What is the most terrifying indie horror game of all times

Dungeon nightmare terrifies the normies:

SCP-087-B scared the shit out of me the first time I played:

The Curse Of Blackwater made me shat my pants:

Other urls found in this thread:



Nothing can beat Outlast

how are any of those remotely scary

Thanks user I'll play it tonight

Outlast was just an hide and seek game not really a scary experience

Have you played any of those? What's scary to you?

>walking through rooms is "puzzlely"
why did you even link this pile of shit?

Imscared was really neat when it came out, but it's so damn short, and almost everyone knows about the reveal so it kills most of the delivery.
outlast was pretty bad outside of a few moments.

Outlast is a hundred times better than your shitty indie games. You're just too scared to play it.

Not him but Outlast is terrifying if you get nervous while being chased by something, hide and seek is meh

I don't really like most horror games because they rely on cheap jumpscares, but Clock Tower was special.

Hell yeah clock tower was a master piece for the time. It's not really scary for today standards but still one of the best horror games I've played.

outlast isn't scary because you realize after 30 min that you just need to hide in a closet or under a bed after every major plot point, like pressing a generator button, and the vast majority of encounters can just be passed by sprinting because you move faster than most enemies. also not being able to fight back in any way really kills the tension once you start learning how to cheese encounters just a little bit, and since there are not much depth to the mechanics to begin with you pick up on how to abuse the AI super quickly.

A:Iso is all about being chased by something and was infinitely better than outlast.
RE7 has some huge flaws but it had some hide and seek moments and it did it much better than outlast did.
RE3 was even better with it's cat and mouse setups.
and CoC:DCotE had chase sections that were much better than outlast's.

outside of the trager section and the chase leading up to it, outlast was a pretty poor game, and the only people that liked it haven't played much horror at all. or are reactionfags and won't play any horror unless it has constant jumpscares in place of constant tension.

RE7 was bs from start to finish they just tried to pander to youtubers who want to impress their 12yo audience with (((scary))) games. Outlast had hardcore gore in it and the story was amazing.

What is A: lso ?

This. Outlast is basically an hiding simulator and the plot has no originality.

Outlast 2 is going to be even worse. I'm looking forward to Agony and Scorn:


>can actually fight back; that makes it bs trying to pander to youtubers who want to impress their 12yo audience with (((scary))) games.
>Outlast literally nothing but hiding and even more setpieces which were the flaws of RE7
>but it had hardcore gore in it so it's good.
the story was fucking garbage, especially those last 30 minutes.
>What is A: lso ?
not only shit taste but also new. figures.


>RE7 has some huge flaws but it had some hide and seek moments and it did it much better than outlast did
the AI kills it, its even easier to fool them compared to Outlast enemies

You know nothing about RE7.

Someone give me the deepweb of videogames image
there was a pretty disturbing game on it, i just forgot the name

Sad Satan?

No it was something with k and sounded japanese
there was somekind of classic song in the background but reversed

>the AI kills it
>its even easier to fool them compared to Outlast enemies
in terms of straight running around no, if you include that you can actually fight back then yes, but only because you can do things like shoot their legs to stumble them or temporarily incapacitate them for awhile till you move the plot forward, if you cause a lot of damage to them. the overall AI is much better than outlast. give me a sec and I'll show you a webm of an enemy actually reacting to you're actions outside of a scripted event and when the enemy is outside of the room you're in and still trying to hunt you down.
like I said RE7 has some huge flaws that keep it from being great, but if you really think it's worse than outlast then you're a fucking joke.

oh my god
*retarded question*

You seriously watch this for löonger than 1 minute?

The only thing scary about this shit is the load as fuck noise that plays when that nigga appears near you.

Holy shit this. I don't understand how anyone here out of all places would like a game as mediocre as Outlast.

Besides the enemies, the levels are ridiculously linear and level design is the most unimaginative possible. There are too many scripted parts, and situations that should be tough as shit to overcome can be solved with a couple of clicks (like when you are ambushed by dick bros).

Oh and the ending, it seems the game wasn't bad enough so they decided to completely shit on it during the last half hour.

I love obscure games

Do this day nothing is scarier then SCP contentment Breach.
Shit is down right nightmare worthy.
The first time I saw The Shy Guy charge at me I screamed, which has never happened to me in films or games before.

holy fucking shit OP kill yourself why would you link any of those video's on this board? Never post again you stupid faggot

RE7 is no different. At least Outlast has better gore and more relatable characters.

I loved that game too and the plague doctor, the bell and the painting scared the shit out of me. I was just disappointed by the endings. You should be able to escape in at least one of them.

But you can escape in one ending man.

Someone should do very scary horror game and suddenly it turns 8-bit and has youtube.com/watch?v=7PnRx_lYbfk this playing on the background

it's really not. I'm not saying RE7 is a good game, but they have some major difference in how they handle the hide and seek. stop talking out your ass on game you haven't played.

Please never post again

What's some spooky stuff cut from games?

Sad Satan is so fucking boring and bullshit

b-but who are those guys? where are they taking you? Why did I only get the bad endings?

here, went to shoot a collectable after he left the room, the enemy AI reacted to the sound and came back to do a more thorough search of the area. he usually never goes in that room, just walks in the game room and then ventures around other parts of the house.
Outlast only had one thing that came close to this and it was the medical ward, and even then it's not reacting to what you do in-game, ir's just that when you walk in a room with a specific patient he starts screaming for the doctor to come. the AI won't react to uou unless they see you get in a cabinet or you are literally sprinting a few feet away from them or trigger a story event.

what about scp-087-gaben

lel that's a thing?

Yeah but Outlast is several years older that's just not fair to compare the AI

>I haven't played RE7: The Post
>I'm also 12 years old: The Post

Seriously, hardcore gore?

I honestly can't tell if this post is bait or not.

Yes the gore was amazing and the story had a deep hidden meaning that few people can understand and quite frankly I think that you are just too young to appreciate this master piece.

Go back to your youtube safe space Nintodler.