now, and they (the casuals) dont care about fucking frame rate, this or that videocard, marginally graphic differences and such, so they cry.

>they're not talking about the virtual console at all, 3 weeks away from launch

ready for disappointment

Don't think the Console needs different colors desu. Any color goes well with black/dark grey

i can play those multiplats on other things like PC Master Race instead user.

Everyone who wants breath of the wild already got a Wii U for it, that was promised to be the home console for the game itself, we're lucky they had any amount of integrity and decided to keep that promise rather than abandoning the sunken ship that is the Wii U and bringing it exclusively to Switch.

Same user you replied to, I agree with you fully, but that doesn't detract from my claim that the ps4 has them and the Wii U and Switch do not.

It will be Wii U tier until it gets Monster Hunter and Pokemon.

>Still making 3DS games

lol, all 3 of them

>Switch lineup barren
of third party support. First Party is cranking out all of the Wii U's hits throughout its lifespan and more in a single year

>Everyone who wants breath of the wild already got a Wii U for it
I highly doubt it, most of the people who bought the Wii U were Nintendo devotees who will buy a Switch day one anyway. There are plenty of people who want to play the new Zelda but don't own a Wii U since they don't buy consoles on promises.

>First Party is cranking out all of the Wii U's hits throughout its lifespan and more in a single year
Oh really, I didn't know the Switch is getting Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze, The Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade Chronicles X
Oh wait its not.

if you take the joycons out and stick them in your jacket the tablet would esily fit in your back pocket.
also that guy has tiny ass pockets, i can fit my samsung tablet in my back pocket with less hanging out

That's great. I'm happy you think so. I disagree however. I think solid black looks better than any option currently available, or any combination of different color joy-cons with the black screen/gray body would. It'd be one thing if they didn't already have the things getting made, but that is a picture from one being given to dev houses, so they are being made. Why not offer them to consumers as well? Reggie tried the "solid black doesn't sell in the states" before releasing a solid black 3DS XL to NA, which I bought on day 1. If they did the same with a solid black Switch, I'd probably buy it on day 1 as well.


>Massive Superbowl Ad was a success
Source? I like hearing good news. I actually didn't think the ad displayed the message clear enough since it didn't show him playing outside.

There's no way I could prove my claim, so I concede to you. But it could really go either way, one hand it flops because it's release is shitty besides BoTW which is a multiplat, it's dangerous waters to be treading for the Switch's success and I think any honest person would recognize the chance.

what am i supposed to make out of this

the ad ranked 4th

>Ace Metrix, a company dedicated to measure the impact of advertisings, has published the audience impressions from the Super Bowl ads of last night. Among the ads that were ‘new content’ for the Super Bowl Nintendo secured the 4th position, which means that it was well regarded in terms of “Attention, Likeability, Information, Change, Relevance, Desire and Watchability”:

>Ford – Go Further* (appeared before and after the game)
>Audi – Daughter
>King’s Hawaiian – False Cabinet
>Nintendo – Switch & Play
>Kia – Hero’s Journey
>Skittles – Romance
>LIFEWTR – Inspiration
>Febreze – Halftime Bathroom Break is Coming
>Wonderful Pistachios – Ernie Gets Physical
>Honda – Yearbooks
>inb4 somebody complains about vgcharz not being 100% accurate

>More people tried to preorder a PS4/XB1 2 years after they came out than people wanting to preorder a Wii U

It will be a major success.

Sony wins as usual.

If they were merely somewhat inaccurate it would just be annoying. VGChartz literally makes up numbers.

Sure, everything Nintendo always flops, I wonder how they managed to last so much on the game industry.

I disagree. I went from the screw holes to the separation, then copied the distance on to points to create a separate line to account for the space removing the additional joy con would take off. I've been the biggest proponent of back pocketing an XL, but I'd probably be more inclined to get a bag for this. Excluding my original 3DS, every follow up has only set me back $100, but I'm not about to leave that much of a $300 device exposed to bad luck.
They seem accurate enough in this case.

So party games aren't games anymore? What if I have friends to play those with?

>Underpowered home console with shitty gimmick
>Overpowered/sized handheld with shitty battery life

Yah... Hmm...... Yeah.. Naw.

Seriously though we can't let the PS4 have the nuclear codes

Tell me why popularity is now a good thing, when in years prior people on this board constantly accused normies of having terrible taste.

for the sake of this argument, I will not tolerate double standards. For the sake of it, Nintendo and Sony are exactly the same, both in hardware and games.

The Switch without the joycons IS the same size as the XL, but thinner. That pic is weird because of that safe mechanism


The PS4 launch led to a huge neogaf influx and now its just thread after thread of nintendo bitching.

Nah. Means Nintendo's becoming competition again for Sony and MS. I say it's a good thing. Computers have the two company competition problem too, so this might bring more innovative ideas to the table for all parties.

only japan though, which makes me believe switch will sell like fuckin hotcakes over there

Design and market it as a replacement for tablets and I think it could do alright. Also they could try and put out some good first party games

This board has always been about sales numbers


>Design and market it as a replacement for tablets and I think it could do alright

>Also they could try and put out some good first party games

If your console is not successful then say goodbye to games

different groups of people, influx of retarded newfags take argument ad populum and review scores as the gospel

>survived the great vidya crash

Look, I want Nintendo to succeed, because as a customer, I need them to stay in the game. I need the market to be healthy.

However, the offering is laughable. Pay full price for a new console or handheld that plays old games? Skyrim? At specs inferior to those from 2011? Without mods? A monthly NES rom?

My mobile phone does a higher resolution than the switch will. My mid-tier laptop is more powerful and has more functionality. Neither one imposes an extra fee on multiplayer on top of the fee imposed by my ISP.

As a customer, what am I supposed to think? Try as I might, I just can't find anything in the proposition that makes me want to buy a switch.

>replying to ACfag

>survived the great vidya crash
They survived because they werent part of it and "crash" is a big word when all it did was ruining the console market...In the USA...and left the PC market of it completely unharmed

Fuck off shill

The market is different now. Gamers have grown up. They don't want toys, which is what Nintendo how Nintendo survivded the crash to begin with and how they been making sever since.

>even fucking IGN love it

IGN praises everything Nintendo makes

>I wonder how they managed to last so much on the game industry.
The Nintendo of today is not run comparably to the Nintendo of the old days. What they did before isn't relevant to the discussion because their current business model is such a departure from what they did that got themselves to where they are. Yes, they were successful, but they have made many sequential questionable at best choices that have left the community thinking WTF they are thinking. Now the Switch may get them back in classic form, but when OP asks why people still think it is going to flop, the fact that it is Nintendo selling it is a valid response, because their recent decision making has been debatable, and without any even short term market figures to judge whether the Switch is a success, they only fair indicator is Nintendo's recent business history. One may invoke the 3DS and its success, especially because the Switch is meant to be a hybrid of portable and home console. What remains to be seen however is how much the Switch is of each, especially when the designated home system is being discontinued and put out of it's misery, while the President says Nintendo is considering the development of a designated successor to the 3DS before the Switch is even out. Personally, I had thought the successor was going to be the Switch, but what that statement suggests to me is that the Switch is meant to be the successor to Nintendo's home console market more than their portable one, which makes me raise an eyebrow.

Who the fuck spells preorder as pre order?

>implying i need to own 2 different machines to play the EXACT same shit as each other.

Thank you Forbes. For the first time in a long time, I feel proud to be a Nintendo supporter. Fuck you Sonygger scum.

>"Sony fans are not happy with the warm reception that the Nintendo Switch is receiving. They have made their voices heard all over the internet and their desperation has come through in some incredibly embarrassing ways."

>"In the same way that Trump was ridiculed and derided prior to his election as president of the United States, The Switch has found its most vehement detractors in those who are afraid of change."

>"When a paradigm shift occurs, when the wheel begins to turn - it is often those on the wrong end who make the loudest racket."

>"Initial forecasts anticipate that the Nintendo Switch will place the Japanese company back into the spotlight and, at the very least, loosen Sony's grip on the market."

>"The whole truth will only out when the Switch launches on the 3rd of March, but until then, keep your eyes peeled for the shrieks and shudders that continue to emanate from Sony's side of the pitch."

>switch lineup
>2 ports, Splatoon 2: totally not a port edition and 2 original games

Wow so many games. E3 better be good.

It seems like they're betting everyone on Breath of the Wile and waiting to see how the rest plays out. Hell, even the Super Bowl Ad was only focusing on LOZ, nothing else. There just doesn't seem to be anything too compelling in several months outside of that. Also, I think they failed to have a game that utilizes the whole HD rumble gimmick outside of a party game. Seems like a strange move considering how much that feature brings up the price of controllers.

Your mobile phone does NOT run graphically intensive video games. At all. And your mid-tier laptop is a laptop, not a console and not a handheld.

>They don't want toys

Then they don't want games

>Splatoon 2
>a port

And yet:
>Paid Online
>No worthwhile games
>The only exclusive worth a damn is a Mario game of all things, launching in the fucking Winter
>Online still isn't ready, making it another Wii U
>Little to no storage space unless you buy another SD card
>No Ethernet port
>Shitty online incentives
>A tiny as fuck form factor that look uncomfortable
>Dumb HD rumble that won't be used by most devs
>No third party support, looking to have a worst launch than the fucking Wii U in terms of software
>implying the hype isn't because its something new rather than something that's good

Anyone with sense, or even any Wii U owner can see that this thing is not worth an investment.

t. Nintendoyearold.

I've seen this shit posted like 5 times in less than an hour, do Nintendrones need reassurance so badly they have to get it from fucking Forbes?

It could, actually, if someone bothered to make some (like that Final Fantasy thing). It probably has a better battery life too.

Do nintendo fans actually believe in this self-deprecation bs, or did they stop thinking long ago and are just on a loop?
